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Vocab 6


undefined, object
copy deck
la maison des jeunes
the youth center
à vélo (m)
by bike
à pied
by foot
le théâtre
the theatre
en bus (m)
by bus
le café
the coffee shop/cafe
en avion (m)
by plane
le collège
the middle school
en métro (m)
by subway
le cinéma
the movie theatre
le magasin
the store
en bateau (m)
by boat
le parc
the park
le supermarché
the supermarket
le gymnase
the gym/ health club
la papeterie
the school supply store
la maison
the house
la bibliothèque
the library
the school
la gare
the train station
la banque
the bank
l'hôpital (m)
the hospital
en train (m)
by train
le musée
the museum
la librairie
the bookstore
la piscine
the pool
le centre commercial
the mall/shopping center
en taxi (m)
by taxi
en voiture (f)
by car
la poste
the post office
l'hôtel (m)
the hotel
le lycée
the high school
le restaurant
the restaurant
the airport
le centre
le stade
the stadium
la plage
the beach
chez moi
at the house of me
le zoo
the zoo

Deck Info

