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Psychopathology Exam 3


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Becks Depressive Cognitive Triad
Think negatively about oneself, about the world, and about the future
Cognitive Theory of depression
Aaron T. Beck, depressed people have cognitive errors, interpret life events negatively, arbitrary inferences are overemphasizing the negatives, overgeneralizations are negatives applying to all situations (if I fail I will die)
Sleep Walking Disorder, Somnambulism
Occurs during NREM sleep, in first few hours of sleep, person must leave bed, more common in children, not dangerous to wake, runs in families, resolves on its own, related to nocternal eating syndrome (sleep unaware eating)
Suicidal ideation
Thoughts about death and dying
Abnormal behavioral and physiological events during sleep, no problems with sleeping
REM Sleep
Paradoxical sleep cause it includes beta waves, muscle paralysis, bizarre dreams, enter after ascending back through sleep stages 1.5-2 hours after falling asleep
Atypical Depression
Oversleep, overeat, weight gain, anxiety
Breathing sleep disorder statistics
More common in males, occurs in 10-20% population, usually minimally aware of sleep problem, snore, suffer morning headaches, fall asleep during day, treat with meds, weight loss or mechanical devices
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Biological clock, regulates sleep schedule, stimulates the production of melatonin
Reciprocal gene environmental model
If you have a biological predisposition to depression, you will create a stressful environment to make you vulnerable to mood disorders
Depression versus anxiety
The difference is in anhedonia
Learned Helplessness Theory of depression
Related to lack of percieved control over life events, Martin seligman
Breathing Sleep Disorders
Obstructive sleep apnea (airflow stops), Central sleep apnea (respiratory system stops), Mixed sleep apnea (both), sleepiness dyring the day and disruptions at night caused by restricted air flow and cessations of breathing
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Monoamine Oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down serotonin and norephinephrine, Nardil, Marplan, moer effective than tricyclics, treats severe depression, must avoid food (beer, wine, cheese) make sudden increase in blood pressure that will kill you
Catatonic depression
Absense of movement, very serious, have cataplexy (can put in a position and stay there)
Neurological influences of depression
Serotonin controls dopamine and norepinephrine, low serotonin leads to mood disorder, elevated cortisol levels, sleep disturbance means skipping NREM and going to REM, still exhausted the next day
Circadian Rhythym Disorder
Disturbed sleep, jet lag type (crossing time zone), Shift work type (work schedule shifting), constantly changing sleep cycle lead to insomnia or hypersomnia, Phase delays (move bedtime later), Phase advances (move bedtime earlier), use of bright light to trick biological clock
Nightmare Disorder
Occurs in REM sleep, distressful dreams that interfere with daily functioning, often awaken sleeper, more common in children, treat with antidepressants and relaxation training
Teen suicide
Third leading cause of death, between 15 and 19 are greatest proportion and more than next 7 leading causes combined, 10/100,000 completed suicides each year
Eighth leading cause of death in US, white and native american phenomenon, increasing in the young, females more likely to attempt, males more likely to complete
Sleep terror Disorder
Occurs in NREM sleep, noted by piercing scream, person looks upset with elevated arousal, more common in children, can't be easily awakened during episode, little memory of even, with severe cases treat with antidepressants or benzodiazepines, mostly gets better without treatment
Sleeping too much, excessive sleepiness is a problem, 39% have family with hypersomnia, associated with medical and psychological conditions, sleepy throughout day, can sleep through night, treat with stimulants
Tricyclic Medications
Tofranil, Elavil, block reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, 2-8 weeks for effects to be known, negative side effects common (dry mouth, blurred vision, st gain, sexual dysfunction, cardiac arythmias), lethal in excess
One of the most common sleep disorders, problems initiating and maintaining sleep and nonrestoritive sleep, affects females twice as often as males, associated with medical or psychological conditions as well as unrealistic expectations of sleep, treat with benzodiazopenes or sleep meds, prolonged use can rebound insomnia and create dependence
Mild depression, slowed cognitive functioning, persists for 2 years (1 if child), can persist for 20 years, mean onset is 20 years
Double depression
Major depressive disorder plus dysthymia, dysthymia develops first, associated with severe psychopathology and future problems, 79% dysthymics have major depressive episode
Social and Cultural Factors of Depression
Marital dissatisfaction correlation is high, strong in males, moer females over males due to socialization, lack of social support predicts lower chance of recover
Depression following death, resolved severel months post loss, if more than one year with intrusive memories and thoughts you dont want you may have pathological grief reaction or impacted grief reaction
Biological influences of depression
Rate is high in relatives of probands, stronger cases have genetic contribution in twins, heritability higher for females, adoption studies show strong environmental component
Integrative Model of Mood Disorders
Shared biological vulnerability, exposure to stress contributes to sense of uncontrolability, helplessness and hopelessness, activatees neurotransmitter system malfunctions, social and interpersonal relationships
