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Conduction Deafness
a hearing impairment caused by interference w/ the transmission of sound waves thru the external or middle ear. Causes: physical blockage of external auditory meatus, inflammation of the tympanic membrane, adhesions b/w ossicles, or thickening of the oval window.
Nerve deafness
impaired hearing from disease or injury to the inner ear, the vestibulocochlear nerve, or nerve pathwats or centers in the CNS. Causes: infections, tumors, trauma.
sensation of irregular or whirling motion. Cause: tumor associated w/ the vestibulocochlear enrve called acoustic neuroma
Meniere's disease
disease of semicircular canals. Excess endolymph puts pressure on the balance receptors
inflammation associated with the ear. Externa, Media, Mastoiditis, Interna
Otitis Externa
inflammation of the external auditory canal
Otitis Media
inflammation of the middle ear (common in children)
Otitis Mastoiditis
inflammation of the mastoid air cells. Caused by otitis media
Otitis Interna
inflammation of inner ear
loss of transparency of the lens or its capsule.
Detatched retina
seperation of the retina from the choroid due to trauma to the eye
Errors of refraction
Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism
Error of refraction where one has nearsightedness; the parallel rays of light are focused in the front of the retina
Hyperopia = hypermetropia
error of refraction where parallel rays of light are focused in the back of the retina
error of refraction. Condition of unequal curvatures along the different meridians in one or more of the refractive surfaces of the eye. The rays from a luminous point are not focused at a single point on the retina, but are spread out as a line in one or another direction.
increased intraocular pressure due to restricted outflow of the aqueous humor thru the scleral venous sinus. Pressure on the retina or the blood vessels supplying it may result in destruction of the neurons or blindness
edema of the optic disk
drooping of the eyelid; due to a fault of development or paralysis
constant lack of parallelism of the visual axes of the eyes, often caused by lack of coordination of the extrinsic eye muscles

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