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Collective violence
often organized by a group of individuals or a social movement, this type of violence is used to promote an agenda or resist an oppressive other
the integration on a world scale of economic activites and people by units of private capital and improved communications technology and transportation. In other words, it is the trend of increasing interdependence between the economies and socities of the world.
a system of beliefs that explain how society is, or should bel any sytem of ideas underlying and informing political action. In a marxist sense, ideological ideas justify and legitimate subordination of one group to another
the exercie of political and economic control by one state over the territory of another, often by military means. Developing countries are often the focus of imperialistic and exploitive activities that stifle their own development and concentrate their resources and labour for the profits of advanced capitalist countries.
interpersonal violence
violent interactions occurring between individualsm, such as murders, rapes and domestic and child abuse.
low intensity conflicts lics
conflicts involving smaller armies of guerillas, terrorists or civilians. LICS are less organized campaigns characterized by small arms combat, bombings,ambushes, assasinations, and massacres
mutually assured destruction
the fear of destroying ones own people acts as a deterrent to acts of aggression. For example, the detonation of a nuclear warhead could clearly result in all sides being decimated and is often used as a threat rather than as a real option.
post traumatic stress disorder
a form of psycholoigical distress produced by a traumatic experience such as crime victimization., sexual assault, or military combat. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disturbances, disruptoon of concentration, anxiety, depression, irrational fear, and flashbacks triggered by loud noises like thunder or even a cars backfiring.
relative deprivation theory
the feelings felt and the judgments reached when an individual or members of a group compare themselves to others who are better off materially. It is not absolute standards that are important in making such judgements, but the relative standards or frame of refference in terms of which people make judgements. These sentiments can be argued as brewing social movements.
resource mobilization theory
emphasizes the critical role that material resources play in forming social movements. in this perspective, social movements are not founded on hysteria and frustration, but are based on rationality, leadership, and organization.
social movement
and broad social allieance of people who seek to effect or block an aspect of social change within a society. While they may be informally organized, they may in time lead to the formation of formal organizations such as pilitical parties and labour unions. Examples of social movements include political movements, labour movements, the womens movement, ecolocigical movements, and peace movements.
violent, usually armed conflict between states or people. This includes armed conflict, undeclared battles, civil conflicts, guerilla wars, covert opeartions, and even terrorism. It is often argued that warfareis a culturally influenced phenomenon rather than simply biologically determined (instictual aggressiveness). This would explain why some countries and cultures are more prone to warfare.
world system theory
a conception of the modern social world that views it as comprising one interlinked entity with an international division of labour unregulated by any one political structure. Developed by immanuel wallerstein, this tehory seeks to explain the uneven pace of development in the world by looking at the unequal relations between different countries.

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