undefined, object
copy deck
- abi
- as long as
- abissel
- a little
- acker
- plow
- ad ha-yom
- to this day
- aerger
- worse
- afille
- even
- aguleh
- wagon
- aguneh
- abandoned wife
- aher
- hence, to there
- ahnung
- glimpse
- akhileh
- eating
- akhrayos
- responsability
- akhsanieh
- inn
- akhten
- to observe
- akhzoyros
- cruelty
- akorsht
- just, recently
- aksel
- shoulder
- akshoynos
- stubbornness
- alef-beys
- alphabet
- alevay
- if only
- aliyah
- immigration to Israel
- alle
- everybody
- allerley
- all kinds of
- alleyn
- oneself
- allgemeyn
- common, general
- almuneh
- widow
- als
- when
- alt
- old
- alts
- everything
- amol
- once
- am-oretz
- ignoramus
- amt
- office, position
- ander
- other
- andersh
- differently
- angenehm
- confortable
- angst
- fear
- antoysht
- disappointed
- antplecken
- to be revealed
- apikoyros
- free-thinker
- apteyker
- pharmacist
- arbel
- sleeve
- arbeten
- work
- arendar
- property manager
- arop
- down
- aroyf
- up
- arum
- around
- ashiros
- wealth
- assokim
- affairs
- atsind
- now
- avadeh
- of course
- aveck
- away
- aveydeh
- loss, misfortune
- aveylim
- mourners
- aveyrah
- sin
- avos
- fathers, ancestors
- ayer
- your
- ayl
- oil
- aylen
- to hurry
- aynfluss
- influence
- ayngemakhts
- jam, preserves
- ayn-ladung
- invitation
- ayz
- ice
- ayzen
- iron
- az
- that
- aza
- such as
- azelkhe
- such
- azoy
- so
- ba'al-guf
- kulak, corpulent fellow
- ba'amte
- official
- back
- cheek
- badaytung
- meaning
- bafoylen
- ordered
- bagegnen
- to meet with
- bagleyten
- to accompany
- baheften
- to reunite
- bahn
- rail line
- balangen
- to belong to
- bald
- soon
- balebatim
- boss, householder
- baleguleh
- wagon driver
- baleydicken
- to insult
- baloden
- ladden
- banand
- together
- bank
- bench
- banummen
- breathless, out of control
- barg
- mountain
- barihmt
- famous
- bar-menan
- corpse
- barot
- care, custody
- barsht
- brush
- basar
- meat
- bashert
- ordained
- bashtehticken
- to certify
- batieteln
- to title, to nickname
- bavegung
- movement
- bay
- by, with
- baykher
- stomachs
- baylen
- to clench
- baymer
- trees
- bayshpiel
- example
- bayssen
- to bite
- bayten
- to modify
- baytsh
- whip
- bebbekhes
- household, baggage, bric-a-brac
- befrat
- in particular
- beged
- article of clothing
- beheymeh
- cow, animal
- beholeh
- turmoil
- bekasheh
- request
- bel-emmer
- podium in a synagogue
- ben-ir
- fellow townsman
- benken
- to long for
- bentshen
- to bless
- berieh'shkayt
- adeptness
- be-rosh
- at the head, in front
- besser
- better
- besureh
- news, tidings
- beten
- to ask for
- bett
- bed
- bettler
- beggar
- beyde
- both