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Slavic Midterm 1


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Alphabet invented by Cyril and Methodius when they brought CHristianity to the Slavs. Possible sources of characters: mystical symbols, Crimeran symbols, Greek cursive.
A main Slavic pagan god: the god of thunder. He was later interpreted as St. Elijah the thunderer.
A water nymph that uses song and dance to bring men down into the water. Often, young women who die an early death would have to live as a rusalka.
Old Believers
During the 1666 schism of the Russian Church, the Old Believers were against the changes that would create uniformity between Russian and Greek Orthodoxes. Old Believers were excommunicated, and even prosecuted, such as with Boyarina Morozova.
The Golden Horde
They were Mongols who invaded Rus and took control from 1237-1380. They required tributes and bribes to be paid to them, and these often drained the economy.
The Battel of Kulikovo
In 1380 Dmitry Donskoi led Rus against Mamai, the Mongol leader that he refused to obey. Mamai was defeated.
The Battle of Kosovo
In 1389, Ottomans were invading Europe along the Balkans, and the Serbian Army held them on the plains of Kosovo. The Serbs were defeated, and many were killed, but it bought time for back up to arrive.
He was a character from the works of Jaroslav Hasek. He represents the Czech perspective: passive, thinking on a local level instead of international.
A movement born out of 19th century Romanticism and dominated by Russians. This thought encouraged the shared identity of all Slavs.
Westernizers versus Slavophiles
Westernizers wanted Russia to adopt Western technology and political philosophy. Slavophiles rejected this and saw Russia as unique and superior.
The Balkans
The lands that were subjugated by the Ottoman Empire. Includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
Battle on the Ice
In 1242 the Republic of Novgorod, led by Alexander Nevsky, battled the Levonian branch of the Teutonic Knights. All of the Catholics fell in a frozen lake and died.
The Russian Primary Chronicle
A massive list of yearly entries, with each entry telling of major events that took place in Russia for that particular year.
A romanticized hero, similar to Robin Hood. Hajduks participated in guerilla warfare against the Ottomans, and were made out as national heroes.
Moscow, the Third Rome
Moscow was called the third Rome because of how magnificent it was.
Jan Hus and the Hussite Revolution
Jan Hus preached in Czech and led the people against the power of the Church. The Hussite Revolution had four main points: communion in both body and blood, freedom to preach, confiscation of church property, and punishment of sins in the secular authority.
Alexander Pushkin
He was the Russian national poet who wrote "The Bronze Horseman." He loved Russian literature and fairy tales and was the fatehr of modern Russian literary language.
Adam Mickiewicz
Polish national poet, he traveled abroad while Poland was under Russian rule. Later, he turned to mysticism and organized against Russia until his death.
Taras Shevchenko
He started as a painter in St. Petersburg, and bought his own freedom from his owner. He was the voice of the Ukrainian Revolution from Russia.
Cyril and Methodius invent the first Slavic alphabet, Glagolitic.
The Great Schism of Eastern and Western Christianity.
Mongol-Tartar invasion of Rus.
Novgorod burned down by Mongols?
Battle of Kulikovo
Battle of Kosovo
Ottomans take Constantinople.
End of Mongol rule.
Schism in the Russian Church.
Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg.
The Decembrist Revolt.
Emancipation of serfs.
Russian Revolution.
The house of Baba Yaga picture
Baba Yaga is a common character in fairy tales, and is usually an evil witch.
St. Andrew picture
He is erecting a cross on a hill near the Dnieper River. Andrew said that Kiev would be built on this hill.
Glagolitic alphabet picture
The first Slavic alphabet, invented by Cyril and Methodius in 863.
Olga picture
Her husband, Igor, the tsar, was killed in battle and she took revenge three times. She was the first Christian ruler, and it was her grandson Vladimir baptized Rus as Christian.
Trinity picture
by Andrei Rublyov. This painting is an icon of the Holy Trinity.
Pysanky picture
Easter eggs. Made by applying wax and dyes to eggs, tgey often have nature symbols, representing fertility, or spirals, to trap evil spirits inside.
Krasnyj ugol picture
"Red corner." This is a personal family altar in the corner of the house, where icons can be placed.
Ivan the Terribel picture
Ivan basically goes crazy, and while arguing with his son he hits him and accidentally kills him.
Boyarina Morozova picture
She was an Old Believer noblewoman, very defiant, and she died for her beliefs.
Beard Tax picture
Peter the Great imposed a beard tax, where he had everyone but the clergy shave their beards, in order to Westernize Russia.
The Bronze Horseman picture
Statue of Peter the Great. In the story he is chasing down an innocent man, illustrating the struggle of individual versus the state.
Jan Hus picture
Hus was the leader of the Hussite Revolution (a forerunner of the Protestant Reformation), and was burned at the stake for his beliefs.

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