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world history wanlin prepsheet chapters 18, 19, 20, 21


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seven years war
it ended colonial competition in india between great britain and france.
Mark Twain
American regionalist writer whose novels include The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
political groups organized in support of a common cause.
abraham lincoln
in 1860 he was elected president of the US. he headed the newly formed REpublican party, which had pledged to prevent the spread of slavery into th eterritories.
louis philippe
'citizen king' of france who favored measures that benefited the middle class.
Spanish colonists formed large, self-sufficient farming estates.
business ofganization in which individuals by shares of stock, elect directors to decide policies and hire managers, and receive dividends according to the number of shares they own.
writer whose work protrayed life in its less attractive but real form.
nadir shah
ruler whose military conquests extended persia's boundaires and who destroyed mughal power in india.
crimean war
france defeated russia in a war that lasted 2 years. it has become known s the most unnecessary war in hisory. the only positive thing that happened was that modern field hospitals to care for the wunded came into use, and florence nightingale established professional nursing of the wounded.
giuseppe gariblaide
he recruited the army of 1100 soldiers, they were called the red shirts. with this army he invaded and took Sicily, he then crossed tot he mainland and seiezd naples, the capital city. he became a national and international hero.
study of how inborn characteristics are passed on.
a class of aristocratic landowners in the newly unified germany. they pushed for the removal of tarrifs inside of germany.
christabel pankhurst
along wtih her mother, she led the women's movement for the right to vote in great britain. the suffrages finally managed to get a bill passed in 1928.
ivan pavlov
russian biologist who discovered the conditioned reflex.
latin american of african and european ancestry.
sam morse
he invented the telegraph, a system which could send an electircal current over a wire to a machine at the other end that clicked wtih each impulse. those clicks were made into a code of dots and dashes that coulud be translated into letters of the alphabet.
whit person in Latin america who was born in spain or prtugal.
reformers who wanted changes like universal male suffrag; the secret ballot; and payment for membes of Parliament, so that even workingmen could afford to enter politics. this group supported a document called the people's charter.
thomas edison
american inventor who developed an improved light bulb and a central powerhouse and a transmission system for electiricy.
charles goodyear
an american inventor discoevered in 1839 by mixing sulfur and rubber in a process called vulcanizing he couuld 'cure' rubber na dmake it more elastic and usable.
charles cornwallis
governor-general of the british east india company in india.
lowest point in the business cycle.
alessandro volta
in 1800 an Italian built the first battery, a device that provided a steady current of electricity.
edmund cartwright
in 1785, an englihs minister met the need for a faster weaving process which his invention of a power loom, a machine powered by water and capable of producing as much cloth as 200 handlooms.
james fenimore cooper
american writer of adventure stories that idealized the american indian and the frontier.
alexander II
in 1861 he issued the emancipation edict, which freed all serfs in russia. he also introduced other liberal reform sbut had a difficult time satisfying the desires of the conservatives, liberals, and radicals. he was assassinated by a bomb attack by the people's will in 1881, a radical group that used terrorism to accomplsiht heir goals.
study of the history of literature and language.
theory that plant and animal life developed from common ancestors over millions of years.
three distinct areas developed in the US and their rivalry eventually led to the civil war. the noth adn south lost more tan 600,000 lives
otto von bismarck
head of the prussian governemnt, he decided that war with france would help achieve german unification under prussian leadership. to this end, bismarck made a series of clever diplomatic aneuvers that insulted the french. in 1870 france declared war on prussia just as bismarck had hoped that they would.
free trade
belief that government should not restrict or interfere in international trade.
william gladstone
britihs prime minister and leader of the liberal party responsible for many reforms.
giuseppe mazzini
in 1831 he called for all italian patriots to join a new movement, known as the young italy movement, this movement wanted to establish a republic in italy.
savifid dynasty
persian society flourished under the rule of Shah Abbas I. The Safavids followed the Shi'ah element of Islam, and they ruthlessly forced Shi'ism upon the Persian population as the state religion.
matthew perry
commander of US naval force sent to Japan to negotiate a commercial treaty
seven week war
in 1866 bismarck provoked austria into declaring war on prussia, and then in very efficient manne prussia, with the use of new technology, shocked the world by quickly defeating austria in seven weeks.
german composer whose music expressed a love of nature, called for liberty and aroused powerful emotion.
