1st aortic arch
maxillary artery
1st is MAXimal
1st branchial cleft
external auditory meatus, middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, mastoid air cells
- 2nd aortic arch
stapedial and hyoid
- 2nd branchial cleft
epithelial lining of palantine tonsil
- 3rd aortic arch
common carotid and prox internal carotid
C is 3rd letter of alphabet
- 3rd branchial cleft
dorsal: inf parathyroids
ventral: thymus
- 4th aortic arch
left: aortic arch
Right: prox right subclavian
"4 limbs"=systemic
- 4th branchial cleft
superior parathyroids
- 6th aortic arch
prox part of pulm arteries and ductus arteriosis
"pulm and pulm to systemic shunt"
derivation of:
branchial clefts
branchial arches
branchial pouches
"CAP from outside to inside"
infecctions that cause fetal deafness
infecctions that cause fetal blindness
CMV, Rubella
syphilis, toxo, varicella
umbilical arteries become
allantois/urachus becomes
medial umbilical ligaments
meniaN umbilical ligament
when does the morula enter the uterus
when does Implantation occur
day 3
day 6
ant pit is derived from
surface ectoderm
branchial arch 1
CN 5
mandilbe, malleus, incus
m. of mastication, mylohyoid, tensors, ant bell digastric, ant 2/3 tongue (sensation)
branchial arch 2
CN 7
stapes, styloid process, lesser horn hyoid, stylohyoid lig
facial m., stapedius, sylohyoid, post belly digastric
branchial arch 3
CN 9
greater horn hyoid
"styloPHARYNGEUS by glossoPHARYNGEAL n."
branchial arch 4/6
CN 10
thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
pharyngeal constrictors, levator veli palatini, larynx m.
cleft lip
- fusion of maxillary and intermaxillary (medial) nasal processes
cleft palate
fusion of median palantine processes
ductus venosus
shunt from umbilical vein to IVC (oxygenated blood)
bypass liver
dura matter is derived from
also serous linings of body cavities, spleen, adrenal cortex, kidneys
- Fetal erythropoesis
yolk sac 3-8wks
liver 6-30wks
spleen 9-28 wks
marrow 28wks on
gut tube epithelium
- endoderm
heart defect in down's
endocardial cushion defects! Neural crest cell migration
common AV canal (w/ one big AV valve)
heart defects in Turner's
left side output problems: bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation, hypoplastic left heart
neural crest-derived tissues
ANS, dorsal root ganglia, cranial n., melanocytes, chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, enterochromoaffin cells, pia dn arachnoid, celiac ganglion, schwann cells, odontoblasts, parafollicular cells, laryngeal cartilage, bones of skull
- parts that make up the diaphragm
septum transversum, pleuroperitoneal folds, body wall, dorsal mesentery of esophagus
"Several Parts Build Diaphragm"
post pit is derived from
neural ectoderm
- postnatal derivative of notochord
- nucleus pulposus
saturation of umbilical vein blood
- 80%
tongue arch development and innervation
ant 2/3: 1st branchial arch, sensory V3, taste VII, motor XII
post 1/3: 3rd and 4th arches, sensory/taste IX (very post part=X), motor XII
- trinucleotide expansion diseases
- huntington's, fragile X, friederich's ataxia, myotonic dystrophy
umbilical vein becomes
ligamentum teres of liver
- what type of defect is a VSD
endocardial cushion (atrioventricular canal defect)
partial defect is ASD
when do genitalia have male/female characteristics
- wk 10
when does gastrulation stats
week 3
mesorderm squishes between epi and hypoblast making the 3 germ cell layers
This starts 2 wks after ovulation! around the time of usual pregnancy!
when does heart begin to beat
wk 4
when is the bilaminar disk formed
week 2
epiblast and hypoblast