English Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- certify
- to confirm formally; verity
- tyro
- a beginner; a novice
- fickle
- often changing for no reason; not loyal or consistent
- bereave
- to be left alone, especially through the death of another
- debacle
- a sudden calamitous downfall; collapse or failure
- perverse
- stubborn; contrary; intractable
- surfeit
- an overabundant amount, especially overindulgence in eating and drinking
- fortuitous
- occuring by accident or chance
- abridge
- to shorten; to condense; to diminish; to curtail
- husbandry
- management of resources, especially in agriculture
- scapegoat
- one who is made an object of blame for others
- emit
- to send or give out; to express, utter; to put in circulation as money
- chide
- scold; reprove
- abyss
- bottomless pit; a yawning gulf; a profound depth or void
- enrapture
- to delight, to thrill or give pleasure
- serpentine
- snakelike shape or movement winding as a snake
- debase
- lower in quality, character or value
- ostracize
- to exclude from a group; to shun
- quandary
- state of perplexity; difficult or uncertain situation
- entreat
- to ask earnestly; to implore, plead, beg
- amplify
- to make larger, louder, or more powerful
- supplant
- to take the place of
- sonorous
- producing sound, especially deep and rich, resonant
- petulant
- ill humor, irritable, cranky
- photogenic
- suitable, especially attractive for photography
- emulate
- to attempt to equal or surpass; especially through imitation
- yore
- former days, an era long past
- optimum
- the most advantageous; the best condition, degree, or amount
- engulf
- to surround or enclose completely
- dauntless
- to be fearless; unintimidated
- adjunct
- something connected or added to another in a subordinate position; an assistant
- exhume
- to dig up from a grave; to bring to light, uncover
- entomology
- the scientific study of insects
- volition
- an act of choosing, using one's own will in a conscious choice
- feign
- to give a false appearance; to pretend
- loiter
- hang around; linger
- duress
- hardship, restraint, confinement
- capacious
- roomy, able to hold much
- dormant
- asleep or inactive
- altercation
- to argue vehemently, a heat quarrel
- assuage
- to soothe; to make less severe; to satisfy, ease, leseen
- idiosyncrasy
- a behavioral quirk; a person's idea about behavior different from others
- guile
- craft, cunning, deceitfulness; artfulness
- abominate
- extreme hatred, loathing; something despised
- evoke
- to summon forth, call to mind, awaken, produce, suggest
- umbrage
- sense of injury or insult, to take offense, displeasure
- spur
- to move to action; an incentive
- wither
- shriveled, shrunken, dried-up
- lieu
- instead of; in place of
- partition
- the division of something into parts; an interior structure dividing a large area
- nepotism
- favors shown by those in high positions to relatives and friends
- beset
- to harass, to surround
- desiccate
- to dry out completely; dehydrate
- joust
- a combat with lances between two knights, a tilting match; any combat suggestive of a joust
- castigate
- to criticize harshly, usually with the intention of correcting wrongdoing
- spurn
- to reject with disdain
- permeate
- to flow or spread through; penetrate
- relinquish
- to give up doing, professing, or intending to surrender, give in
- damper
- one that depresses or restrains
- deduce
- to come to a conclusion by reasoning from the evidence
- abut
- border upon; adjoin
- decree
- an order having the force of law
- couture
- fashion and fashion designers
- segregate
- to separate or keep apart from others
- appalling
- to fil with dismay; causing horror or consternation
- menagerie
- a collection of live wild animals on exhibit
- laudable
- worthy or deserving of praise
- embellish
- to beautify by adding ornaments; to add fanciful or ficititious details to
- unbridled
- violoent, unbounded, unrestrained
- fester
- to generate pus; to become a source of resentment or irritation
- atypical
- not typical, abnormal
- fleece
- to defraud, swindle, also the wool of a sheep or similar animal
- infamy
- having an evil reputation; extreme disgrace
- parry
- to ward off a blow; to turn aside; to avoid skillfully, to eavde
- disparage
- to belittle, say uncomplimentary things; to put down
- lexicon
- a dictionary; vocabulary terms used in or of a particular profession, subject or style
- grandiose
- grand and impressive, especially flasy and showy
- entomb
- to place in or as if in a tomb, or a grave
- rudimentary
- basic, crude, undeveloped; fundamental principles or skills
- marshal
- to assemble togetherf or the purpose of doing something; also an officer in the police or military
- egalitarian
- advocating the doctrine of equal rights for all citizens
- gamin
- a neglected boy left to run about in the streets
- rivet
- something that fastens two parts together; also to hold the attention of
- wrest
- pull away, take by violence
- cajole
- to wheedle, coax, or persuade someone to do something they didn't want to
- marauder
- raider, intruder
- truculent
- inclined toward conflict; eager to fight
- maim
- to disable or disfigure, to cripple
- potentate
- a powerful ruler; an important person
- periphery
- the outermost part within a boundary, the outside edge