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history finals ONLY VOCAB


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Industrial Revolution (10:1)
the change from an agrarian society to one based on industry which began in Great Britain and spread to the US
brand (18:2)
symbol to tell whos cattle were whos
decree (12:2)
official order
Californios (12:3)
mexicans who lived in California
Conestoga wagons (9:2)
sturdy vehicles topped with white canvases used by the settlers
cash crops (17:4)
crops that could be sold for money (cotton, tobacco)
disarmament (26:2)
giving up military weapons
neutral rights (9:3)
the right to sail seas and not take sides
collective bargaining (19:4)
unions represent workers in bargaining with management
carpetbaggers (17:3)
critics called northerners this because of their bag
mergers (19:3)
the combining of companies
clipper ships (13:1)
ships with sleek hulls and tall sails
capital (10:1)
ranchos (12:3)
mexcan settlers who bought land from the leftover Native American lands and built lasrge properties on it
public works (25:1)
projects such as highways parks and libraries to create new jobs
ratify (16:3)
assembly line (19:2)
each worker perfoms an assigned task again adna gain in a certain stage in the production fo an automobile
poll tax (17:4)
a fee people had to pay before voting
War Hawks (9:3)
always wanted to go to war
militarism (23:1)
army growth
Forty-Niners (12:4)
people who arrived in California in 1949 (gold rush)
seceed (9:2)
expatriates (24:5)
people who choose to live in another country
guerrilla tactics (11:2)
making surprise aacks and then retreating back into the forests and swamps
entrenched (16:5)
set up in a strong position
philanthropy (19:3)
the use of money to benefit the community
border ruffians (15:2)
the armd groups of missourians who were proslavery supporters who crossed the border just to vote
socialists (23:4)
people who believe industries should be publically owned
bounties (16:4)
payments to encourage volunteers
integrated (17:3)
included both whites and blacks
convoys (23:3)
appeasement (26:1)
avoid war by accepting demands
defaulted (25:1)
fail to pay loan payment
island hopping (26:5)
attacking and capturing certain key islands
vertical integration (19:3)
acquiring companies that provided equipment and servces needed
ethnic groups (23:1)
people who share the same language and traditions
embargo (9:3)
prohibits trade with another country
vaqueros (18:2)
spanish cowboys
freedmen (17:1)
former enslaved people
commission (17:4)
nativists (13:2)
people opposed to immigrants
sweatshops (19:4)
crowded urban factories
discrimination (13:2)
unfair treatment of a group
famine (13:2)
extreme shortage of food
prohibition (21:2)
the passing of laws to prohibit the making or selling of alcohol
radical (17:1)
dry farming (18:2)
required to plant seeds deep in the ground so they would sprout
quota system (24:5)
an arrangement placing a limit on the number of immigrants from each country
injunction (19:4)
court order
Tejanos (12:2)
mexicans who claimed Texas as their home
vigilantes (12:4)
people who took the law into their own hands
holocaust (26:4)
millions and millions of people ruthlessly killed
autocracy (23:2)
rule by one person with unlimited power
Manifest Destiny (12:1)
to overspread and possess the entire continent
border states (16:1)
maryland, missouri, kentucky, delaware
pacifists (23:4)
people opposed to the use of violence.
