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A Moral Contention: The Renaissance and Reformation


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The church court that tortured and executed heretics.
Charles V
The Holy Roman Emperor at the time of the protestan revolution, Charles tried many tiems to end the revolution and resotre catholic order. He called for the Diet of Worms with martin Luther, in which he ended up calling Martin Luther an outlaw.
They were originally given to people who had done good deeds, and they made your time in purgatory shorter. The catholic church then started selling them for money, and this is what sparked the protestant revolution.
Anglican Church
The name for the church of england, which was officially protestant but retained many catholic practices.
They believed that babies should not be baptized, because they have no way to choose their religion, only an adult can do that. For the most part, they were peaceful and did not force their religion on people.
A form of calvinism, presbyterians ran their church by a council of elders.
a very devout folower of christianity, who sought pure practice of religion, and who believed that god was all powerful and that everyone should bow down.
Johan Gutenberg
He invented the printing press, which led to a massive spread of knowledge throughout Europe, because books could be copied much easier.
The first revolution against the Catholic religion. It was started by martin luther, and was against the corrupt and money craving clergy and church officials. He said that all men were equal, indulgences should not be given, especially for money, and that all should be able to learn the bible.
The concept of studying classical learning and embracing self achievement and allowing humans to do whatever they please. This movement was the main concept behind all the lavish artwork, poetry, and writings of The Renaissance. Humanists focused more on worldly learning than the previous focus on religion.
He was slightly younger than Michelangelo, and he was widely admired throughout Europe. He developed his own style of painting that merged Christian and classical concepts.
John Calvin
A reformist who believed that god determined everyone's fate, and all that you could do was pray and be faithful and hope for salvation.
a goupr of people that underwent stirct and rigorous prayer, and that went around protecting and spreading the catholic faith worldwide.
The conept that god determines everyone's fate before they are born, and that humans can do nothign about it.
The 95 Theses
95 arguments written by Martin Luther protesting the catholic church which were then posted on the cathedral door on october 31, 1517.
Council of Trent
A council led by Carlo Borromeo, it discussed how to change back to the original catho0lic values that were questioned by the protestants.
Catholic (Counter) Reformation
led by pope paul III, the catholic reformation was a reformation of the catholic church from its old corrupted ways. They empowered the inquisition and established the council of trent, which met many times about how to further enhance the catholic faith. This reformation brought much of the power back to the catholics.
Queen Elizabeth (Elizabethan Settlement)
a queen that made a series of religious reforms that eased many of the problems between religions.
An artist who had many talents such as painting, sculpting, engineering, architecture, and poetry. He began his career as a sculptor, but later moved on to be a skileld painter, most famous for his massive mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Leonardo da Vinci
An artist who had an endless curiosity that fed a genius for invention. He started off making sketches and paintings of nature and human models, and he dissected corpses to learn more about the human anatomy, thus leading to much more realistic paintings than before. He was also a pro at perspective, which is seen in The Last Supper. He also invented a lot of things like submarines and helicopters.
Index of Prohibited Books
books considered unreadable because they went against the catholic faith.
Martin Luther
The man who triggered the protestant revolution, he was upset by the church corruption and worldliness, and wanted a more simple church that followed the values that Jesus started the religion on. He used many different forms of media to get his ideas out, and eventually grew into an entire sect of christianity that was very popular.
A writer that wrote a guide for rulers on how to gain power and retain that power. Instead of focusing on inner values, he looked at real rulers in the ruthless political battle that was that time period. He urged rulers to use whatever methods necessary to obtain power.
Justification (Salvation) by Faith
The concept that salvation, or acceptance into heaven, is achieved only through faith, instead of faith and good deeds, which in some priests translations was faith and paying the church lots of money.
A Dutch priest and humanist, he was one of the most important scholars of the Renaissance. He wrote many important texts and called for a translation of the bible into vernacular, and called for religious reforms as well.
Henry VIII
A catholic king of england who converted the entire nation to protestant just so he could divorce his wife and marry a housemaid to have babies with her. He appointed himself as the head religious leader, and still practiced many catholic customs, but was officially protestant.
Priesthood of all believers
The doctrine that states that all humans are spiritual and can access god, not just priests and church officials.
Peace of Augsburg
The settlement reached between Charles V and the protestant princes, it allowed princes to decide which religion their fief would follow. Most northen german states chose lutheran, and southern remained catholic.
Jan van Eyck
One of the most important Flemish painters, he portrayed the townspeople and religious scenes in rich and vibrant detail. He also revolutionalized oil painting.

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