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works and authors


undefined, object
copy deck
common sense
thomas payne
the awakening
kate chopin
the invisible world
cotton mather
sinners i nthe hands of an angry god
jonathon edwards
an american tragedy
theodore dreiser
call of the wild to build a fire
jack london
richard cory
edward arlington robinson
declaration of independence
thomas jefferson
constituion poor richards almanac
benjamin franklin
john adams
the grapes of wrath of mice and men
john steinbeck
the sound and the fury
william faulkner
the great gatsby
F Scott Fitzgerald
the crucible and death of a salesman
arthur miller
native son
richard wright
famous poet chicago
carl sandburg
famous modern poet
robert frost
farewell to arms soldiers home
ernest hemingway
red badge of courage
stephen crane
we wear the mask sympathy
paul lawrence dunbar
the adcenture of huckleberry finn
mark twain
leaves of grass father of free verse
walt whitman
famous transitional poet
emily dicksonson
uncle tom's cabin
harriet beecher stowe
teh scarlett letter young goodman brown
nathaniel hawthorne
moby dick reburn
herman melville
civil disobedience
henry david thoreau
founder of transcendentalism
ralph waldo emerson
annabel lee the raven murders in the rue morgue
edgar allen poe
fireside poet
henry wadsworth longfellow
fireside poet stanzas on freedom
james russel lowell
the last of the mohicans
james fennimor cooper
william cullen bryant
the decil and tom walker and the legend of sleepy hollow
washington irving
the joy luck club
amy tan
animal dreams poisonwood bible
barbara kingsolver
i know why the caged birds sing
maya angelou
the color purple
alice walker
a raisin in the sun
lorraine hansberry
famous african american poet harlem
langston hughes
streetcar named desire glass menagerie
tennessee williams
their eyes were watching god
zora neale hurston
the crucible death of a salesman
arthur miller

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