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MPCS 8th Grade History Chapter 11 Test 08-09

Mr. Fitzpatrick
8th Grade History
Chapter 11


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General Winfield Scott
Who led 7,000 troops to the south in order to forcibly remove the Cherokee?
A big depression hit called the Panic of 1837
What happened 2 months after Van Buren's inauguration?
William H. Crawford
Who was the actual republican nominee?
it died
What happened to the national bank?
President day Oklahoma
Where did they create and Indian Territory in 1834?
He was not in favor
What was Jackson's stance on states' rights?
Becacuse he captured Spanish forts in Florida
Why was Spain upset at Andrew Jackson in 1818?
The states all dropped restrictions that you had to own property
What changes took place in voting rights in the 1820's and 1830's?
Luis De Onis
Who was the Spanish Minister to the U.S.?
Martin Van Buren
Who won the elction of 1836?
Allowed president to use military to enforce acts
What was the force bill?
The whigs
What new party was created by former national republicans and other anti-jackson forces?
King Andrew
What nickname did Jackson's enemies call him?
Nicholas Biddle
Who was the president of the National Bank?
Jackson got most votes but not majority so it went to the house of representatives, adams won the "corrupt Baragain", Adams presidenct was very ineffectinve
Describe the outcome of the election on 1824.
Jackson was running in the election of 1832 for re-elction against clay, tried to force jackson to kill the national bank, Jackson was sick when a bill came to him, he vetoed the bill with clay and webster thinking everybody would be mad at them for vetoying it, jackson still own because nobody cared that he vetored it
Describe Clay and Webster's plan to defeat Jackson in 1832.
Nobody cared about the veto
How did their plan backfire?
Very happy?
What was Jackson's view on the reloaction of eastern indian tribes?
Passed by the south carolina state legislature that said they could nullify and tariffs or basically saying were not paying any tariffs
What was the Nullifaction act?
Cherokee Phoenix
What was the first native american newspaper?
Adams' said that Jackson killed innocent civilans in the War of 1812 and Jackson said that Adams' kidnapped a little girl and sold her to the Russian Ruler
Describe the mudslinging that took place during the elction of 1828.
6 years
How long did the depression last?
Tariff of Ambominations
What did the south call the tariff passed by congress in 1828?
New Echota
What was the capital of the Cherokee Nation?
Andrew Jackson
WHo won the election of 1828?
Democrats and national republicans
What 2 parties had the Republicans split into by 1828?
Trail of Tears
What is the term for the forced march of the Cherokee to the Indian Territory?
To make Natives move west/paid to move west
What was the purpose of the Indian Removal act of 1830?
Because he had been a democart and still believed Democrat Policies
Why didn't John tyler support many whig policies?
One moth, Harrison died in office after one month of inaguration
How long did Harrison's presidecny last? why?
Supreme court was lead by John Marshall who was the chief Justice, the supreme court favord the cherokee, jackson said "marshall made his decision let him choose it", Jackson's respones was the trail of tears
Describe Worcester vs. Georiga, including what led to it and its conclusion.
Born in a log cabin in South Carolina, poor family, Parents died before age of 15, Fought in revolutionary war, Became famous in the war of 1812, Became a lawyer
Describe the upbringing of Andrew Jackson
The Seminoles
What was the only Indian tribe that sucessfully blocked its removal?
TO busy fighting revolts in Spain already
WHy did John QUincy Adams believe Sapin would not be willing to fight over florida?
he fired a lot of government workers because he didn't care because he was president now "to the victor be the spoils"
Desribe Jackson's use of the spoils system.
William Henry Harrison and Tyler
WHo were the Whig candiates in 1840?
Tippcanoe and tyler, too
What was their slogan?
He felt like it was better for the rich and hurt the common people
Why did Jackson oppose the national bank?
VERY ineffective because many enemies were relected to gcongress, and the corrupt bargain
How effective was Adam's presidency? why?
William H. Crawford ( from GA), Andrew Jackson (from TN), John QUincy Adams (from MA), and Henry Clay (from KY)
Who were the candiates fro president in 1824?
Vice President of Jackson's
What was John C. Callhoun's role in 1828?
He believed in laissez-faire
WHy did Van Buren not do much to solve the economic problems?
They chose to back down instead of having a war
What was South Carolnia's reaction to the Force Bill?
Who created the Cherokee alphabet?
Sauk and Fox tried to recapture illionis but are defeated, there was a major slaughter
Describe black hawk's war.
What was the only poltical party from 1816-1824?
Andrew Jackson
Who ran against adams in 1828?
To keep goverment money supplied/controled
What was the purpose of the National Bank?

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