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A-2 Vocabulary


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adjure (v)
to commannd solemnly, as under oath; to request, urge, or advise earnestly
jurisdiction (n)
authority, power, or control; extent of authority
carp (v)
to find fault or to talk complainingly
leviathan (n)
sea monster or large sea animal; large ocean-going ship
fidelity (n)
faithfulness to duties; loyalty; exact correspoondence to fact
iconoclast (n)
an image breaker, one who attacks established beliefs
baleful (adj)
destructive, ominous, sinister
palliate (v)
to mitigate, reduce the violence of, abate
mufti (n)
civilian dress
quintessence (n)
the essence of something, the most typical example
effusive (adj)
gushing, emotionally demonstrative
affidavit (n)
written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other official
insidious (adj)
treacherous but attractive; seductive
facade (n)
front of a building; superficial appearance
anchorite (n)
a hermit or recluse
conjure (v)
to produce as if by magic; to summon by oath or magic spell
fealty (n)
layalty, duty, or allegience to a feudal lord, government, or superior
consanguine (adj)
of blood relationship; kindred, family
dilettante (n)
a dabbler in an art or skill, a superficial amateur
perjure (v)
to give deliberately false or misleading testimony under oath
infidel (n)
person who does not accept a particular faith
aberration (n)
a variation which departs from the accepted normal standard
confidant (n)
person to whom secrets or private matters are confided
fiancé (n)
man engaged to be married
perquisite (n)
a pivalege, or profit in addition to a regular salary; often shortened to "perks"
circumlocution (n)
use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
succor (v/n)
to aid, help, or relieve / help or assistance
cursory (adj)
superficial; hasty
omega (n)
the final letter of the Greek alphabet, hence, the end or last
umbrage (n)
an offense; a reason for doubt to resentment

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