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Algebra 2

different problems to practice regarding solving inequalities


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Multiplication Property
if abc
when do you change the inequality sign
the sign of the inequality is changed when you multiply or divide each side by a negative number
IxI > 1
x < -1 or x > 1
x is no greater than b
x < b
a sentence formed by joining two sentences with the word or - a disjunction is true when at least one of the sentences is true
Steps to Solve Absolute Value Problems
1. Move all terms to the left hand side and make sure the absolute term is positive .... 2. Rewrite the inequality in 2 inequalities. First inequality: replace the absolute value sign with parentheses. Second inequality: replace the absolute value sign with parentheses AND add a negative sign in from of the term. ... 3. Solve for x in both inequalities. ... Combine the answers in both inequalities as an AND or OR statement, depending on the sign of the rearranged inequality in step 1
IxI < 1
-1 < x< 1
x is no less than a
x > a
Comparison Property
one of the following statements ab
x is at least a
x > a
x is at most b
x < b
IxI = 1
x = 1 or x =-1
x is between a and b (inclusive)
a < x < b
x is between a and b
Addition Property
if ab, then a+c>b+c
Transitive Property
if a

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