undefined, object
copy deck
- unkempt
- not combed; untidy; not properly maintained; unpolished, rude
- decrepit
- worn out; broken down from use
- miasma
- poisonous atmosphere; unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources
- ambiguous
- capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways
- profound
- deeply moving; intense
- unduly
- an undue manner; excessively
- innate
- a trait that is inborn; genetically inherited.
- intermittent
- stopping and starting at intervals; occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous
- subsided
- to become quiet or less
- gape
- to stare with open mouth; to open the mouth wide; to open wide
- heinous
- horrible; abominable; reprehensible; hatefully or shockingly evil
- reticent
- to be silent or uncommunicative in speech
- guise
- an external appearance, cover, mask
- leper
- a person affected by the sickness known as leprosy
- affinity
- a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea
- insidious
- intended to deceive or entrap; sly, treacherous
- stigma
- attribute, behavior, or reputation which is socially discrediting in a particular way: it causes an individual to be mentally classified by others in an undesirable, rejected stereotype rather than in an accepted, normal one
- breviary
- book containing prayers and hymns
- anomalies
- something different, abnormal, peculiar, irregular, or not easily classified
- intrusive
- coming without invitation or welcome
- defecate
- to discharge feces from the bowels
- caudillos
- Spanish word for military leaders
- unabated
- continuing at full strength or intensity
- despot
- ruler with absolute power and authority
- parsimonious
- stingy, cheap, unwilling to spend money in a negative way
- platonic
- a close relationship in which sexual desire is nonexistent
- impassioned
- filled with passion or zeal
- thwart
- to run counter to so as to effectively oppose or baffle, block or hinder; frustrate
- laboriously
- involving or characterized by hard-work or toilsome effort
- avid
- characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit
- impediment
- something that hinders or obstructs; obstacle
- indolent
- having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful, lazy, lethargic
- hagiography
- biography of saints or venerated persons
- commotion
- an agitated disturbance
- proxy
- authority or power to act for another
- repugnant
- repulsive; disgusting; offensive
- prosthetic
- of or relating to an artificial device to replace or augment a missing or impaired part of the body
- bibliophile
- love of books
- camaraderie
- close friendship in a group of friends or teammates; a spirit of familiarity and closeness
- pantheon
- a temple dedicated to all the gods
- prefectural
- district administered or governed by an official
- solemn
- deeply serious and somber
- homage
- public acknowledgment or admiration for an achievement
- inclination
- an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others
- holocaust
- a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering
- subjugate
- to bring under control; to conquer
- guerrilla
- irregular force of local fighters who are organized to sporadically combat, or at least ambush, the better-equipped armies of foreign invaders
- prostrate
- lying flat
- enigma
- something hard to understand or explain
- audacity
- fearless, daring, aggressive boldness
- veneration
- respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person
- haughty
- blatantly and disdainfully proud, arrogant, condescending
- leprosy
- a chronic infectious disease caused by a mycobacterium affecting especially the skin and peripheral nerves.