white australia policy
after a flood of immigrats entered the country in the mid 1800's, laws were passed to allow only whites to immigrate. ideas of racial superiority also led to brutal violence against native peoples. this antagonized many nations, particularly those in asia.
durham report
as a direct result of report submitted to parliament by lord durham in 1839, parliament granted canada self-government in 1848.
wilhelm rontgen
german physicist who discovered x rays.
process by which atoms of certain elements disintegrate and release energy.
write person who is born in the latin american colonies.
free enterprise
principle that every person shoul dbe free to go into any business and to operate it fro his or her greater advantage.
franco-prussian war
this war was instigated by otto von bismarck in 1870, the french declared war on prussia due to the Ems telegram but were defeated in a few months. Bismarck's objetive of uniting the german states was accomplished, and even before signing the peace agreement a more important even took place which was a proclamation declaring the formation of the german empire, which included all german states except austria.
eli whitney
in 1793 he invented a machine taht could separate the seed fom the cotton fiber nd as a result allowed the souther n US the ability to meet the british demand for cotton. this invention perpetuated slavery in the US.
process of heating liquids to kill bacteria.
john dalton
english chemist who devised a method for 'weighing' atoms
tokugawa ieyasu
japanese overlord who established a shogunate headed by his family for more than 250 years.
native indian troops trained and led into battle by the british.
sir alexander fleming
british discoverer of penicillin.
Simon Bolivar
Nicknamed the Liberator, led revolutions against the Spanish in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
process of revealing and analyzing the unconscious.
charles darwin
british biologist who developed the theory of natural selection to describe evolution.
russian composer whose music was often built around stories and developed nationalistic themes.
the italian nationalistic movement, which its goal of liberation and unification. secret societies had to form because nationalists could not support their cause openly. this term is the italian word for 'resurgence'.
ottoman empire
this empire expanded during the reign of Suleyman the magnificent but after his death in 1566 it began to decline because of its loss of control over the silk and spice trade.
exemption of foreigners from the laws of the country in which they live or do business.
the legislative assembly, made up fhe german ligislature's lower house. it's nearly 400 membes were elected by universal male suffrage.
dreyfus affair
this case showed the world that anti-semitism existed in france. captain alfred dreyfus, a jewish officer, was falsely convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for betraying his country by giving secrets to germany. widespread cynicism about the third republic of france came baout.
latin american of american indian and european background.
wilbur and orville wright
first people to fly a powered airplane in sustained, controlled flight.
the union of all slavic peoples under russian leadership.
charles townshend
by means of repeated experiments, he learned that alternating different kinds of crops wouuld preserve soil fertility. this system called crop rotation, has become a basic principle of modern farming.
a customs union which included most of the german states, except, most notably, austria. the german states adopted uniform systems of weights, measures, and currency. it paved the way for later political unity.
taiping rebellion
a rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan lasted from 1850 to 1864 and caused terrible destruction in southern china. The taiping rebellion seriously weakened bot hte qing dynasty and china as a whole.
elizabeth cady stanton
women's rights advocate who organized the senega falls convention.
white lotus society
in 1796 membes of this society led chinese peasants in a rebellion against hte qing dynasty becuase of their discontent with increased taxes and decreased services.
james monroe
american president who declared the US's opposition to European interference in the Western Hemisphere.
danish war
in 1864 after three months of fighting denmark surrendered to prussia and austria. they were forced to give up two duchies, prussia wouuld administer schleswig and austria would administer holstein.
long, solid ship built by the early chinese.
artistic style that glorified emotion and instinct.
he was a freed slave, who led the only successful revolution led by slaves anywhere in teh world. Saint Domingue proclaimed its independance under the ancient name of Haiti.
quantum theory
theory that energy can be released only in definite 'packages'
sir robert peel
british politician who organized a permanent police force in london.
walter camp
american who adapted rugby into an early form of football.
balkan wars
in 1912 and 1913, two wars broke out between independent balkan nations. the balkan league, consisting of bulgaria, serbia, greece, and montenegro, declared war on teh ottoman empire and won. by the end of 1913, the territory of the ottom empire in europe had shrunk dramatically. war clouds gathered on the horizons of major imperial european powers.
massacres of jews in czarist russia. this policy came after alexander Ii was killed and was part of intensive repression by alexander III and ncholas iI. they revived and intensified russification and labeled liberal goal such as 'senseless dreams.'
napoleon III
the newphew of napoleon banaparte became the king of france by the vote of the people, he tried to quiet discontent at home by winning glory for france abroad.
