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Red Worksheet: Civil Rights and Vietnam


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Kent state incident, jackson state incident
when our war extended into cambodia. there was a protest at kent state and 4 students died.
nixon doctrine: 1972 (7 yrs) we wind down. turn war over to south vietnamese.
de facto, de jure segregation
de facto: a fact of life that blacks and whites shall be segregation. de jure: not just a fact of life, but also by law.
Civil Rights Act of 1968
open housing: when there is an offer and acceptance, there is a contract. this stated that one cannot descriminate and choose who they will sell their house to.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964
this gave the president blank check powers. started our fighting in vietnam.
Thurgood Marshall
1st black supreme court judge
paris accords 1973
Henry kissenger, our sec of state was in vietnam to make peace. the us promised to never again invade vietnam. N. Viet promised to never attack south vietnam. our american troops left. n. viet broke their promise. 1 million people got out of S vietnam. "boat people" adrift for over a year. the US accepted half a million vietnamese refugees.
geography: gulf of tonkin
this is when the US got started in the war. a single bullet hit one of our ships, and we were looking for a reason to get into this war, and so we did. There was the Tonkin resolution, which gave blank check powers to the president (johnson at the time). it was a presidential (police action) war.
Malcolm X
he was a radical MLK. MLK said lets get along, he said we will never. he used X as his last name because he refused to be called by an american name.
Tet offensive
our enemies had an offensive we didn't know about. riots happened all over the countries universities and college campuses whenever something went wrong in the war. our draft started in 1964
Voting Rights Act, 1965
supplemented the 15th ammendment.
Hanoi, Haiphong
North vietnam captial. we bombed and destroyed it. they didnt give up.
Civil Rights Act of 1964, public accommodations section of the act
99 years after the civil war and finally this ends segregation. Title 7: equal rights for women too!!
demilitarized zone (DMZ)
fighting free zone
Watts, Detroit race riots
major riots all over the country for civil rights. poverty stricken places. riot was started by a policemen who pulled over a black man. the tipped the squad car and put it on fire. "burn baby burn"
Stokely Carmichael
was the leader of the Black Panthers in california
Geneva conference, 1954
decision was made to divide vietnam along the 17th parallel.
white backlash
backward notion) whites anger, revenge, retribution. white anger against black rights.
viet cong
our enemy: the north koreans
Angela Davris
UCLA black professor. communist. leader.
black power
upraised fist (sign). blacks do have power.
Black Muslims
Africans adopted muslim names. movement toward Islam.
Ho Chi Minh
Ho was the communist leader of North vietnam. Dien was the leader of South vietnam who took the french out.
My Lai, Lt. Calley
the My Lay massacre: Lt. calley came to some village in south vietnam, put all the villagers in a pit, and killed them. reason for this: following orders. caused more problems.
domino theory
our reason to fight
24th ammendment
get rid of pole tax. you cant tax people for voting.
Kerner Commission on civil disorders
group of government leaders stated that america was moving toward 2 societies: the blacks and the whites.
daniel ellsburg, pentagon papers
ellsburg leaked papers from the pentagon that stated that the government was lying to the american public. this was a war based on misinterpretation. our mistakes were made public.
bombing of Laos and cambodia
enlarged our war

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