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In late 18th century, only 1-2% of slaves were Christian. What proportion were Christian by end of 19th Century?
A perfectionism cult which held all things in common, including spouses, based on the conviction that Christ returned in AD 70.
Lemuel Haynes
One of the first African American Congregational ministers ordained. Influential in arguing against slavery.
What was a large cause of increased women's activism, cults & sects?
Ann Lee
A Quaker woman who came from England in 1774. She gathered believers around her and claimed that God had told her that the source of all evil was sexual intercourse.
Altar Theology
Theology of Phoebe Palmer that calls for us to lay our "all" on the altar; believe that God will sanctify; and bear witness to that sanctification.
A minority religious group previously tied to another, which leaves the parent body not so much to form a new faith as to reaffirm and reestablish the old one, but incorporates a twist on the faith that separates it from traditional Christian groups.
New School
Branch of Presbyterians that breaks off because of their belief in abolition.
Phoebe Palmer
A lay methodist woman who becomes the leader of holiness meetings intended to call Wesleyans back to original vision of holiness. Wrote _The Way of Holiness_. Also calls churches to take more seriously the gifts of women.
Antoinette Brown
The first woman ordained in the United States. Congregationalist.
John Carroll
The first Catholic Bishop in the U.S. Wrote _Address to Catholics in the United States_. Appealing for Protestant support of the Catholic community.
Pius IX
The pope who had the longest papacy in Catholic history (1846-78). Italy had been recently created and the papacy lost large tracts of papal lands. Papcy is in crisis, as is the RCC. So the papacy retrenches. Becomes a hardened conservative. He wants to take the papacy back to the middle ages, when there was huge papal authority.
Richard Allen
An African American free slave. Becomes itinerant preacher. He becomes excluded from Methodist church and founds AME Church, becoming its first bishop.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin--huge in galvanizing support in the North for abolition. Exposes the lie of the benevolent Christian master.
Ruin, Redemption, Regeneration
Three R's of Moody's preaching
William Miller
A self-educated farmer from New York. Convinced from his studies that Christ will return in 1843, from his studies of the Scriptures.
A Millennarianism sect which published media supporting Christ's upcoming return in 1843. Especially attracted Methodists, Baptists, Disciples of Christ.
Prophetism cult that followed Joseph Smith.
Jeremiah Lanphier
Man who held Businessman's Prayer Revival. Prayer meetings held during lunch hour in cities in U.S. and Britain.
A community committed to abstinence. They believed that they could attain communal perfection and prepare for the millennium. They are famous for their worship—they shake and tremble, walking and running, shouting and singing. This cult grew in wake of 2nd GA. A prophetism cult.
John Humphrey Noyes
A man who said that Christ has returned in 70AD, so the millennium is now. All believers can and should experience perfection. To that end, he started Christian Communism.
Wesleyan Methodist Church
Branch of Methodism that breaks off because of their belief in abolition.
A religious group that deviates significantly from orthodox (historic) Christianity, usually over a matter related to the person or work of Jesus Christ.
Vatican I
Council summoned by Pius IX at which papal infallibility is confirmed as church dogma.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Initiated Women's suffrage movement.
Ellen White
A woman who said that Christ had returned to his sanctuary in 1843, but hadn't returned to earth because of the sin of the Church. Primary sin of the Church was that Christians no longer worshiped on the Sabbath day. Has trances and visions. Wrote _Steps With Christ_.
Syllabus of Errors
A statement by the Pius IX which condemns everything he sees as a threat to the papacy/RCC: communism, socialism, rationalism, separation of Church and state, Protestantism, Bible societies, religious toleration.
Seventh Day Adventism
A Millennarianism sect with distinctives of meeting on Saturdays and a gospel of health.
Benjamin Warfield
Hodge's successor at Princeton. Defends Bible from critics. Writes against holiness movement.
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Finally successful in 1919 with the 18th ammendment.
Anne Judson
The first woman overseas missionary from America.
Dorothea Dix
Instrumental woman in creation of Mental Asylums
Charlotte White
First single woman missionary sent by Baptist church. Went to Burma in 1815.
A Millennarianism sect which was a renewal movement of Unitarians, reacting against the rational aspects of Unitarianism. Wants to interject a mysticism into Unitarianism. Famous adherents were Emerson and Thoreau. Focus on immanence. They were ushering in a golden Millennial age.
Arminian, Pre-milennial, Holiness, Inerrancy
Four aspects of Moody's theology.
Gresham Machen
Greek prof at Princeton. Writes _Christianity and Liberalism_, claiming that German Liberal theology (modernism) undermines Christianity.
Joseph Smith
Man who claimed to receive a vision of Angels who told him to go dig up golden plates on which the story of the lost tribes of Israel, which came to America, was described
Methodist Episcopal Church
Branch of Methodism that breaks off because of their pro-slavery stance.
Harriet Scudder
First female medical missions missionary from America.
McGuffy Reader
The text by which about a century of children learned how to read. These were explicitly Protestant, Calvinist texts.
Charles Hodge
The man who was a Princeton Sys Theo professor for 50 years. Wrote 3-Volume Systematic Theology. Concerned about Darwinian Naturalism.
Alcohol, Sabbath, Anti-Democratic
Reasons Protestants were suspicious of American Catholics.

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