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- What does it mean for a country to have Strategic Value?
- The country's position has value for a large scale military action
- What does it mean to Barter?
- The trade goods without the use of money
- What is a Refugee?
- A person that flees their country for a new oppurtunities
- What is Nomadic Herding?
- When herders move their flocks from pasture to pasture
- What was Czechoslovakia?
- The Country that later spilt up into Slovakia and the Czech Republic
- Whats the capital of Australia?
- Canberra
- Who caused the diaspora of Jews?
- The Romans
- What are two Infastructures of a country?
- The roads, schools, airports, seaports, or communication systems
- What is N.A.F.T.A.?
- The North American Free Trade Agreement
- What does it mean for a country to be landlocked?
- To be cut off from the sea or ocean
- What countries are in the Scandinavian Penninsula?
- Findland, Sweeden, Norway
- When it is the hottest time of the Year; what month is it in the southern hemispere?
- Winter
- What is the one major thing that Jews and Christians Disagree on?
- If Jesus was the Savior
- How are the Holy Bible and the Torah Different
- Holy bible includes the Torah plus teachings of Jesus
- What is the highest mountain in Asia?
- Everest
- What is the highest mountain in Africa?
- Kilimanjaro
- What is the World's largest desert?
- The Sarah
- Israel is home of what people?
- The Jews
- Why do Scientists study Antartica?
- It is the most natural of all the continents so it is prime for studying
- What is the Capital of India?
- New Delhi
- What was the name of the land that the Jews were promised?
- Canaan
- Whats the difference between an Arab and a Muslim
- Arab is Ethnicity and Muslim is a Religion
- What is the Biggest country on the Arabian Penninsula?
- Saudi Arabia
- What is the highest mountain in North America?
- Mount McKinley
- Why are Artesian Wells important to Australia?
- Central Australia would have no water source
- What is Uluru?
- The world's largest Monolith, Single Stone
- What are New Zealand's two biggest islands named?
- North and South Island
- What does a Coup mean?
- Sudden political Takeover
- Which of the following are independent countries: Scotland, England, Wales, or Northern Ireland?
- None of them
- What is an embargo? Who had an embargo put against them in the Gulf War?
- A restriction on trades with other countries. Iraq