social studies quiz on Mesopotamia.
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- Tigris River and Euphrates River
- two mighty rivers that Mespotamia is in between
- cuneiform
- means wedge-shape, it is a form of writing where you use the end of a stick that is wedge-shaped to draw shapes in wet clay
- Fertile Crescent
- A great arc of land stretching from the shores of the Mediterranian through the mountains of Syria and Turkey and down to Iran and Iraq. The first farmers appeared there
- Phoenicians
- groups of Canaanties that lived along the Mediterranian sea (present day Israel), and created their own 22 character alphabet
- Hammurabi
- King of Babylon who created 282 laws, that seem harsh compared to ours today
- civilization
- Advanced stage of development in the sciences and arts accompanied by corresponding social, political, and cultural advances
- Sumer
- The southern part of Mesopotamia
- Hebrews
- First group to believe in one god only = monotheism
- pictograph
- simple pictures drawn to record crops that had been given
- Babylon
- The place Hammurabi controled, capital of a small state
- Mesopotamia
- one of the earliest civilizations that is called "the land between the rivers" in Greek
- irrigation
- irrigation channels were built to carry water to the fields in the warm dry summer
- ziggurats
- House of god = most important place in the city, very tall temples
- city-states
- Cities that control more and more of the surrounding land and villages