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Civics: Unit 5--Executive Departments (GAHS)

Unit 5


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Department of Transportation
Responsible for safety, enforcement of inter-national transportation agreements, and public transportation
Department of Veteran's Affairs
Responsible for providing federal benefits to veterans and their families
Department of Justice
Responsible for law enforcement (FBI), crime prevention, and prosecution and rehabilitation of offenders
Department of Agriculture
Works to develop and expand foreign markets for American food products; Safeguards food standards through inspections and grading services
Department of Commerce
Works with the business community for economic growth/creation of new jobs; Works to expand U.S. exports, measures economic growth; Conducts the census
Department of the Interior
Responsible for restoring and maintaining federally-managed lands, waters, wildlife, natural and renewable resources
Department of Labor
Enforces laws that cover such areas as protection workers' wages, health and safety, employment and pension rights, etc.
Department of Energy
Works to ensure our energy security; Responsible for the safety and reliability of our nuclear stockpiles and cleaning up from the Cold War
Department of the Treasury
Manages the government's finances; Collects duties on imports; Enforces laws on alcohol, explosives and firearms
Department of Homeland Security
Oversees the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Coast Guard; Works to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S.
Department of Defense
Includes the department of Army, Navy and Air Force
Department of Education
Helps prepare young men and women for employment in a changing economy
Department of State
The lead U.S. foreign affairs agency—negotiates treaties and agreements with foreign governments
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Created to increase homeownership and reduce homelessness
Department of Health and Human Services
Supports the world's largest medical research effort; Ensures the safety of food and health-care products

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