The Road to Revolution
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- A sudden and complete change such as an overthrow of an extablished government
- This valley stretches for 1000 miles with the Appalachians on the east and the Miss River on the west
- The Ohio River valley
- Before Europeans arrived, who lived in Ohio River Valley?
- Native Americans
- What is west of Ohio River valley and what country owned that area west?
- Louisiana Territory-owned by French
- Because of early exploration and settlement, both the Brits and French believed this territory belonged to them
- Ohio River Valley
- The the French the Ohio River Valley was an important link between France's holdings in ___ in the north and ____ in the west
- CANADA-to the north LOUISIANA to the west
- The Brits, especially those in the colonies of Pennsylvania and Virginia, saw the Ohio River Valley asan area for _____and ______.
- an area for trade and growth
- What 2 ways did the French make their claim on the Ohio river Valley stronger?
- French sent soldiers into region to drive out Brits Also built a line of forts near the eastern edge (near App MTNS) of the valley
- How did the Brit's view the French making their claim on the Ohio river Valley stronger?
- Brits viewed this as an act of war and took action-ordered French to leave
- Who did Gov Dinwiddie of Va send to Ohio River to order French to leave?
- Young George Washington (21 yrs old)
- When the French refused G Wahington's order to leave, what did Brits do?
- Dinwiddie sends soldiers to build a fort at the fork of the Ohio River, where Pittsburgh Pennsylvania stands
- How did the French react to the Brit's fort at fork of Ohio River?
- They attacked it and built their own fort there-called Fort Duquesne
- The Plan set forth by Ben Franklin to unite the colonies against the French so that the Brits could win the Fr-Indian war?
- The Albany Plan
- Why is it called the French and Indian War
- This is what the Brits called it because they were fighting the FRENCH AND THE INDIANS
- Why did Ben Franklin think that the Albany Plan (Albany Congress) was necessary?
- he knew that the colonists needed more than Indian Allies to defeat the French
- The French had most of the Indians on their side but what one Indian group sided with the Brits?
- The Iroquois
- Why did the Brits in England urge the colonists to meet with the Iroquois
- After George Washington was defeated at Fort Necessity, the Brits wanted to make sure they had Iroquois loyalty.
- An order from a country's leader to its citizens is called a ___
- Proclamation
- As part of the Proclamation of 1763, King George III siad that the land west of the Appalachians was to be used by __ only!
- Native Americans
- What were the 4 terms of the Proclamation of 1763?
- For the Land west of the Appalachians British colonists can't 1)buy land from indians 2) hunt on the land or 3) Explore the land 4) Settlers must leave at once
- As part of the Proclamation of 1763, King George III siad that the land west of the Appalachians was to be used by Native Americans only?
- He hoped to prevent more wars between the colonists and the Indians- he couldn't afford the cost or the manpower!
- Why did King George want to prevent more wars between the colonists and the Indians-
- He couldn't afford the cost or the manpower!
- How did the colonists react to the Proclamation of 1763
- They were angry about having their freedom to settle and explore removed They knew the Proclamation could not be enforced to many explored anyway
- What rebellion prompted the Proclamation of 1763?
- Pontiac's rebellion
- Right after the Fr and Indian war,what did the British and colonists handle their newly found land in the Ohio River Valley?
- Now that it was under British control, colonists began to settle there
- Who won the French and Indian war and what did they actually win?
- The British (and colonists) won and they got control over the Ohio River Valley
- Who was the Ottawa tribe chief who didn't like the British settling in the Ohio river valley
- Chief Pontiac
- Why did Chief Pontiac unite other tribes to fight the colonists in the Ohio River Valley
- He wanted to stop the loss of Indian hunting grounds
- What did the Indians actually do during Pontiac's Rebellion
- They attacked British forts in the Ohio River Valley
- Why did Indians during Pontiac's rebellion attack the British forts in the Ohio River Valley
- 1)The wanted to destroy British presence in the valley 2) they wanted to get guns and supplies which in the past they got from the French
- What made Pontiac's rebellion stop?
- As winter came, many indian fighters signed peace treaties with the Brits and began to return home. Without supplies or soldiers, Pontiac had to give up control of the British forts.
- Why did Pontiac have to give up control of the British forts?
- As winter came, many Indian fighters signed peace treaties with the Brits and began to return home. Without supplies or soldiers, Pontiac had to give up control of the British forts.
- What caused Pontiac's rebellion?
- Chief Pontiac was unhappy with the British colonists settling in and taking over the indian hunting lands of the Ohio River Valley
- Law forced colonists to pay tax on certain items that were then stamped to show the tax had been paid-newspapers,playing cards, legal documents, diplomas and licenses.
- Stamp Act
- Laws that placed import taxes on paint, glass, lead, paper and tea coming into America. The $ ade would pay for British officers
- Townsend Act
- "unacceptable" acts that came after the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonists- it quartered troops around Massachusetts to prevent meetings and blockaded Boston ports so that colonists could not trade
- Intolerable Acts
- The British East India was given exclusive rights to sell (a monopoly) tea
- Tea Act
- The Sons of Liberty dressed as Mohawk Indians, boarded British ships and threw 342 tea chests into the harbor
- Boston Tea Party
- Colonists in Boston were shot after taunting British soldiers
- Boston Massacre
- Colonists meet to discuss how to respond to growing British threat 56 delegates
- First Continental Congress
- Charged with treason (disloyalty) by British government because as a protest to the Stamp Act,he told Virginians that they alone should decide what taxes to pay.