- patron
- chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter
- monopolies
- markets, companies, or corporations in which there are many buyers but only one dominant seller
- mutual
- possessed, experienced, performed, etc., by each of two or more with respect to the other; reciprocal
- malaise
- sense of bodily discomfort, depression or unease
- yen
- the basic unit of money in Japan
- retrogress
- to move backward; to return to an earlier condition
- apparatchik
- a member of a communist group
- intact
- untouched by anything that damages or diminishes
- feasible
- possible, able to be done
- volatile
- explosive; liable to lead to sudden change or violence
- tractable
- easily taught, led, or controlled
- philosophy
- the study of existence, knowledge, truth, justice, beauty, validity, mind, and language
- defiant
- full of or showing resistance
- blatant
- brazenly obvious; flagrant
- misogamy
- hatred of marriage
- malaria
- a disease spread by mosquitoes
- incendiary
- of or containing chemicals that cause fire when exploded; arousing to action or rebellion
- acrimonious
- of words, arguments, quarrels: bitter; sharp in language or tone
- elopement
- the act of running away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent
- stupor
- mental numbness from shock; a daze
- disruptive
- characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination
- jillion
- an indeterminately large number
- vain
- conceited; characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self importance
- pernicious
- highly injurious or destructive; deadly, exceedingly harmful
- Anglophobia
- dislike of England or the English
- compatriot
- a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another
- catechist
- those who teach Christian doctrine
- racism
- a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
- mordant
- sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting
- civil rights
- the nonpolitical rights of a citizen, especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to u.s. citizens by the constitution
- deception
- the act of lying or tricking
- aloof
- removed or distant either physically or emotionally
- proletariat
- the working class, especially those who lack capital and must sell their unskilled labor in order to survive
- rudimentary
- basic; at the roots
- deficient
- not up to a normal standard; defective
- deploy
- to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up
- evocation
- calling up spirits or other non-physical entities
- incantation
- a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung for a magic effect
- preconceptions
- an opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience, especially a prejudice or bias
- philanthropist
- lover of humanity; (person active in promoting human welfare)
- revolutionize
- to change fundamentally or completely
- jeopardy
- danger
- anarchist
- a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
- cordial
- politely warm and friendly
- akin
- essentially similar, related, or compatible
- exploit
- to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage
- euphemism
- the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt
- periphery
- perimeter of a circle or other closed curve
- viscera
- the soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities
- moribund
- being in the state of dying; approaching death
- assiduous
- hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious
- misanthrope
- hater of humanity
- buffeted
- forced; battered
- atheist
- one who believes that there is no deity or god
- corralled
- to enclose for capture
- pliant
- bendable; capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking
- tumultuous
- disruptive; characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination
- capricious
- impulsive, unpredictable; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
- gorge
- to eat greedily
- acrophobia
- fear of heights
- amicable
- peaceable, friendly
- xenophobic
- having a fear or hatred for foreigners
- ascendant
- a lineal or collateral relative; someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)
- verbatim
- word for word; exactly as written or spoken
- Cold War
- the war between the soviet union and the united states. the war was fought between communists and capitalists.
- intimation
- a hint, indirect suggestion
- notoriety
- the quality or state of being well-known or talked of, but not always in a positive manner
- meticulous
- extremely careful; particular about details
- stoically
- unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
- solidarity
- unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community of interests
- fortuitous
- coming or happening by a lucky chance
- benediction
- blessing: the act of praying for divine protection
- conserve
- keep from waste, loss, or decay; save
- compassion
- a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
- agoraphobia
- fear of open spaces
- regime
- a government in power
- evocative
- that brings to mind a memory, mood or image; redolent or reminiscent
- efficacious
- the power of producing the desire effect
- monophobia
- fear of being alone
- Marxism
- the political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Karl Marx that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded
- keenness
- animated by or showing strong feeling or desire; a quick and penetrating intelligence
- fraternity
- a group of persons associated by or as if by ties of brotherhood
- persecute
- to cause to suffer, especially for religious purposes
- burrowed
- dug a hole or tunnel especially for dwelling
- attitudinizing
- assuming a false attitude; posturing
- surrogate
- one that serves as a substitute
- apathetic
- uninterested; uncaring
- platelet
- a blood cell that assists in blood clotting
- inheritance
- something that is owed as a possession, especially as a right or divine portion
- invariably
- changing or capable of being changed; static or constant
- indigenous
- having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment
- secular
- not overtly or specifically religious
- claustrophobia
- fear of enclosed or narrow places
- condone
- to approve of; to treat as acceptable
- contusions
- bruises
- affluence
- an abundant flow or supply; abundant wealth
- atrocities
- things that are horrible, abominable, or appalling
- rhetoric
- using language effectively to please or persuade
- eradicated
