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Oona's Extra Credit

Extra credit flashcards about the ancient civilizations of north, meso, and south america.


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1st millenium CE- 4th century CE, streched from modern Mexico city to El Salvador. Had extensive trading network, religious rituals, and an undeciphered writing system. Built a 30 ft pyramid at La Venta that was the largest of it's date in all of Mesoamerica. Had a class system that included artisans, and was the first civilization that rose in Mesoamerica.
1st millenia CE - 8th century CE located in Northern Peru in the Moche River valley. Capital of civilization held around 10,000 people. Had sophisticated irrigation and agricultural systems, high quality artisanship, especially in pottery, and many astronomical achievments.
Declined in 13th century CE. At hieght had a population of about 30,000 people and contact with parts of Mesoamerica. Located in modern day east ST. Louis with a administrative capital that covered almost 300 acres. Had huge burial mound that was 98 ft tall with a base larger than the Egyptian pyramids.
City-state of Classic Maya, located in southern Yucatan. Practiced swamp agriculture. At it's height, was largest city-state, had about 100,000 people. Was completely sacked when it fell.
300 CE- 9h century CE (classic period) located in central Yucatan. Had about 3 million people at it's height, a now 95% deciphered heiroglyphic writing system, a calandar that dates back to 3114 BCE, and a polytheistic religion that included sacrifice. They were also very advance in math and astronomy and were able to predict the movement of stars thousands of years into the past and future. Never discovered the wheel.
2500 BCE in central mountains of Peru. Had a distinct architectural style that could withstand earthquakes. Stone temples with stone block ceilings. Irrigated agriculture and underground canals.
3rd century BCE- 800 CE located 30 miles northwest of modern day Mexico city. Very advanced in architecture and astronomy.Had huge market place where a lot of trade from all over took place, huge temples and palaces, and a lot of economic and military power.
Located in modern day Northern New Mexico to Arizona and southern Utah during the 1st millenium CE. They were an agricultural community and created a system of roads although they never discovered the wheel or beasts of burdon. Mastered the art of irrigation by the 9th century and established an urban center in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico with city walls. Collapsed between the 12th and 13th centuries CE
City-state of Classic Maya, located in southern Yucatan. Practiced swamp agriculture. Was abandoned when it fell.
A peninsula in Southern Mexico where most of the Mayan city-states were located especially in the Classic and late Classic periods.
3rd millenia. Culture in modern day Ohio that ranged from the shores of Lake Superior to the Appalachan Mountains and Gulf of Mexico

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