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American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the Americ
Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
Sociologist who promoted "social psychology," the belief that social environment affected the behavior of individuals. He believed that practical solutions to current problems should be derived through the united efforts of church, state and science, and
Edward Ross (1866-1951)
He asserted that economic theory should reflect social conditions, and believed that the government should act to regulate the economy to prevent social injustice.
Richard Ely (1854-1943)
Initiative: people have the right to propose a new law. Referendum: a law passed by the legislature can be reference to the people for approval/veto. Recall: the people can petition and vote to have an elected official removed from office. These all made
Initiative, referendum, recall
An election where people directly elect their party's candidates for office. Candidates had previously been selected by party caucuses that were considered elitist and undemocratic. This made elected official more accountable to the people.
Direct Primary
1913 - 16th Amendment authorized Congress to levy an income tax. 1913 - 17th Amendment gave the power to elect senators to the people. Senators had previously been appointed by the legislatures of their states. 1919 - 18th Amendment prohibited the manufac
16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments
Started government regulation of public utilities. He was Secretary of State under Harding and later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was the Republican candidate in 1916, and lost to Wilson by less that 1% of the vote.
Charles Evans Hughes (1862-1948)
A fire in New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911 killed 146 people, mostly women. They died because the doors were locked and the windows were too high for them to get to the ground. Dramatized the poor working conditions and let to federal regula
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
National organization set up in 1895 to work for prohibition. Later joined with the WCTU to publicize the effects of drinking.
Anti-Saloon League
Roosevelt used this term to declare that he would use his powers as president to safeguard the rights of the workers.
Square Deal
Authorized the use of federal money to develop the west, it helped to protect national resources.
Newlands Reclamation Act, 1902
First national forest conservation policy, authorized the president to set aside areas of land for national forests.
Forest Reserve Act, 1891
Large strike by coal miners. Baer led the miner's union at the time.
Anthracite Coal Strike, 1902, George F. Baer
This strengthened earlier federal legislation that outlawed preferential pricing through rebates. Rebates are returns of parts of the amount paid for goods or services, serving as a reduction or discount. This act also prohibited railroads from transporti
Elkins Act, 1903, rebates
It imposed stricter control over railroads and expanded powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, including giving the ICC the power to set maximum rates.
Hepburn Act, 1906
Signed by Taft, it bolstered the regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and supported labor reforms. It gave the ICC the power to prosecute its own inquiries into violations of its regulations.
Mann-Elkins Act, 1910
Nicknamed for Teddy Roosevelt, this is a federal official who seeks to dissolve monopolistic trusts through vigorous enforcement of antitrust laws.
The Supreme Court ordered this company to dissolve because it was a trust.
Northern Securities Company case
1906 - Laid down binding rules for sanitary meat packing and government inspection of meat products crossing state lines.
Meat Inspection Act
The author who wrote a book about the horrors of food productions in 1906, the bad quality of meat and the dangerous working conditions.
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA.
Pure Food and Drug Act
An environmental conference to study the nation's natural resources and how to conserve them.
Conservation Conference, 1908
Caused by mistrust for and lowered confidence in bankers.
Panic of 1907
Taft, Republican, won over Byran, Democrat, because of his support of Roosevelt.
Election of 1908
Prominent Republican senator and businessman, he was Republican campaign manager.
Mark Hanna (1839-1904)
1911 - Increased industrial output by rationalizing and refining the production process.
Scientific Management, Frederick W. Taylor
Wisconsin was called the "Laboratory of Democracy" because many of the reform ideas of the Progressive era came out of Wisconsin, specifically from Robert M. LaFollette.
Wisconsin, "Laboratory of Democracy"
A great debater and political leader who believed in libertarian reforms, he was a major leader of the Progressive movement from Wisconsin.
Robert M. LaFollette (1855-1925)
Formed to set safety standards and to enforce fair practices of business competition for the sake of the U.S. public.
Regulatory commissions
Founded the National Consumer's League, which wanted legislation to protect consumers from being cheated or harmed by big business.
Florence Kelley, consumerism
The idea was that the people of a city should decide how the city is run.
Home Rule for cities
Mayors for social reform, they wanted a reform of values over more legislation.
Tom Johnson, Sam (Golden Rule) Jones, Brand Witlock, Hazen Pingree
Legislation designed to break up political machines and replace traditional political management of cities with trained professional urban planners and managers.
City Manager Plan, Commission Plan
27th President (1908-1912), he was the only man to serve as both President of the U.S. and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Overweight, he was the only president to get stuck in the White House bathtub. Roosevelt supported he in 1908, but later ran aga
William Howard Taft
Originally started in 1903 as the Department of Commerce and Labor, it was combined with the Bureau of Corporations in 1913 to create the Department of Labor
Department of Labor
With the fear of foreign competition gone, it lowered rates to 38%. Democrats felt it did not go far enough and passed the Underwood Tariff in 1913 to further lower taxes.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff, 1909
Cabinet members who had fought over conservation efforts and how much effort and money should be put into conserving national resources. Pinchot, head of the Forestry Department, accused Ballinger, Secretary of the Interior, of abandoning federal conserva
Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy
Speaker of the House, he could make or break legislation form 1903 to 1910. He represented the Old Guard, which controlled Congress, and his arbitrary tactics led to the adoption of resolutions in 1910 limiting the power of the Speaker.
Uncle Joe Cannon (1836-1926), Old Guard
Congressman from Nebraska, he was a reformer Republican who helped lead the rules change of 1910 which ended the arbitrary power of the Speaker. Known as the father of the Tennessee Valley Authority, he was author of the 20th Amendment. Later, while in th
Senator George Norris (1861-1944)
1911 - Supreme Court allowed restrictions on competition through the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Rule of Reason: Standard Oil case, American Tobacco case
Taft and Knox cam up with it to further foreign policy in the U.S. in 1909-1913 under the Roosevelt Corollary. It was meant to avoid military intervention by giving foreign countries monetary aid.
"Dollar Diplomacy"
Developed dollar diplomacy with Taft, he encouraged and protected U.S. investment abroad.
Secretary of State Knox (1853-1920)
The U.S. planned to build a railroad to transport American products into China. It would have allowed the U.S. to corner the China market.
Manchurian Railroad Scheme
Teddy Roosevelt's speech given in Kansas on his Square Deal and "Big Stick" foreign policy. Roosevelt said, "speak softly and carry a big stick."
Roosevelt's Osawatomie, Kansas speech
They split over idealogy. Roosevelt believed in breaking up "bad" trusts while allowing "good" trusts to continue. Taft opposed all trusts. Roosevelt wanted more involvement in foreign affairs, and Taft was an isolationist. Roosevelt ran against Taft in 1
Taft-Roosevelt split
The Progressive Party, it was Roosevelt's party in the 1912 election. He ran as a Progressive against Republican Taft, beating him but losing to Democrat Woodrow Wilson.
Bull Moose Party
He believed that monopolies had to be broken up and that the government must regulate business. He believed in competition, and called his economic plan "New Freedom."
Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom
A system win which government authority would be balanced and coordinate economic activity. Government would regulate business.
Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism
Editor who wrote The Promise of American Life about government authority being used to balance economic activity. This was the basis for Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism."
Herbert Croly, The Promise of American Life
Wilson, Democrat beat Roosevelt, Progressive (Bull Moose), Taft, Republican and Debs, Socialist. The issues were the economy and growing conflict in Europe.
Election of 1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft, Debs, issues

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