- to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate
- phobia
- fear, dread, aversion
- futile
- serving no useful purpose
- impishly
- in an appealing but bold manner
- adrift
- floating without control; drifting; not anchored or moored
- paradox
- a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true
- rummage
- to make a thorough search or investigation
- volition
- conscious decision, the act of making a choice
- garrison
- a military post
- separatist
- an advocate of racial or cultural separation
- orthodoxy
- state of following established teachings especially in religion
- archetypal
- the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies
- incongruous
- not conforming; disagreeing; incompatible: not harmonious
- xenophobia
- aversion to foreigners
- ethnography
- a branch of anthropology dealing with the scientific description of individual
- condemn
- to declare as wrong or evil
- pummeled
- beat; hit
- ornate
- elaborately ornamented, often to excess; flashy, flowery or showy
- symbiosis
- a cooperative relationship
- augment
- to make larger, increase
- charismatic
- having or exhibiting a special magnetic charm or appeal
- elation
- pride; joy
- inaugurate
- to induct into an office with suitable ceremonies
- buoyant
- capable of maintaining a satisfactorily high level; characterized by liveliness and light-heartedness
- folly
- lack of good sense; foolish action or undertaking
- endemic
- natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous
- putrescence
- the quality of decomposing, rotting, foul-smelling matter
- enrapture
- to fill with delight
- epitome
- a typical or ideal example
- affliction
- the cause of persistent pain or distress
- misanthropy
- hatred of humanity
- nationalist
- someone who is loyal and devoted to their country
- irrevocable
- impossible to withdraw
- reverence
- honor or respect felt or shown
- populist
- a person who advocates democratic principles; a politician who advocates specific policies just because they are popular
- photophobia
- morbid fear to light
- solicitous
- marked by anxious care and attentiveness; meticulously careful
- sallow
- of a sickly grayish greenish yellow color
- iconoclastic
- description of a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
- philanthropy
- love of humanity, (as shown in donations to charities and social causes)
- ubiquitous
- existing or being everywhere
- scrutinize
- to examine closely
- fluctuate
- to shift back and forth uncertainly
- render
- to produce a copy or version of
- anglophile
- supporter of England or the English
- raze
- destroy utterly by tearing down; demolish; level
- Third World
- developing nation in the world. a country that is economically unstable.
- myriad
- a great number
- forsaking
- giving up something formerly held dear; abandon
- fortitude
- courage in facing difficulties
- stagnate
- the state of not advancing or developing
- bombastic
- marked by using pretentious inflated speech or writing
- catalyst
- a substance or agent that initiates a chemical reaction and makes possible for it to proceed.
- exploitation
- the act of making a profit from the labor of others without giving a just return
- libertarian
- person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action
- hedonistic
- characterized by the pursuit of sensual pleasures
- reiterate
- to say again, repeat
- audiophile
- love of sound technology (one who is enthusiastic about the high fidelity sound reproduction of cds, tapes, etc)
- exotic
- introduced from another country; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual
- clandestine
- marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy
- agrarian
- relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property
- undulating
- to move with a sinuous or wavelike motion; display a smooth rising-and-falling or side-to-side alternation of movement
- succinct
- short; to the point; concise
- euphoria
- a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania
- pious
- showing loyal reverence for a person or thing
- grimace
- a wry face, facial distortion; to make a wry face
- confidante
- character who shares secrets, personal information, or discussions of intimate or internal conflicts with another
- dilapidated
- to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin
- socialist
- someone who advocates or supports a system of society in which there is no private property: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
- interminable
- having or seeming to have no end
- fervent
- exhibiting great intensity of feeling; characterized by intense emotion
- conflagration
- an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land and property
- sobriety
- the state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol
- exorcise
- to free from evil spirits or malign influences
- crux
- basic, central, or critical point
- cynic
- someone who is critical of the motives of others
- stupefied
- with senses dulled by amazement
- frivolous
- quality or state of lacking in seriousness; not serious in content or attitude or behavior
- demagogue
- a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
- consecrate
- make sacred
- conservative
- tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions
- fretful
- antsy; nervous and unable to relax
- viceroy
- governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign
- relinquish
- to withdraw or retreat from
- etched
- cut into the surface of
- earnest
- characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind
- propensity
- an often intense natural inclination or preference
- languish
- become dispirited; to suffer neglect
- eccentric
- deviating from an established or usual pattern or style; weird; unusual
- precarious
- (1)dangerously lacking security or stability (2) dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain development
- indelible
- that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased
- extricated
- pulled out
- ebullient
- cheerful, happy; joyously unrestrained
- colic
- waves of pain in the abdomen that increase in strength, disappear, and return; usually caused by a stone blocking a bile or urine passageway or an intestinal infection
- fascist
- someone who advocates or supports a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a dictator, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
- stout
- thick, stocky; strong of character
- lucrative
- producing wealth; highly profitable.
