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Medical Marijuana 2


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The penalty for smoking pot in Alabama is up to 99 years in prison. But that hasn't stopped the Cotton State — along with Mississippi and Georgia — from siding with California in its battle to keep medical marijuana legal.,10987,1101041122-782124,00.html
All three filed briefs supporting Left Coast medipot users before the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear arguments on Nov. 29 on whether patients can cultivate and possess physician-prescribed cannabis.,10987,1101041122-782124,00.html
The federal government and the high court disagree with patients, however, standing by the Controlled Substances Act, which labels marijuana a Schedule 1 drug (along with heroin, PCP and LSD).,8599,109777,00.html
In 1997, when voters in both California and Arizona had approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes, Clinton drug czar Barry McCaffrey struck back, outlining various federal responses to "illegal drug activities.",8599,109777,00.html
Currently, voters in Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Nevada, Oregon and Washington have approved the use of medical marijuana.,8599,109777,00.html
On December 10, 2004, DEA finally rejected (see MAPS comments) the application from Prof.
Lyle Craker, UMass Amherst, seeking a license to establish a MAPS-sponsored facility to produce marijuana for federally-approved research, 3 and 1/2 years after the application was initially filed.
DEA acted under pressure from MAPS' July 21 lawsuit arguing "unreasonable delay" and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals Nov. 22 decision which gave DEA until Dec. 22 to reply.
Just as we'd hoped, the lawsuit forced DEA to issue its ruling, which we can now challenge in the context of Administrative Law Judge hearings.
SAN FRANCISCO - In a historic ruling, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld principles of compassion and justice by protecting access to medical cannabis, holding that Federal interference is unconstitutional.
The case, Raich v. Ashcroft, was brought by medical cannabis patients and their caregivers, to protect access to medical cannabis, as authorized under California law
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The American Medical Marijuana Association recently received official recognition by the United States government as one of the top organization websites promoting medical marijuana law reform.
This recommendation appears in a briefing by the White House and is available online at the official web site for the White House Drug Policy
The Clovis City Council approved temporary regulations Dec. 6 governing the growth and distribution of medical-use marijuana within city limits.
"Without a city ordinance in place, medical marijuana dispensaries could operate within the city without restrictions," according to the Clovis Police Department.
Though still a federal crime, California voters approved the use of medical marijuana with the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. This year, the state legislature granted cities the right to regulate application of the law.
"This all may be a moot point if [the 1996 law] is found unconstitutional," said Council Member Jose Flores.

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