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OT Cardio/Pulmonary


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An arthrosclerosis disease process that narrows the lumen of coronary arteries resulting in ischemia to the myocardium is known as...
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
What diagnosis is characterized by thickening of the intimal layer of the blood vessel wall from the focal accumulation of lipids?
How has the American Heart Association classified heart disease?
based on the patient's activity level (METs--Metabolic equivalent)
What does the Basal metabolic rate equal?
3.5 ml of Oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute
A person diagnosed with Class I heart disease would have a max met of what?
MET 6.5
A person diagnosed with Class IV heart disease would have a max met of what?
MET 1.5
A change in lower extremity temperature, color circumference, appearance, or tenderness/pain are all symptoms of what peripheral vascular venous disease?
Excessive accumulation of fluid due to obstruction of lymphatics, causing swelling of soft tissue in arms and legs is known as...
Lymphatic Disease
A person with poor expiratory flow rates has this pulmonary dysfunction...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Where is the most common monitoring site for obtainig vital signs?
radial artery, radial wrist at the base of the thumb
The normal adult HR is ____ beats per minute, while the normal infant HR is _____ beats per minute.
60-80 bpm (adult)
120 bpm (infant)
Normal adult BP is what?
Normal infant BP is what?
Adult: 120/80
Infant: 75/50
Normal adult breaths per minute is....?
Normal infant breaths per minute is...?
12-18 breaths per minute (adult)
40 breaths per minute (infant)
Excessive sweating associated with decreased cardiac output is known as...?
At what stage, MET level would you begin isometric exercises?
MET 2.0, Stage III
What stage, MET level can you begin doing activities in standing?
MET 3.0, Stage IV
What breathing exercise controls respiratory rate by decreasing the rate of breathing and helps remove trapped air from lungs?
Pursed lip breathing
What breathing exercise strengthens diagphram, decreases need to use neck and shoulder muscles, decreases energy required for activity?
Abdominal Diaphragmatic breathing
At what MET level is sexual activity appropriate for?
5-6 MET level, per physician
What pediatric pulmonary disorder is genetically inherited autosomal recessive trait, gene mutation where there is a salt concentration in the sweat?
Cystic Fibrosis
Premature babies who have lungs that collapse after each breath are diagnosed with...
RDS--Respiratory Distress Syndrome
A child is diagnosed with what when the walls of the immature lungs thicken, making the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide more difficult due to prematurity?
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)

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