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- Altruistic
- -opposite of egostic -individuals have no life of their own and, in fact, strive to blend in with the group to have a sense of being -ie. soldier
- Anomic
- state brought on by dramatic changes
- Conflict
- the major force that drives social change
- Conflict Persepective
- Focus on conflict as aninevitable fact of social life, brigns change 1. Who benefits from a particular pattern or social arrangement? 2. At whose expense? -draw inspiration from Karl Marx
- Conformity
- accept goals and means
- Crime
- Deviance that breaks the laws of society and is punished by formal sanctions
- Critiques of Functionalism
- -defends existing arrangements -justifies exitense & status quo -doesn't explain social instability
- Critiques of Symbolic Interaction
- 1. presences of symbolic interactionist can skew data
- Critques of Conflict Theory
- 1. it overstates the tensions and divisions between dominant and subordnate groups and undrstates stability 2. assumes that the owners exploit the natural reources and cheap labor of poor countries at will and without resistance 3. neglect situations
- Deviance
- Any Behavior or Physical appearance that is socially challenged and or condemned because it departs from the norms or expectations of a group
- Double Consciousness
- -sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of otheres, measuring ones soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity -"an american, a negro, two souls, two thoguhts, two unreconciled strivings..." -WEB DuBois
- Durkheim- 4 types of problematic relationships
- 1. egoistic 2. altruistic 3. anomic 4. fatalistic
- Egoistic
- ties attaching the individual to others in the society are weak i.e. lives of chronically ill
- Emile Durkheim
- as society became industrialized, nature of ties that bound people to one another changed drastically, determined there is no situation that could not serve as an occasion for someone's suicide
- Factors that Shape US and Chinese Socil Control System
- 1. chinese population 2. difference rooted in history-geographic separation, US has abundant resources 3. Chinese been through many wars, strict control restores order 4. economic philosophy towards capitalism
- Fasley Accused
- -have broken rules and not been caught -usually when well being of country is threatened, can cause with hunt
- Fatalistic
- -opposite of anomic -describes a state in which there is no hope of change and thus oppresive discipline against where there is no release
- Five Responses to Structural Strain
- 1. Conformity 2. Innovation 3. Ritualism 4. Retreatism 5. Rebellion
- Folkways
- norms that apply to the details of life or routine matters ex. how we look, eat, greet one another
- Formal Sanctions
- Definite and systematic laws, conditions under which people rewarded or punished
- Four Catagories of People (according to labeling theorists)
- 1. Conformists-have not violated 2. Pure Deviants-broekn rules, caught and punished 3. Master Status of Deviant- 4. Secret Deviants- broken rules, not caught
- Function
- the contributino a part makes to order adn stability within that system
- Functionalists
- define society as a system of interrelated, interdependent parts, all parts of society contribute
- Functions of Deviance
- 1. identifying wrong binds together members ofa group 2. useful in making changes
- Hariet Marineau
- -wrote Society in America
- Informal Sanctions
- Spontaneous, unofficial expressions of approval or disapproval, not backed by law
- Innovation
- accept goals, reject means
- Institution
- a relatively stable and predictable arrangement among people that has emerged over time with the purpose of coordinating human interaction and behavior in ways that meet some social need
- Issues
- a matter than can be explained only by factors outside and individual's control and immediate environment
- Labeling Theory
- All social groups make rules and eenforce them, when enforced, the person who "broke" it is regarded as an outsider two assumptions
- Latent Dysfunctions
- unintended disruptions to order and stability
- Latent Functions
- -unintended/unanticipated effects on order and stability
- Manifest Dysfunctions
- a part's anticipated disruptions to order and stability
- Manifest Function
- a part's intended or anticipated effects on order and stability in teh larger society
- Max Weber
- recognized significance of economic and material conditions in shaping history, he did not believe, as marx did, that these conditions were the all important forces in history -sociologist's task to analyze and explain teh course and consequences of soci
- means of production
- the resources (lands, tools, equipment, factories, transporation, and labor) essential to the production and distribution of goods and services
- Mores
- norms that peple define as essential to the well being of their group or nation ex. rights in the US
- Nature of Deviance
- 1. Almost any behavior or appearance can qualify as deviant under the right circumstance 2. Conceptions of deviances vary over time and place
- Negative Sanction
- An expression of disapproval for noncompliance
- Positive Sanction
- An expression of approval and a reward for compliance
- rebellion
- full or partial rejection of both goals and means and introduction of new set of goals
- retreatism
- reject goals and means
- Ritualism
- reject goals, accept means
- Sanctions
- reactions of approval and disapproval to other's behaviors and appearance
- Scientific Method
- 1. define topic 2. Review literature 3. Identify and Define Core Concepts 4. Chosose a Research Design & data gathering strategies 5. Analyza Data 6. Draw Conclusions
- social action classifications
- 1. traditional- goal is pursued because it was pursued in the past 2. affectional-goal is pursued in response to an emotion 3. value-rational-goal is pursued because it is valued and pursued with no thought of consequences 4. instrumental- goal is purs
- social actions
- actions that people take in response to others with emphsasis on the meanings that involved parties attach to their behavior
- Social Control
- Methods used to teach, persuade, or force a groups members and even nonmembers to comply ithand not deviate fro social norms and expectations
- Social Facts
- ideas, feeilngs, ways of behaving that posess the remarkable property of existing outside the consciousness of the individual"
- Sociological Imagination
- the ability to cnonect seemingly impersonal and remote historical forces to the most basic incidents of an individuals life. THe sociological imagination enables people to distinguish between personal troubles and public issues.
- Solidarity
- ties that bind people to one another in a society
- Structural Strain Theory
- Any situation in which 1. valued goals have unclear limits 2. people are unsure whether the legit means society provides will allow them to acheive goals 3. legit opprotunitiesfor meeting goals remain closed to significant portion of pop.
- Symbol
- Any kind of phenomenon to which people assign a name, meaning, or value
- Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
- Everyday events in which two people communicate, interpret, and respond to each other's words and actions
- Troubles
- personal needs problems, and difficulties that can be expalined in terms of individual short comings related to motivatin, attitude, ability, character, or judgement
- Two Assumptions of Labeling Theory
- 1. rules are socially constructed 2. Rules are not enforced uniformly or consistently
- WEB DuBois
- -double consciousness -wrote Souls of Black Folk -Philidelphia Negro- wrote about popular ideas of race and reality