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Unit 6 History


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Where did the agricultural revolution begin?
The agricultural revolution helped decline ___________
widespread famine
The Agricultural revolution helped increased _______
amount of food... however, malnourishment continues to this day
Abandoned idea of leaving a field _______
Fallow field
Unused field - left it that way to let it rest & let nutrients come back
Farmers typically left ____ of their fields fallow
Crop rotation
rotating crops did not damage fields, but gave it oppurtunity of giving & taking nurients
Fodder crops
Crops humans dont eat much of, put nutrients back into the soil
animal eat them & then "fertilize" the field
Ex. fodder crops
clover, turnips
New Crops (from the new world)
Potato & Corn
Survival food, many calories, much nutrition, easily grown anywhere
grows up, thus taking little space, yields more food peracre than virtually any other crop
Iron plow
Dug deeper & could be sharpened
Seed drill
Plant seeds in rows
makes weeding & fertilizing easier
Market Agriculture (instead of susbistence agriculture)
gave faarmers oppurtunity to get invloved in agriculture (could profit from excess grain & foods)
Enclosure movement
"Fencing in property" so peope knew where property ended
- farmers could recognize neighors farmers crops - created diversity in crops, helping everybodys diet
Improvements in livestock, breeding
Avg Weight of a steer in 1700: 370 lbs
Avg weight of a steer in 1800: 840 lbs
Avg sheep weight in 1700: 28 lbs
Avg sheep weight in 1800: 100 lbs
Breakthroughs were ___ to develop & _____ to undertake
slow, risky
Scientific Revolution
has shaped the modern world
- the modern world is a product of it
- origin of the modern world
Science becomes more significant than _____ as far as answering the questions we have about _____
religion, life
Ptolemic View
geocentric (earth = center of everything)
-Earth is surrounded by transparent spheres & stars
Expansion and travel
When theres an increase in travel, theres an exchange of ideas in our cultures
travel helps expland our minds
Renaissance & reformation..
paved way for people to think more independently from the church
Late 15th century early 16th century
- studied planetary motion
-taught something other than church had tough, fearded getting in trouble for it
Widely known for having most advanceed astronomy lab
taught planets move not in perfect circles when in motion, but in an elipse, or eliptical motion
17th century

-inertia, came up with inertia

-widely known for use of the telescope, but did not invent it. He did build his own & used it to study planets

-came up with theories that got him in trouble

-was italian

-proved moon had craters and mountains and wasnt smooth,
What did the church do to Galileo?
They put him under house arrest & made him say he was wrong, even though he knew he wasnt.
Galileo was a victim of..
being a knowledgeable scientist at the wrong time in history
Galileo taught and came to a conclusion
that every physical law on earth can be applied to other parts of the universe
Sir Isaac Newton
17/18th century

"stood on the shoulders of giants" - earlier scientists made it easier for him

developed calculus

& three laws of motion
3 laws of motion

rate of change of motion is determined by force acting on it

action and reaction are equal and opposite
structure of the human body
circulatory system
Francic Bacon
propogandist for science

"cheerleader" for science

praises science and calls it savior of the human race
-more of a philosopher
Rene Descartes
"Cartesian Plane"
-founded analytic geometry
-used/applied scientific method to his philosophy
"I think, therefore I am"
Cartesian Dualism
idea that mind and matter are different, yet somehow related
-mind vs. matter
-mind over matter

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