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What does it mean for a country to have Strategic Value?
The country's position has value for a large scale military action
What does it mean to Barter?
The trade goods without the use of money
What is a Refugee?
A person that flees their country for a new oppurtunities
What is Nomadic Herding?
When herders move their flocks from pasture to pasture
What was Czechoslovakia?
The Country that later spilt up into Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Whats the capital of Australia?
Who caused the diaspora of Jews?
The Romans
What are two Infastructures of a country?
The roads, schools, airports, seaports, or communication systems
What is N.A.F.T.A.?
The North American Free Trade Agreement
What does it mean for a country to be landlocked?
To be cut off from the sea or ocean
What countries are in the Scandinavian Penninsula?
Findland, Sweeden, Norway
When it is the hottest time of the Year; what month is it in the southern hemispere?
What is the one major thing that Jews and Christians Disagree on?
If Jesus was the Savior
How are the Holy Bible and the Torah Different
Holy bible includes the Torah plus teachings of Jesus
What is the highest mountain in Asia?
What is the highest mountain in Africa?
What is the World's largest desert?
The Sarah
Israel is home of what people?
The Jews
Why do Scientists study Antartica?
It is the most natural of all the continents so it is prime for studying
What is the Capital of India?
New Delhi
What was the name of the land that the Jews were promised?
Whats the difference between an Arab and a Muslim
Arab is Ethnicity and Muslim is a Religion
What is the Biggest country on the Arabian Penninsula?
Saudi Arabia
What is the highest mountain in North America?
Mount McKinley
Why are Artesian Wells important to Australia?
Central Australia would have no water source
What is Uluru?
The world's largest Monolith, Single Stone
What are New Zealand's two biggest islands named?
North and South Island
What does a Coup mean?
Sudden political Takeover
Which of the following are independent countries: Scotland, England, Wales, or Northern Ireland?
None of them
What is an embargo? Who had an embargo put against them in the Gulf War?
A restriction on trades with other countries. Iraq

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