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Politics In America - Ch. 5 - Vocabulary


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public opinion
aggregate of preferences and opinions of individuals on significant issues.
survey research
gathering of information about public opinion by questioning a representative sample of the population.
halo effect
tendency of survey respondents to provide socially acceptable answers to questions.
salient issues
issues about which most people have an opinion.
the learning of a culture and its values
diffuse support (for the political system)
goodwill learned towards governmental authority learned early in life.
generation gap
differences in politics and public opinion among age groups
gender gap
aggregate differences in political opinions between men and women
legal right to vote.
property qualifications
Early American state requirement of property ownership in order to vote.
white primary
Democratic Party primary elections in many southern counties in the early part of the twentieth-century that excluded black people from voting.
poll taxes
taxes imposed as a prerequisite to voting, prohibited by the 24th Amendment.
literacy test
examination of a person's ability to read and write as a prerequisite to voter registration, outlawed by Voting Rights Act (1963) as discriminatory.
19th Amendment
The 1920 constitutional amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote.
26th Amendment
The 1971 constitutional amendment guaranteeing 18-year-olds the right to vote.
"Motor Voter Act"
Federal mandate that states offer voter registration at driver's licensing and welfare offices
number of voters who actually cast ballots in an election, as a percentage of people eligible to register and vote.
Requirement that prospective voters establish their identity and place of residence prior to an election in order to be eligible to vote.
political elimination
belief that politics is irrelevant to one's life and that one cannot personally affect public affairs.
public marches or demonstrations designed to call attention to an issue and motivate others to apply pressure on public officials.
civil disobedience
form of public protest involving the breaking of laws believed to be unjust

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