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AP World History Questions

This test does not contain much vocabulary, but more questions. It is a question based test.


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Emperor Wu
Who launched a period of military expansion, south into Fijian, Guangdong, and present day north Vietnam?
civil officials
A slate of _________________ was elected each year in the Roman Republic.
What is a leading export commodity during the Han dynasty?
Early Romans believed in invisible shapeless forces known as ________.
The Qin Empire
What was the first chinese empire?
These people were descendents of Phoenicians from Lebanon and settled in present-day Tunisia. They dominated the commerce of the western mediterranean. They also fought against Rome. Who were they?
Roman Principate
What followed the Roman Republic when Octavian took control and called himself princeps, first among equals?
From 23- 220 C.E., where was the capital of the Han Empire?
What did romans grant to conquered people by letting them serve in the military?
civil service system
One of the most significant developments that took place during the Han Dynasty is the ___________________.
The Watermill
This appeared in China long before it appeared in Europe and was used to harness the power of running water to turn a grindstone.
In 264 and 202 B.C.E., Rome fought two protracted and bloody wars against who?
The Gentry
In the Han Empire, who was the class next in wealth below the aristocrats.
the Family
In Both the Roman and Chinese cultures, who was headed by an all-powerful patriarch?
Liu Bang
Who was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty?
Pontius Pilate
Jesus was imprisoned, condemned, and executed by crucifixion by the order of what Roman Governor?
The Chinese
Who were the first to make paper probably as early as the second century B.C.E.?
between 200 and 146 B.C.E.
When did Rome get involved in a series of wars that pitted the Roman state against the major Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediteranean.
Sulla, Pompey, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony and Octavian
These series of individuals during 88 and 31 B.C.E. commanded armies that turned out to be more loyal to them then to the state. Who were these individuals. (Put in the order the book gives it to you)
In Rome, this was a rectangular courtyard with a skylight that let in light and rainwater for drinking and washing. Usually, upper class Roman townhouses would be centered around this.
Became popular because it brought contempment, was simple, and said to trust your own instinct.
The missionary carreer of who exemplified the cosmopolitan nature of the Roman Empire?
No theory has won the support of most scholars
Is there any agreement between scholars on why the Han and Roman dynasties were so flourishing?
Who changed the Roman religion to christianity causing Christians to become accepted?
Young brides lived with their ______ in ancient china.
Wu Ti
He was often called Warrior Emperor and he greatly enlarged the Han Dynasty to Central Asia.
166 C.E.
Representatives of Rome visited china in _______.
What was a fundamental economic activity and source of wealth in both civilizations?
A seemingly inexhaustible reservoir of what was Rome's key element of its military success?
A young carpenter from Galilee region in Northern Israel. He was called the Messiah.
Rome's _______ of Italy was sparked by ongoing friction between the pastoral hill tribes of the Apennines, whose livelihood depended on driving their herds to seasonal grazing grounds, and the farmers of the coastal plains.
These were long elevated or underground conduits.
Pax Romana
A period of roman peace and safety with stability guaranteed by Roman Might.
Roman Republic
This lasted from 507 to 31 B.C.E. and was not a democracy. It was a Roman rule set into place when Brutus deposed Tarquinius Superbus in 507 B.C.E.
During the Roman Republic, all adult male citizens had the right to vote, but the votes were weighted so that the votes of the ______ counted for more.
Wealthy male citizens
Who ruled in the Roman senate?
The major external threat to the Han came from a confederacy of Turkic peoples called the __________.
_________ was indispensable to both the Romans and the Chinese during this era.
The Father
In a Han Chinese family, absolute authority rested with whom?
Unable to own property or represent themselves in court, Roman _________ had to depend on a male guardian to advocate interests.
Roman senators served in the Senate for ________.
This was the essential economic activity in the early Roman State in which the land was the basis of wealth.
Rome's ruler during the Roman Principate.
sheer numbers
Rome was able to take more casualties in crucial wars and still win by ______________________.
The majority of the Roman population were called ______________ and the elite were called patricians.
Local Market Centers
Population growth and increasing trade gave rise to what in China?
Pax Romana
Gave common safety and stability in the Roman Empire.
What is the spread of the Latin Language and Roman way of life in the western province?
new laws
During the Roman Principate, the emperor became a major source of what?
Pax Deorum
Peace of the gods and is a covenant between the gods and the Roman state.
This dynasty lasted from 1750-1027 B.C.E.
Han Dynasty
Agricultural loss, government corruption, other chinese leaders along with land growth caused the decline of what?
A class of well-to-do Italian merchants and landowners second in wealth and social status only to the senatorial class.
Agriculture and Human Labor
A basic fundamental resource in ancient China is ________.
The city of __________ was built on seven hills.
Warring States Period
What was the name given to the period in where China was devided into a series of rival states that had great hostility towards one another?
Li Si
Developing earlier Legalist thinking, who insisted that the will of the ruler was supreme, and that is was necessary to impose disclipine and obedience on the subjects through the rigid applications of reward and punishments?
In a legal sense, Roman women never ceased being what?
According to popular legend, this man was cast adrift on the Tiber river and nursed by a she wolf. He later came to found the city of Rome in 753 B.C.E. What was his name?
What was the urban capital of the ancient Han dynasty?
Gaius Julius Caesar
The conquest of the Celtic peoples of Gual by Rome's most brilliant general, ______________________, between 59 and 51 B.C.E. led to Rome's first territorial acquisitions in Europe's Heartland
This dynasty lasted from 1027- 221 B.C.E.
The Land
In agricultural societies, the basis of wealth is ______.
Broad Estates
What is a Roman latifundia?
free Peasants
Both empires depended on what to pay for taxes and serve in armed forces?
In Rome's hierarchical society individuals and families were connected by complex ties of obligation. The common relationship was the __________ relationship.
The Roman Senate was the real center of what?
an attack
The romans wanted to buffer against __________ which is the most convincing explanation for Rome's expansion.

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