james watt
in teh 1760's a scottish instrument maker and engineer invented many improvements to the newcomen engine and by 1769 patented the modern steam engine. as a result of his invention, steam replaced water as industry's major power source.
established in china by the ming dynasty, this philosophy divided society into four classes. firs tht escholars gentry followd by the peasants and then the artisans, and finally at the bottom were the merchants.
britains third reform bill of 1884
it gave th most agricultural workers the right to vote.
alexander graham bell
american inventor of the telephone.
italian operatic composer whose music includes Othello, Aida, and other works that reflected his nationalistic beliefs.
oda nobunaga
japanese overlord who ended the ashikaga shogunate.
guglielmo marconi
italian inventor of the wireless telegraphy.
expansion of slavery
the main issue dividing the sections in the US.
division of labor
division of the manufacturing process into a series of separate tasks, which each task assigned to a different worker or group of workers.
camillo benson di cavour
chief minister of sardinia who entered into a secret agrreement with napoleon III to plan a war against austria.
sigmund freud
austrian physician who developed the concept of the unconscious as a determining factor in behavior.
a ruler who holds absolute power.
colelctive bargaining
process of negotiation between union and management representatives to agree on wages, hours, and working conditions.
title of the ruler of the german empire.
artist whose paintings portrayed scenes as they might be seen in a quick glance.
bismarck's anti-catholic programs in which germany passed strict laws to control catholic clerty and catholic schoools. the laws expelled jesuits, forbae political expression from the pulpit, and required that all catholic clergy be germans who had been educated in german schools.
social democratic party (SDP)
most of the membes of this socialist party came from the ranks of urban workers. Bismarck at frist trid to weaken them with a campaign of repression but hwne thhat failed he trie da new approcahc. he decided to grant many of the reforms ths socialists proposed. germany thus adopted a pioneering program of governemtn directed social programs.
victor emmanuel II
italy was unitd in 1861 when the people voted overwhelmingly for national unity under the king of the kingdom of sardinia. unification was furthered when italy gained venetia in the seven week's war of 1866. in 1870 the citizens of rome voted for union with italy, and later that year rome was proclaimed the capital of the kingdom of italy. who was the king?
womens suffrage
new zealand became the first country in the world to adopt voting rights for women in 1893.
by 1900 a number of corporations in germany had combined to control entire industries. a cartel might own coal and iron mines, steel mills, and factories that used steel to build machines.
james hargreaves
a poor english weaver, came up with a machine in the 1760's that he named the spinning 'jenny'. this machine could produce eight times as much thread as a single spinning wheel.
upper house, was a federal council, which consisted of 58 appointed members.
russian revolution
in 1905, russia lost a war to the newly industrialied japanese, this exposed the weakness of nicholas Ii and his corrupt governemtn. when the czar's soldiers shot unarmed strikers on bloody sunday, they triggered the revolution nof 1905. violence broke out in the streets and there were mutinies in the army and navy. in order to calm the crisis, nicholas yielded to the pressure and issued a decree called the October Manifesto, which promised individual liberties nad provided fo the election of a parliament called the duma.
the right to vote.
sir walter scott
scottish novelist whose Ivanhoe reflected the days of knighthood.
northwest ordinance
it provided for an orderly expansion of the US. it stated that people who lived in territories would have rights equal to those who lived in the original 13 states.
the unified manchurian tribes became known as the Manchu and in 1644 they captuered Beijing and established the quing dyansty. the manchu forced the chinese men to wear their hair in a single braid or tail. this distinguished the chinese from the manchu.
bombings and assassinations of high officials by political groups.
complete control of the production or sale of a good or service by a single firm.
treaty of nanjing
at hte concllusion of the oppium war in 1842, china was forced to give britain the islan dof hong kong. 150 years later china reclaimed during the summer of 1997.
special theory of relativity
theory that motion can be measured only relativ to some particular observer.
dual monarchy
after austria's defeat by prussia in 1866, hungarians demanded more freedom. austria responded in 1867 by forming this monarchy, also called the austria-hungary, in which hungarians shared power with austrians.
home rule
self governemnt
Treaty of Kanagawa
in 1854 Japanese isolation ended when their ports were opened for trade wtih America and within two years with Great Britain, Russia and the Netherlands.
buisness cycle
economic pattern of alternating periods of prosperity and decline.
political movement whose followers believed that representative government ought to protect individual freedoms

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