- tentative
- experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant
- belligerent
- given to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive; one at war, one engaged in war
- imperial
- of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
- narcissistic
- an excessive love or admiration of oneself
- retort
- answer; reply sharply or angrily
- sovereign
- not controlled by outside forces
- oligarchy
- a government run by only a few, often the wealthy
- confounding
- baffling or frustrating, or confusing
- convivial
- sociable; occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
- atavistic
- A characteristic of a previous time or era; ancient, past
- estuary
- a water passage where the tide meets a river current
- transient
- passing through or by a place with only a brief stay
- nostalgia
- longing for something past; homesickness
- burgeoning
- growing and expanding rapidly : flourishing
- emanate
- to come out from a source
- sybarites
- people devoted to pleasure and luxury
- adulterate
- to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value
- silo
- especially a tall cylinder (as of wood or concrete) usually sealed to exclude air and used for making and storing silage
- submissive
- inclined or willing to give in or give up to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination
- transcend
- to rise above or go beyond the limits of
- reconnaissance
- exploration of an area to get information
- incorrigible
- incapable of being corrected or amended
- annexation
- the inclusion, attachment or addition of territory to a city or special district.
- invalid
- not binding in law; having no force or effect
- radical
- tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions
- hydrophobia
- morbid (abnormal) fear of water
- coconspirator
- someone who joins another person in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement
- aristocratic
- belonging to a government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class
- chagrin
- feeling of embarrassment or humiliation caused by failure or disappointment
- quarantine
- to isolate from normal relations or communication
- emulate
- to imitate
- acrid
- unpleasantly sharp, bitter to smell
- cohorts
- group of individuals having a statistical factor (as age or class membership) in common in a demographic study; companions
- perpetuate
- cause to continue or prevail
- concocted
- invented, made up, to prepare by combing raw materials
- invigorating
- the state of giving life and energy to
- scarce
- rare; insufficient to demand; occurring in small quantity
- gregarious
- outgoing; friendly
- ideology
- integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
- ostensibly
- represented or appearing as such; meant to be real; seemingly
- subvert
- overturn or overthrow from the foundation, undermine
- harmonious
- peaceable or friendly relations; agreement
- mien
- a person's manner or appearance; the external appearance or manner of a person.
- admonishment
- to caution, or counsel against something; warning; reproof, reprimand
- latrine
- a toilet, often for the use of a large number of people
- pretentious
- creating an appearance of importance or demanding merit when undeserved
- illusory
- causing illusion; deceptive; misleading
- misogyny
- hatred of women
- caustic
- marked by direct sarcasm; any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue
- ameliorate
- become better; make better; improve; enhance
- ambidextrous
- able to use both hands equally well; very skillful; deceitful, hypocritical
- quintessence
- the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example
- protégé
- a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced person
- philosopher
- lover of, (or searcher for), wisdom or knowledge
- disposition
- personality, temperament
- onerous
- burdensome; difficult; wearing; tiring
- poignant
- profoundly moving; touching
- warily
- cautiously, with great care
- aquiline
- curved down like an eagle's beak
- paroxysm
- sudden outburst
- Muslim
- an adherent of Islam who believes in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet
- illustrious
- celebrated; widely known and dignified
- cellophane
- thin transparent sheets used especially for packaging
- resonance
- the state of continuing to sound or echo
- decadence
- characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence
- penchant
- strong and continued inclination; a strong liking
- subterfuge
- a clever trick or strategy used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something
- wily
- crafty; marked by skill in deception
- suppurate
- to produce pus
- opulent
- exhibiting or characterized by wealth
- enthrall
- to charm
- feminist
- someone who believes in the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
- detriment
- injury, damage, or something that causes it; disadvantage
- emphatically
- positively; definitely; without question and beyond doubt
- heathen
- strange, uncivilized, a person that does not believe in religion
- nationalization
- the action of bringing land, property and industries under the control of the nation
- embalming
- to treat (a corpse) with preservatives in order to prevent decay
- antipathies
- a feeling of intense dislike
- charred
- scorched
- tepid
- lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest
- formerly
- in an earlier period; previously
- bucolic
- relating to or typical of rural life
- exile
- the state or a period of forced absence from one's country or home
- irate
- feeling or showing extreme anger