Chronic depression
Lasts over two years
Suicide Risk Factors
Suicide in the family, low serotonin levels, evidence and number of preexisting psychological disorders, alcohol abuse, past suicidal behavior, shameful stressor, publicity about suicide and media coverage (cluster suicides, happen regionally)
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
Focuses on problematic interpersonal relationships, start working on ways to repair relationships
Two types of Parasomnias
Those that occur during REM sleep and those that occur during NREM sleep
Suicidal attempt
Actually having a plan in mind for suicide
Bipolar One Disorder
Full manic and depressive episodes, average onset is 18 years, chronic, suicide common
Cyclothymic Disorder
Alternate long hypomanic and dysthymic states for two years (1 for child), average onset is 13 years, most female, chronic, high risk for worse cases
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Block reuptake of of serotonin, prozac (1988), zoloft (most popular), No risk of suicide except in younger people (get energy back before better), can't overdose,
Electroconvulsive therapy
Applying electical current to brain, 6-10 treatments, temporary siezure, relapse is common, invasive and tiring, given on nondominant side to offset memory loss
Polysomnographic (PSG) Evaluation
Includes Electroencephalograg (EEG), Electrooculoograph (EOG), Electromyography (EMG), detailed history, assessment of sleep hygiene and sleep efficiency
Manic Episode
Exaggerated joy, increased activity, decreased sleep, irritability, delusional ideas, average duration of one week, 2-3 month long episode,
Rapid cycling
Switching between unipolar mood disorders more than four times a year, more common in teens
Major Depressive disorder
At least one but mostly recurrent depressive episodes, 85% 2nd episode, mild to severe with psychotic features, median of 4 episodes, mean onset is 25 years
Psychological intervention for Dyssomnias
Relaxation and stress reduction, modify unrealistic expectations, improve sleep hygiene, set bedtime routine for children, combined treatment works well only with insomnia
Dexamethasone Suppresion test
Dexamethasone depresses cortisol secretion and persons with mood disorders show less supression, doesn't work cause not only depression supresses it
Daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, .03% to .16% of population, affects sexes equally, onset in adolescence, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations, syptoms improve over time, daytime sleepiness continues without treatment, treat with stimulants, cataplexy with antidepressants
Bipolar Two Disorder
Alternate major depressive and hypomanic states, average onset is 22 years, 10-13% progress to worse case, chronic
Mood Disorder Statistics
16.1% worldwide depression, 1.3% bipolar, 3.6% dysthymia, females have more, sex difference disappears at age 65 and under 12, bipolar affects both equally, no variance cross culture
Psychological influences of depression
If experiencing major stress have poorer response to treatment and spend longer time in remission, do things that push people away from them
Depressive Attributional Style
Internal attributions are negative outcomes are one's own fault, stable attributions are believing future negative outcomes will be one's fault, Global attributions are believing negative events disrupt many life activities, all three contribute to a sense of hopelessness
Difficulties getting enough sleep, problems in timing of sleep and complaints about quality
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Only depressed in winter when no sunlight available, go to phototherapy
General loss of interest in once fun activities
Atypical Antidepressants (SNRIs)
Wellbutrin selectively inhibits dopamine reuptake and used for smoking cessation, Effexor selectively inhibits serotonin and norepinephrine that is good for severe depression, cymbalta is new SNRI approved fro depression and neuropathic pain
For bipolar disorders, can be severe side effects, unclear how it works, used to stabalize mood, only medicine effective specifically for suicide
Psychotic Depression
Mood congruent hallucinations and delusions are depression leading you to think that bad things are your fault
Psychological Treatment of Mood Disorders
Cognitive Behavioral therapy and Interpersonal psychotherapy, both work equally good as drug, see results in 2-3 months, neurotransmitter levels increase, relapse after 3-4 years versus meds after .5 years, no benefits combining meds and treatment
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
Addresses errors in cognitive errors in thinking, behavioral activation includes creating a list of pleasurable events to do some each day, taught to identify automatic thoughts that predict mood and affect how you feel, increased contact with reinforcing events,
Depression course specifiers
Longitudinal course, past history of mood, history of mood disorder recovery, rapid cycle patterning, seasonal patterning
Major Depressive Episode
Depressed mood or anhedonia lasting two weeks, cognitive symptoms of feeling worthless and indecisive, disturbed physical functioning of psychomotor retardation and suicidal ideation or thought
Hypomanic episode
Exagerrated joy without suicidal ideation or dangerous activity (impairment)
Melancholic depression
Severe depressive and somatic syptoms, undereat, lose weight, insomnia
NREM Sleep
Stage one is trasition from awake to sleep with alpha and beta waves, stage two is slightly deeper stage with alpha waves, stage three begins to produce delta waves, stage four is deepest stage of sleep

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