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Honors Pre-Algebra Defenitions


undefined, object
copy deck
a letter that is used to represent one or more numbers.
scientific notation
a use of positive expnants to write large numbers and negative exponants to write small numbers
prime factorization
an expression showing a positive integer as the product of prime factors
associative property
(a+b)+c= a+(b+c) or (a*b)*c=a*(b*c)
proper fraction
positive fraction whos numerator is less than its denominatior
distributive property
any number below the fraction bar
variable expression
an expression that contains a variable
like terms
two terms are called this if their variable parts ar the same ex. n and 11n
the third power
absolute value
the distance from 0 to the graph of a number on the number line
numerical coefficiant
the 3 in 3x
composite numbers
a number that has more than two factors
0 on the number line
cross multiplying
a method for solving and checking proportions
order or operations
parenthases, exponants, muliplication/division, addition/subtraction. (PEMDAS)
a mathematical sentence formed by placing an inequality sign between two expressions
a product in which each factor is the same
ex. 2*2*2*2=16
a number indicating how many times the base is used as a factor
identity property of multiplication
a*1=a, a/1=a, 1*a=a, a/a=1
common fraction
a fraction whose numerator and denominator are both integers
when two or more numbers are muliplied together, each number is called a factor.
ec. 3*5=15 3 and 5 are factors of 15
numerical expression
an expression that names a number
ex. 2+3
commutative property
a+b=b+a or a*b=b*a
any number above the fraction bar
the second power
improper fraction
a fraction whose denominator is less than its numerator
zero property of multiplication
a*0=0, 0*a=0, 0/a=0
mixed number
a number consistiong of a whole number and a fraction
the whole numbers and their opposite form a set of numbers
ex. -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3
irrational numbers
numbers that do not terminate or repeat
zero property or addition
a+0=a, a-0=a, 0+a=a, a-a=0
least common denominator
the least common multiple of two or more denominators
prime number
a number with exactly two factors
relatively prime
two numbers have no other factor than 1 (fraction can't be reduced) ex. 9 and 10
greatest common factor
the greatest whole number that is a factor of each number
rational number
a number which can be written as p/q and p and q are integers and q does not equal 0
a sentence that states that two expression name the same number
a ratio of a number to 100, shown by the symbol %

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