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chapter 10


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Justinian's wife who urged Justinian to change Byzantine law to affect the status of women
money or coods a wife brings to a marriage
Ivan the terrible
destroed cities . and murdered his oldest son
holy pictures of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or saints
Yaroslav the Wise
ruled a great period in RUssian history. Built many churches and intorduced Russia's forst law code
Vladimir I
sent observers to Christian church services and adopted Christianity
"Greek fire"
flammable liquid used as a weapon by the Byzantine navy
Ivan III
ruled as Great PRince
opinion that conflicts with offical church beliefs
official edict that bars a person from church membership
Justinian code
Collection of laws that formed the basis for Byzantine law under Eperor Justinian
the leader of the people called Rus
Vladimir Monomakh
lead a military campaings against the Polovsy
Title taken by Ivan the terrible; Russian for "ceasar"
people who opposed the use of icons in worship
Pracda Russkia
the first of Russia's law codes
"third Rome"
Moscow; Russian Orthodox interpretation of the city's leading role in bringing spiritual light to the world
people led by Rurik who came to rule Keiv and the Slavic tribes along the Dnieper River
Hagia Sophia
a church means "holy wisdom"
large, grassy plain stretching across easter Europe and central Asia that is ideal for agriculture
nobles who advised the prince in each Kievan city
Ottoman Turks
began to threaten Byzantine territory after Justinian died which partially caused the fall of the Byzantine empire
interfered with Kiev's trade. Turkish people who controlled the area sound of Kiev
Iconoclastic Controversy
Debate btwn opponents and defenders of icons in the Byzantine Church; one of the issues that led to the split of the Christian Church
Russian region north of the steppe having great forests, much rainfall, and cold, long winters
general of the Byzantine army under Justinian rule
Cyril and Methodius
Christian missionaries who tried to teach the Bible to Slavs in central and eastern Europe. and made an alphabet for them
picutre or design made from small pieces of enamel, glass, or stone
led Byzantines in a revival to bring the glory and power of the Roman Empire

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