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Study Guide for Plate Tectonics

Learn voacb for Mrs. George's seventh grade science class!!


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Stretch from eastern USA to the Gulf of Mexico; created when N. America collided with Africa.
Theory of Plate Tectonics
States that Earth's lithosphere (crust) broke up into moving plates.
Along the borders of Tibet and India; formed when India collided with Asia.
Theory of Seafloor Spreading
Mid-ocean ridge is a crack in the Earth's crust through which molton rock rises to the surface, adding new material to the ocean floor.
Relationship between Rift Valleys and the MOR.
Rift valleys and Mid-Ocean Ridges are both places where new materials/ocean floor is being created.
layer surrounding the core
Ocean floor
basalt; 6km thick; more dense than crust
Transform Fault
Two divergent plate boundaries are sliding past eachother
A place where 2 plates collide and 1 plate is pushed below the other one. Happens in a subduction zone.
upper solid portion that moves like liquid
"All Land"; a large, single, land mass made up of all the continents.
How long ago did Pangaea exist?
300 Million years ago.
Inner Core
1500km radius; solid mixture of iron, nickel and cobalt
innermost layer of Earth
granite; 20-70km thick; less dense than the crust
7 Major Plates
Indian-Australian, Philippine, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, Pacific, Nazca, Antarctic, South American, Caribbean, North American, Eurasian, Arabian, African
made up of the crust and rigid upper mantle
Convergent Boundaries
Place where plates (continental, oceanic) are moving together forming trenches, island arcs, and folded mountains
Boundary between mantle and crust
Divergent Boundaries
Sites where two plates are moving apart
Outer Core
2000km thick; liquid iron
Upper, solid portion that moves like liquid
Outermost layer of the earth, low density
Continental Drift Theory
Theory that states that the continents were once together; broke appart and moved to their present day locations.
What is the evidence for the Continental Drift?
Jigsaw fit between South America and Africa, Rock and mountain types on both coasts match, Climate clues, Similar fossils on both coasts.

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