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History 3rd Quarter Test Terms

History 3rd Quarter Test Terms


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Cardinal Gibbons
Came to be recognized as the leader of the Church in America. He wrote 'The Faith of Our Fathers' and helped to bring thousands of converts into the Church. Even the presidents from Hayes to Wilson looked to him for counsel. He is important to America because of his good influence on everyone, helping to change the country for the better.
The Potsdam Conference
President Truman, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Josef Stalin held this meeting to confer about defeated Germany and undefeated Japan. It was agreed that Easter Europe would go under Soviet control, and refugees be returned to their home countries whether they wanted to or not. This meeting was important in American History because it reached a lot of decisions that needed to be made.
Rerum Novarum
An Encyclical written by Pope Leo XIII, which presented the moral principles of justice and charity which should regulate the relationship of managers and labor workers. It is important in American History because it motivated people to speak about these things, and try to regulate them.
Transcontinental Railroad
In 1869, it was finished, stretching more than three thousand miles it connected the East to the West. This is important in American History because it made travel faster, and made communication and trade between the East and the West easier.
This is the group that The Congress of Industrial Organization and the American Federation of Labor formed when they joined together in 1955. This organization was important in American History because the unions gave the workers a voice and a postion of power in negotiating with businesses for salaries, benefits, and working conditions.
Initiative, Referendum and Recall
These were three changes intended to increase the individual voter's influence in government. It gives a person the power to propose laws, states that certain laws passed by the state legislature do not take effect unless they are approved by a majority of the citizens, and strengthens the control of voters over elected officials.
Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the United States, helped in the constitution for the League of Nations, and created the Fourteen Points. He is important in American History because of all of the things he did for America.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd president elected in 1932 and held four terms. Started many programs that he called the 'new deal' which gave more power to the government. Many people believe he was responsible in extended the Depression. He is important in American History because he expanded the government, and caused the law giving presidents a maximum of 2 terms.
The Lend-Lease Act
This act gave the right for the President to lend or lease weapons and war materials to any government whose defense he considered important to our country. This act was opposed by a large group in Congress which claimed that the bill made the president a dictator and would bring us into war. It was passed in March, 1941.
Archduke Francis Ferdinanad
Heir to the Austrian throne. He is important to American history because his assassination in 1914 in Sarajevo, Bosnia by a Serbian terrorrist was the impetus for World War I
George Washington Carver
Born a slave, this man became an agricultural scientist who discovered that peanuts, sweet potatoes, and vegetables would replenish the nutrients in the soil. He also created two hundred products from peanuts. He is important in American History because of his studies and because he helped the agriculture of the land.
Herbert Hoover
Was appointed the Food Administrator during WW I and his efficient system allowed the country to produce huge quantities of food for the Allied Forces. He was also elected 31st president in 1928. Important in our history because The Great Depression of 1929 was blamed on him, so he was not re-elected in the next election and because his efforts during WW I empowered the Allied Forces ...??????????
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was drawn up in January of 1919, the most important provisions being: freedom of the seas both in time of peace and war, reduction of armaments among nations, removal of economic barriers, restoration of some countries, and readjustment of other countries. This treaty is important to American History because it set some rules for how countries should act to one another.
Immigration Act of 1924
This was the beginning of a new policy of limiting immigration to this country. It stated that after July 1st, 1927, only one hundred fifty thousand immigrants should be admitted annually, and that the number should be divided equally among nations. It is important in American History because it stopped the huge immigration problem.
Secret Ballot
This was adopted by some states in 1890, and in 1900 all states were doing this. This fixed the unfair and corrupt way of voting that had been going on ever before. It is important in American History because without it corrupt voting could still be going on today, and presidents could be getting elected unfairly,
The Great Depression
Starting in 1929 stock prices dropped, prices declined, foreign trade fell, there was less buying, and factories closed their doors. It is important in American History because it was a huge downfall of America.
Open Door Policy