nationalism (23:1)
a feeling of intense loyalty to onescountry or group
strikebreakers (19:4)
replace the striking workers and federal troops restored to order. hired by the companies
empresarios (12:2)
a person who arranged for the settlement of land in Texas in the 1800s
Rebels (16:1)
Union (north)
scalawag (17:3)
term meaning scoundrel or worthless rascal
reconstruction (17:1)
period of time during rebuilding
reservations (18:3)
tracts of land set aside for Native Americans
Nationalism (9:3)
loyalty to their country
total war (16:5)
method of waging war
grandfather clause (17:4)
allowed individuals who did not pass the literacy test tovote if their fathers or grandfathers had voted before reconstruction
patent (10:1)
gives inventor the sole right to the invention and its profits for a certain period of time
mountain men (12:1)
people who spent most of their time in the mountains
front (23:3)
line of battle
emigrants (12:1)
pioneers who travelled the Oregan Trail
blockade runners (16:2)
confederate ships that sailed out of southern ports
flappers (24:4)
care free young women of the 1920s
stock exchange (25:1)
an organized system for buying and selling shares of stock, or blocks of investments in corporations
alliance system (23:1)
defense agreements among nations
entente (23:1)
understanding among nations
boomtowns (12:4)
communities built almost overnight
capitalism (10:1)
individuals put their money into a business with hopes to make a profit
blockade (16:1)
corruption (17:3)
dishonest or illegal action
League of Nations (23:5)
members would help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect one anothers territory and political independence
Morse code (13:1)
a series of dots and dashes representing the letters of the alphabet
balance of power (23:1)
a system that prevents any one country from dominating another
blitzkreig (26:2)
"lightening war" Germans offensive way of fighting
sodbusters (18:2)
farmes of the Plains
Lendlease act (26:2)
allowed america to sell lend or lease arms or other warsupplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the US"
segregation (17:4)
separation of the races
rendezvous (12:1)
meeting/gathering place;; mostly by mountain men
cotton gin (10:1)
a simple machine that quickly and efficiently removed the seeds from the cotton fiber
monopoly (19:3)
almost total control by a single producer (oil industry)
joint occupation (12:1)
people from Britain and the US could settle here
emancipate (16:3)
shareholders (19:3)
partial owners
Rancheros (12:3)
ranch owners
reconcilliation (17:4)
coming together again
privateers (9:4)
armed private ships
greenbacks (16:4)
Union money
D-Day (26:4)
allied ships landed on the coast of Normandy (june 6, 1944)
mass media (24:5)
forms of communication such as newspapers and radio, that reach millions of people
dictators (26:1)
leaders who control their nations by force
strikes (13:2)
refusing to work in order to put pressure on employers
lyinching (17:4)
habeas corpus (16:4)
guaranteed accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed
kamikazes (26:5)
suicidal pilots
trade unions (13:2)
organizations of workers with the same trade or skill
reparations (23:5)
corporation (19:3)
a company that sells shares of its business to the public
propaganda (23:2)
information designed to influence opinion
dissent (23:4)
genocide (26:4)
wiping out an entire group of people
stock (19:3)
amnesty (17:1)
a pardon
telegraph (13:3)
an apparatus that used electric signals to transmit messages
open range (18:2)
not fenced or divided into lots
anti-semitism (26:1)
hatred of jews
frigates (9:4)
espionage (23:4)
migrant workers (25:3)
moving from place to place to harvest fruits and vegetables
relief (25:1)
aid for the needy
states' rights (15:4)
rights independent of the federal government
interchangeable parts (10:1)
identical machine parts that could be quickly put together to make a complete product
on margin (25:1)
pay for a fraction of a stock then borrow from the bank (loan)
totalitarian (26:1)
a single party and its leader suppress all opposition an control all aspects of peoples lives.
tribute (9:3)
protection money
abstain (15:1)
not to cast votes
sectionalism (15:1)
an exaggerated loyalty to a particular region of the country
sharecropping (17:3)
landowner rented land to sharecropper and in return profit was shared
Yankees (16:1)
Confederate (south)
armistice (23:3)
agreeent to end all fighting
internment camps (26:3)
located in desert areas, crowded, uncomfortable, conditions were harsh
dividends (19:3)
cash payments from the corporations profits
popular sovereignity (15:2)
allowing the people to decide
literacy test (17:4)
read and explain parts of the constitution before voting
nomadic (18:3)
travel vast distances following their main source of food (buffalo)
prejudice (13:2)
an unfair opinon not based on facts
ironclad (16:2)
Virginia, Merrimack. this type of warships were undefeatable no winner to battles
horizontal integration (19:3)
combining competing firms intoone corporation
technology (10:1)
scientific discoveries that simplify work
annex (12:2)
take control of
Fourteen Points (23:5)
peace plan designed by Wilson.
dust bowl (25:3)
serious drought in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas
suffragist (21:2)
men and women who fought for womans suffrage or womens right to vote
inflation (16:4)
general increase in prices
ceded (12:3)
to give
sabotage (23:4)
secret action to damage the war effort
fugitive (15:1)
to leave
factory system (10:1)
a system bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency
draft (16:4)
law that required men between the ages of 18-35 to serve in the army for 3 years
secession (15:4)
withdrawal from the Union
mass production (19:2)
producing large quantities of goods more quickly
relocate (11:2)
Offensive (16:1)
to go on the attack; southern strategy
trust (19:3)
a group of companies managed by the same board of directors
nativism (24:5)
the belief that native-born americans are superior to foreigners
facism (26:1)
extreme nationalism and racism
rationed (26:3)
consumers could buy only a limited number
homestead (18:2)
earn ownership of land by selling it
evolution (24:5)
the scientific theory that humans evolved over vast periods of time
casualties (16:2)
people killed or wounded
mobilization (23:4)
gathering of resources and the preparation for war

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