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Nazca and Moche


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What are the dates for the Nazca culture?
2300-1400 B.P. (formative and into Classic Periods)
What is the main Nazca site?
Nazca Pampa
What artifacts did the Nazca leave behind?
Geoglyphs - made by removing top layer of weathered stone to reveal lower coloured stratum beneath.

Small gold, dressed figurines.

Sculptures indicating ancestor worship
Is there any indication of a Nazca religious belief system?
Indications of ancestor worship = sculptures, burials and architecture.

Had head catching ceremony = depicted in art. Most victims found were young and died forcibly.
What are the dates for the Moche culture?
A.D. 100-700 Intermediate period.

Capital reached zenith at c. 400 A.D.and was one of the earliest South American Kingdoms.
What were the main Moche sites?
Huaca del Sol, Sipan

Northern coast of Peru comprised of 13 valleys
What is the evidence for a religion during the Moche culture?
-Pyramid of the sun in Huaca del Sol-construction started in A.D. 100. 40m high.

-Continuity in iconography between Chavin de Huantar and Moche.
What evidence exists for social stratification in the Moche culture?
rich burials of warriors-including precious stones and extra hands and feet.

many ceramics and jewelry found.

Markings on walls of Pyramid of the sun. Believed to have been done by the builders, recording contribution of local groups. This indicates locals were expected to contribute to demands of elite.
Where was the Royal cemetry found and who excavated it?
Was were the lavish warrior tombs were found.

Found in Sipan.

excavated by Walter Alva and Christopher Donnan.
What was a unique artefact to the Moche?
one-man boat called the sea horse.
What was one possibility for the decline of the Moche empire?
El Nino=caused many troubles and many earthquakes.
Where were the royal cemetries found?
Sipan in 1986-7. Most looted
Who and when was the royal cemetry excavated?
1993 by Walter Alvo and C. Donnan.
What was found by W.Alva and C.Donnan?
tomb of warrior priest.
How old and what was found in the Moche warrior priest tomb?
1660 B.P. man in 30-40's
-feathered headdress
-nose and beaded pectoral ornaments
-filled with precious stones and metal ie. torquiose, copper, silver and gold jewelry.
-gold and silver scepter.
-2nd scepter of silver
-elaborate pottery vessels
-llamas, dog, two sacrificed men, three women and a child.

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