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Mr H chapter 7


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militia memebers who were ready to fight on a moments notice
a situation in which soldiers surround a city or fort
First Continental Congress
56 colonial representatives met and decided
- to continue to boycott British Goods
-warned colonial militias to be prepared to fight
-created a list of 10 rights that they believe colonists should possess
Thomas Gage
A British general who tried to take away the minutemen's weapons and ammunition in Concord
nickname that was given to the British Soldiers by the colonists because of their military uniforms
2nd Continental Congress
- Created a Continental Army
- signed the Olive Branch Petition
Continental Army
Created by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 to defend the colonies against Britain
George Washington
commander of the Continental Army
Olive Branch Petition
A petition that was signed by the 2nd Continental Congress as an effort to resolve their differences with the British
Battle of Bunker Hill
The colonists had to retreat but this battle showed that the colonists could hold their own against the British
Unalienable Rights
Basic human rights such as life, liberty, & pursuit of happiness
Common Sense
A pamphlet written by Thomas Payne that argued for independance
Thomas Paine
wrote Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson
The main author of the Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence
This document stated:
- all men had unalienable rights
-King George III had violated the colonists rights
-the colonists had the right to break away from Great Britain
-approved July 4, 1776
Colonists who chose to fight for independence
the name given for those who remained loyal to Great Britain
Abigail Adams
John Adams' wife; she urged her husband to protect the rights of women
the name given for hired foreign soldiers in the American Revolution
Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
promised freedom to any slave who fought for the British
an American Indian leader who persuaded many American Indians to support the British
Molly Pitcher
-the nickname for Mary Ludwig Hays
-one of the best known women Patriots
William Howe
A British leader who defeated the Patriots at the Battle of Long Island
Battle of Trenton
On Christmas Night Washington led his troops across the Delaware and won an important battle that boosted Patriot's spirits
Battle of Princeton
Using campfires and the element of surprise Washington's Continental Army defeated the British in this battle
John Burgoyne
British General who lost the Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Brandywine Creek
Howe defeated the Continental Army at this local battle
Battle of Saratoga
The patriot victory, led by General Horatio Gates, was the turning point of the war.
Bernardo de Galvez
The Governor of Spanish Louisiana who was a key ally of the Patriots
Marquis de Lafayette
A Frenchmen who both fought for the Patriots and contributed a large amount of money to the cause
Friedrich von Steuben
Prussian army officer who trained Patriot troops at Valley Forge
Valley Forge
-During the harsh winter of 1777-1778 Patriot soldiers stayed here.
- They emerged a hardened force due in part to the training of Friedrich von Steuben
Guerrilla Warfare
Swift, hit and run attacks
George Rogers Clark
Patriot commander who helped gather troops in the west and won the Battle of Vincennes
Battle of Vincennes
a battle in the west which Patriots retook a town along the Wabash River
Horatio Gates
a Patriot General who lost most of his southern army in a battle at Camden South Carolina
Francis Marion
-a famous patriot nicknamed the "swamp fox"
-known for using guerrilla warfare
John Paul Jones
-Most famous Patriot Seaman
-Most famous victory was the battle between Bonhomme Richard vs the British ship Serapis
Comte de Rochambeau
A French General who helped trap the English at Yorktown
Battle of Yorktown
Washington defeated Cornwallis in the last major battle of the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris of 1783
The British officially recognized our independance

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