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Science Vocabulary


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smallest and lightest of all elements
water turning into vapor
amount of mass per unit of volume
Salt water
found in oceans /seas -has salt so it can't be used for drinking or agriculture
Specific gravity
the density of any substance compared to the density of water-water has a specific gravity of 1- when a substance has a specific gravity of less than one it will float on water- when a substance has a specific gravity greater than 1 it will sink in water (example) oil will float on water because its specific gravity is less than 1
specific heat of water- the amount of heat energy necessary to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree celcious
Fresh Water
water that is free of salt- drinking water
element found in a water molecule(H2O)
the mixing of 2 substances together, where both substances retain their physical and chemical character
92 naturally occuring substances that make up all things in the universe
food calorie=1000x a small calorie
the attraction of molecules to each other because of molecular charge
latent heat of vaporization
the amount of heat energy absorbed by water to change from water to vapor(steam)
Polar Molecule
positive hydrogen end, negative oxygen end
rain, snow,ect. (water falling from sky)
pure water
100% h20- water that can be gotten from the process of ditillation
latent heat
hidden heat energy absorbed by a substance to change phases or states.
latent heat of fusion
the amount of heat energy absorbed by water to change from ice to water (steam)
the smallest representative of a substance-water is H2O
water that, through the influence of gravity
potable water
water that is clean enough and safe enough to drink
Ground water
the water that goes into the ground
water coming out of the air and forming clouds or fog
Specific heat
the amount of energy necessary to raise one killogram of a substance 1 degree celcious
Universal Solvent
because more things can be dissolved in water than any other substance,water is called______________
Surface tension
water has great_________. The ability to stick to itself at its outer edges. this is why a bug can sit on top of a surface of a pond.
Water cycle
the continuous and closed system of recycling water from the ocean to the sky, land and then back to the ocean again. Condensation, precipitaion, condensation, ground water, and runoff

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