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URP Exam 2


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Soleri's Hyperstructure
"all in one", very dense and large
Private Planning
sets to satisfy objectives and it seems rational
Regional Planning Commisions
Hard Area
not likely for development
voluntary associations of local governments not visible to citizens of their member municipalities
Sustainable Development
Promoting equality & justice through people empowerment & a sense of global citizenship
Smart Growth
Save most valuable remaining resources, supporting existing communities, avoid building unnecessary infrastructure
Main goal of energy planning
saving nonrenewable resources
Central Appalachain
mountainous and coal region
financing the suburbs with long term loans and little down payment
View from the Right
Market can provide stabilty but has no knowledge of personal preferences
Section 8
lower income federal rental assistance - housing quality standards, fair market rent
England's planning problems
Diverting economic growth, preserving farmlands, preventing population decline in distressed areas
site that has been or is in commerical or industrial use
Community Development funds based on
population, age of housing stock, poverty
Urban Growth Boundaries, Measure 37 and 49
systematic regional planning that changed the SE
Urban Design
Not the buildings themselves but a more specific area such as a neighborhood over an extended time period
Erie Canal
linked NYC to Buffalo and the midwest
Urban Renewal
federally funded clearing and rebuilding inner city areas
Souther Appalachain
exhausted agriculture region
Soft Area
likely for (re)development
Trans-European Network
investment in education and health
Why is the Public Sector involved in infrastructure?
Public good nature, regional development, high risk of investment, environmental
Disjointed Incrementalism
Relies on precedent rather than new ideas - Quick, easy, cheap
Rational Model
doesn't consider reality, value clarification is a road block, time consuming. Making the best choice is arbitrary
redesigning of suburbia
The Neighborhood Concept
Unity and coherence, compatibility of land use, created sense of place
Four Step Process in Transportation Planning
trip generation, distribution, modal split (income), assignment
an organization created by one or more state governments
Metropolitan Planning Organization
economic regional planning
transportation, public space, infrastructure
developed space, population and economic prosperity, higher demands
Urban Renewal
Berman v Parker
How to manage growth
Adequate Public facility Programs, Urban Growth Boundary
FL Concurrency
Before new development can occur, existing infrastructure must by operating at adequate capacity - level of service standard
Climate Change Losers
Central and South America
US population density
100 persons/square mile
Cost Benefit Analysis
Rational Model
equity regional planning
affordable housing, health, education
"Unmanaged" growth
depletes the capacity of nature to support economic activity, a high standard of living, and life itself
constitutes the biggest land use and biggest part of ones salary
Edge City
Edge city - Smaller, newer, suburban cities located on peripherals of large metro areas
Structural Unemployment
- A mismatch between the supply of labor and the demand for labor
Types of Unmanaged Growth
1) Using the wrong land 2) using land the wrong way
Climate Change Winners
tax policy
can deduct interest on mortgage and property taxes
environmental regional planning
air quality and parks
European Regional Development Fund
goal is to create sustainable jobs
site that has never been used for industrial or commercial purposes
Influences on Planning in Europe
War, socialism, small countries, and high population density
Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
Granted each state 30,000 acre per congressman to establish an A&M university
Middle Range Model
relies on the SWOT method
Norther Appalachain
Ramapo, NY
Tied growth with infrastructure, point system. Strengthened Police Power
Planning Models
rational, disjointed incrementalism, middle- range
clear and start from scratch
Goals of Environmental Planning
minimizing threat to human health and safety, limiting development in hazardous areas, recreation, preserving resources for future use, protect environment for own sake
Measure 37 and 49
governments must compensate owners if zoning restrictions reduce property values
First conventional planner and founder of the Suburban Action Institute
Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
budgets, generally mantenance and improvement
Mass Transit Trends
ridership low, heavily subsidized, density needed for efficiency
Advocacy Planning
The focus is not on how to plan but for whom to plan
First Pacific Railway Act of 1862
Financial incentives, land, bonds, funds - first federal shaper
Eastern Europe
a mixture of different states with communism in common amongst them
View from the Right
market does a better job allocating resources than does planning
View from the Left
Working classes accept the fact that Americas liberal Capitalism is dominated by the capitalist class because they are prevented from seeing the truth by those who control the flow of information
rehabilitation and preservation
Homestead Act of 1862
Settlers could claim (160-acre) blocks of public land at no cost if they would reside on the land for 5 continuous years
Local Public Agencies
had the power of eminent domain to acquire sites
Gravity Model
location = P1 * P2 / D^2
Soviet Style of Planning
Highly centralized, public participation, industrialization, land owned by State
Required non-transportation elements in transportation planning
Population of Tallahassee
one of the major federal projects that shape where development can occur
Growth Management
1980s and Florida
interstate highway system
cost 129 billion dollars
Facilities with "the common characteristics of capital intensiveness and high public investment at all levels of government.
Congressional Budget Office
Transportation, water supply, schools, hospitals, prisons
New Urbanism
Andres Duany - Pedestrian friendly communities, homes are street oriented
Advocacy Planning
Smart growth = Reaction to sprawl
Urban Renewal
The Federal Bulldozer
adequate housing, reliable modes of transportation, coordination of infrastructure and development
Le Corbusier's Voisin
very dense with public open space plan for Paris
Bert Harris Act
decrease in land value = a regulatory taking
Public Planning
sets to satisfy complex goals and it seems less rational
1785 Ordinance
Effect of selling farm sized plots of land to individuals, established the PLSS
Federal Macroeconomic project
I-69 NAFTA Corridor Superhighway
Disjointed Incrementalism
muddling through, process of fine tuning (low risk)

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