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aquired alexia and agraphia


undefined, object
copy deck
- language based disorder
-some aphasic benefit from written word or not
-varies with anterior lesions
Aquired alexia
4 types of Alexia:
1. Deep
2 phonological
3. surface
4. pure
usually L fronto-temporal lesion
usually L porterior lesion
extends on continuum from deep to surface dyslexia
-less severe than deep
Dissasociation between occipital association cortex and dominant angular gyrus
-impaired grapheme to phoneme
-read only content words
-difficulty w/ functor
-damage t mapping input
-semantic paralexias ("tall" for "long")
-high learned words superior
-strong with concreteness
Deep dyslexia
-occasional problem w/ functor words
-poor graphemeto phoneme + nonsensewords
-familiar words strong
-few semantic errors KEY****
-mild reading impairment
-real words easier
Phonological dyslexia
- spelling sound regularity
-opposite of deep
-can read nonsense
-use grapheme to phoneme
-overregularity of rules
Surface dyslexia
-can't read what they write
-read letter by letter
-no smeantic errors
Pure dyslexia
assessment of reading
-word frequency
-length of word
-personal relevance
assessment of reading aloud
-personal relevant names
-nonsense words
-include functor words
-words with emotional valence
assessing reading comp
-match word with picture
-present target words vertically
-read a command
nonliguistic symbols
road signs
Aquired disorder of writing characterized by spelling, semantics, syntax and construction errors
-language based disorder
Typically what one hears verbally...
will be what one sees graphically
-inability to use writing tool with a model
-cannot form letter when copying
-better spelling w/ anagrams or out loud
-difficulty w/ patterns for writing
Apraxic Agraphia
-spelling errors for semantics only (cat vs. dog)
-write concrete nouns
-impaired phoneme to grapheme
-no functor words
Deep Dysgraphia
-phonetic spelling errors
over-relaince of grapheme to phoneme
-impaired whole word lexical route
-can write false words
Surface Dysgraphia
-use lexical-semantic whole word spelling
-preserved ability to write real words
-no false words
-impaired phoneme to grapheme
Phonological Dysgraphia
Assessment of writing:
1. use unlined paper+ felt tip pen
2. new sheet per task
3. use clipboard
assessment observation:
dominant vs non hand
script vs print
lower vs upper case
placment on paper
Tasks for assessment:
1. write alphabet/numbers
2. name
3. words when dictated
4. copy sent.
Functional writing:
completing forms
writing check

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