The policy established by Secretary of State, John Hay, in March 20, 1900 of allowing all nations to trade with China on equal terms and had all nations agree to not destroy the political unity of China. It is important to American History because it preserved our trade and commercial opportunities with China.
Reclamation Act of 1902
This was an act written by President Theodore Roosevelt, passed to conserve the nation's natural resources. It is important in American History because it has preserved forests, reclaimed useless lands, developed inland water-ways, and helped in the conservation of water sites and mineral lands.
The Selective Service Act
A draft law stating all men twenty-one to thirty years of age were asked to register at their nearest voting place. A local draft board then proceeded to select those who were physically fit for service. It is important in American History because it helped America put an army together in a democratic fashion.
Adolf Hitler
Became the leader of the Nazis in Germany long before World War II. He planned to conquer the world and set up a German rule with himself as the Leader. He is important in American History because he was a horrible dictator who managed to kill tons of people and tried to take over the world.
The New Deal
A promise made by Franklin D. Roosevelt to take prompt action and a program that would furnish relief measures for the unemployed, recovery measures to end the depression, and reform measures to prevent the recurrence of such a depression again. It is important in American History because it got us out of the hole we were in.
League of Nations
Formed in the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and was intended to be an international community for resolving disputes between nations without starting a war. This continued until 1946 when it was superseded by the United Nations Organization. It is important in American History because it was the predecessor to the UN and it was the first such organization to promote cooperation in fields of health, transportation, communication and the study of world problems(finance, labor, drugs) and it established a Court of International Justice.
Pendleton Civil Service Act
This act was passed to establish the badly needed reform. It provided that appointments to government service be made from a list of applicants who take examinations to determine their fitness for office, and also created the Civil Service Commission. It is important in American History because it set some rules for people appointed with government jobs, and set some rules for firing people with government jobs.
Homestead Act of 1862
Granted one hundred sixty acres of land west of the Mississippi free, but there were some rules, for the head of a family or a person over 21 years old who was a citizen of the United States or intended to become one.
Spanish-American War
War was declared April 25th, 1898, because President McKinley thought that Spain had blown up an American ship. It is important in American History because it ended in Spain recognizing Cuba as an independent nation, and Spain also giving us Puerto Rico and Guam, and then the Philippines for twenty million dollars.
Alfred E. Smith
Ran against Hoover for president in 1928 and won the popular vote but not the electoral college. Important in American history because it showed that anti-Catholic sentiment still existed and because this was the first election where the radio played an important part as voters could listen to both candidates.
Pearl Harbor
Taking place December 7th 1941, the Japanese succeeded in destroying 18 ships, which crippled our Pacific fleet greatly. Many people died or were wounded. This is important in American History because of the great loss America suffered.
Interstate Commerce Act
This act was passed in 1887. I stated that charges should be just and reasonable, special rates for certain customers are forbidden, similar distances should be calculated the same in calculating rates, a greater charge for short haul than long haul be forbidden, and all rates be made public. This is important in American History because it marked the beginning of federal control of railroads, and was the first step taken toward regulation of American business.
The Cattle Kingdom
The grasslands east of the Rocky Mountains were called this after the Civil War, because of the half-wild cattle found grazing there. Many people lost their lives because of quarrels between sheep and cattle raisers about the land. This is important in American History because it led to many privately owned ranches.
Tennessee Valley Authority
This was a vast government project designed to generate hydroelectric power, color flooding, improve river navigation, and irrigate the land. Power companies saw it as interference in private enterprise. It is important in American History because it regulates the price of electrical current.
Panama Canal
The building of this was an old idea that nobody had gone through with. It would connect two great bodies of water and make traveling both easier and faster. When the transcontinental railroad was built, the United States completely forgot about this because there were no longer dependent upon the sea to connect the coasts. When President Theodore Roosevelt took office, he encouraged the building of this, and on August 15th, 1914, it was built. It is important in American History because it made travel much shorter for all nations.
Josef Stalin
A communist who was the leader of the Soviet Union and the British Commonwealth. He is important to American History because he caused so much destruction.

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