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heteroxenous life cycle
more than 1 host; vertibrate & invertibrate hosts
T. equiperdum
(horses) transmitted by animal vector

causes temporary paralysis and transmitted sexually
T. brucei brucei
causes nagana in Native Antelops of Africa
T. brucei gambiense
causes African Sleeping Sickness in humans; causes CHRONIC form
T. brucei rhodesiense
causes African Sleeping Sickness; ACUTE form; native to game animals (thought to serve as reservoir)
What is the vector for all trypanosomes?
tsetse fly
transmitted via bite of insect
transmitted w/ insect bites
What is antigenic variation?
a trypanosome gets into the blood stream and their numbers are high. The host counters and creates a antibody to get rid of it (parasite numbers decrease). The parasite then counters (numbers rise) and the new parasite creates new antigenic sites. Body must create new antibody that fits. This leads to coma and death
T. Congolense
relative to brucei found in humans. Tsetse fly is vector
T. Vivay
relative of brucei found in humans; vector is tsetse fly and *genus Tabanus (horse fly)
T. evansi
causes murrina/surra (disease of camels)
horses in W. Hemisphere

Vector:genus Tabanus (horsefly)
vampire bat
T. equinium
in S. America and causes horse disease
What are the 3 stages in which T. cruzi goes through?
1. Epimastigote-when in insect
2. Trypomastigote-when passes in feces and in blood (has flagella)
3. Amastigote-when in the tissues
What is the epidemiology of T. cruzi?
infected insect's feces are rubbed into bite wound, bites occur at night.

Hide in cracks, rocks and cause death in children under 2
What are other means of transmitting T. cruzi?
1. placenta
2. breast milk
3. blood transfusion
4. infects humans when bug is eaten (aphrodesiac)
T. Lewisi
cosmopolitan (wide spread) in rats
T. Theileri
cosmopolitan in cattle, can be virulent at stressful times
T. Cruzi
causes American Trypanosomiasis, found throughout *Mexico*, Central/South America

Vector: Reduvid Bug(cone nose bug)
What is the vector for T. Cruzi?
Reduvid Bug (cone nose bug), true bug

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