- Patrick Henry
- The First continental congress met why?
- To discuss how to react to the growing British threat
- What did the First Continental Congress actually do?
- 56 delegates -Debate breaking with Britain or try to find a way to get along -Wrote a petition asking for right to liberty, peace, the right to make own laws. The ist C Congress privately agreed to stop trade with Britain and if they did not get a response to their proclamation they would meet for a second cont't congress
- The First Continental Congress did all but which? a)make a direct appeal for peace to King George b) arrange to meet for a 2nd Con Congress c) create a colonial army d) approve a ban on imports and exports from Britain
- c) create a colonial army
- People who wanted to maintain support with Great Britain
- In Europe the French and Indian war was called the _____
- Which act upset the colonists because it was a direct tax on the colonies? Stamp Act Townsend Act Quartering Act Intolerable Act
- STAMP ACT- tax on certain everyday items-newspapers, legal documents, diplomas
- Required colonists to pay for housing and feeding of British soldiers in their area
- Quartering Act
- A protest group formed in the colonies. They seized and burned stamps
- The Sons of Liberty
- They threw tea into Boston Harbor
- The Sons of Liberty
- Why did the British want to tax the colonists after the Frecnh and Indian War?
- They wanted the $ to support and defend the new huge territory in the Ohio River Valley
- A protest group formed in the colonies. They seized and burned stamps
- The Sons of Liberty
- They threw tea into the harbor
- The Sons of Liberty
- The first battle of the Revolution was here
- Lexington (in Massachusetts)
- Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
- In response to the Townshend Acts the colonists agreed to not...
- import taxed items (dead, paint, paper, tea)
- The Battle of Concord led to all except a) forcing the British back to Boston b) starting the Revolution c) the colonial uprising being crushed d) the death of many British soldiers
- c) the colonial uprising being crushed
- The 2nd Continental Congress did all except a) approve a ban on exports/imports with Britain b) appoint George Washington military commander c) decided to print its own $ d) approve the raising of an army
- a) approve a ban on exports/imports with Britain
- Which act upset the colonists because it was a direct tax on the colonies
- Stamp Act
- Unlike the British, the French offered the Native Americans a) alcohol b) Christianity c) horses d) respect during the French and Indian War
- d respect
- The colonists believed that the French and Indian war had been fought to protect
- British trade
- The colonists believed that they must be represented in Parliament in order for them to be___
- taxed
- A major strength of the American Forces was their a)superior navy b)determination to be free c)better weapons d)help from German soldiers
- b)determination to be free
- Colonists who supported freedom were called
- Colonists were against the Stamp and Townshend Acts because they represented
- The ending of the French & Indian war forced the Brits to
- tax the colonies to pay for war
- The Battles of ____ and ____ were important because the Americans showed that they were willing to fight for their rights
- Lexington and Concord
- He was a Virginia statesman who sspoke out against "Taxation without Representation!"
- Patrick Henry
- He roused colonial farmers and townspeople from Boston to Lexington warning them of advancing British soliders
- Paul Revere
- After Pariament passed the Coercive or Intolerable acts, British soldiers were
- quartered in Boston Homes
- Which happened first? a) Parliament passed the Stamp act b) Britain won the Fr and Indian War c) Colonists died at the Boston Massacre d) Sons of Liberty dumped tea into Boston Harbor
- Britain won the Fr and Indian War
- In response to the Intolerable Acts the colonists responded by organizing a
- militia of soldiers
- What news of a battle led to the meeting of the 2nd Continental Congress
- News of the battle of Lexington and Concord
- After news of the battle of Lexington and Concord spread through the colonies the 2nd Contl Congress met to
- decide what the colonies should do
- When the 2nd Contl Congress met, what things did they do/decide?
- a)prepare for war b)form an army c) Get George Washington as head d) make their own money
- The Second Continental Congress tried to make peace with Britain by sending the
- Olive Branch Petition
- What were merchants in Britain worried about with the Stamp act?
- They were worried that the colonists' boycott on their goods would make them lose money
- The British merchants were worried that the colonists' Stamp ACT boycott on their goods would make them lose money so they urged Parliament to do what
- to repeal (cancel) the Stamp Act
- The British merchants urged Parliament to ___ the Stamp act
- Repeal or cancel
- to have a say in matters is to have---
- Representation
- Colonists were upset that they did not have any voice or representation in Parliament in deciding to pass this law/act
- The Stamp Act
- Britain was afraid that the colonists would be angry about Stamp Act it hired colonists to
- collect the taxes for the Brits
- The army that the 2nd Continental Congress formed was called the
- Continental Army
- The first united colonial army was called the
- Continental Army
- How did the 2nd Con'tl congress pay the soldiers of the cont'l army?
- It made its own money!