American Presidents
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- This war was ended by the Treaty of Ghent
- What is the War of 1812
- This future president represented the Amistad Africans succesfully arguing that the men should be returned home and not to Spain.
- Who is John Quincy Adams
- Old Hickory
- Who is Andrew Jackson
- Signature battle was Battle of New Orleans
- Andrew Jackson
- Tippacanoe
- William Henry Harrison
- 30 days as president due to pneumonia caught at Inauguration Day
- William Henry Harrison
- President with the most children - 15
- Who is John Tyler?
- President who signed the bill annexing Texas
- Who is John Tyler
- The Whiskey Rebellion in this state was suppressed by an Army led by George Washington
- what is Pennsylvania?
- This rebellion over taxes on farmers took place in Massachusetts
- Shays' Rebellion (Daniel Shays)
- President who fought for the Oregon Territory with the slogan 54/40 or Fight.
- Who is James Polk?
- Treaty that ended the U.S. Mexican War
- What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
- President who refused to be sworn in on a Sunday leaving the US without a president for a day
- Who is Zachary Taylor
- Rumors that his death was caused by arsenic poisining, but seemed to be severe good poisoning instead
- Zachary Taylor
- President who opened trade with Japan (between 1850 and 1830)
- Millard Fillmore
- Person who assumed the presidency following his predesessors acute indigestion.
- Millard Filmore
- Secretary of State to Two Presidents
- Daniel Webster
- Daniel Webster was Secretary of State to these two presidents.
- William Henry Harrison and Millard Filmore
- President who is a distant relative of Barbara Bush
- Franklin Pierce
- Name of purchase of southern Arizona for $10 million
- Gadsen Purchase
- President who presided over the Gadsen Purchase
- Franklin Pierce
- President who left office in disgrace over the sneaky repeal of the Missouri Compromise who said "There's nothing to do but get drunk"
- Franklin Pierce
- The only bachelor president
- James Buchanan
- Chief Justice who delivered the Dred Scott decision
- Taney
- President who tried to secretly fortify for the civil war but had a vessel (Star of the West) shot at from the coast of North Carolina
- Buchanan
- Last president before Abraham Lincoln
- Buchanan
- Lincoln's First Party
- Whig
- Capital of the confederacy
- Richmond, Virginia
- Play on the night of Abraham Lincoln's death
- Our American Cousin
- First woman ever executed by the U.S.
- Mary Surratt
- Name of Lincoln's First Vice-President
- Hamlin