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Geography 3.1


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the process of improving the material conditions of people through the diffusion of knowledge and technology.
Human Development Index (HDI)
United Nations measurement of relative levels of development (More or less developed countries)
Countries in the ___ tend to be more developed.
Northern Hemisphere
Variable in computing HDI
1.Economic (GDP per capita, types of jobs, raw material and consumer goods). 2. Social (literacy rate, amount of education, health and welfare)-DOUBLED 3. Demographic (life expectancy, IMR, NIR, CBR).
Gross Domestic Product- value of total output of good and services produced in a country per year per capita.
GPD of MDC, LDC and USA.
$27.000, $4.000, $40.000.
Scale the size of country to reflect some other measurement.
Primary Sector
extraction of raw materials, including agriculture, fishing and mining.
Secondary Sector
Manufacturing (transforming materials into finished goods).
Tertiary Sector
Providing goods and services, including retailing, banking, law, education and government.
Life expectancy of LDC and MDC.
Infant Mortality of LDC and MDC.
6%; 0.5%
National Increase rate of LDC and MDC.
1.5; 0.1
Crude Birth rate of LDC and MDC.
24:100; 11:100
Gross National Income Total amount of goods in a country and outside (TNC)
International "free" trade
concentrate resources on developing distinctive local industries to grow exports.
Rostow's Development Model has __ steps and was based on __, ___ and ___.
5;USA, Europe, Japan.
1. Traditional Society
-Primary sector jobs -No trade -No manufactured goods
2. Preconditions for Take-off
-started by a few, local, educated elites. - manufacture local resources -beginning of industrial revolution -exports
3. The take-off
-expansion -economy is not very diverse -can now keep the raw material in the country and begin to manufacture things themselves
4.Drive to maturity
-more technology -skilled laborers -diversify economy
5. Age of mass consumption
-enough wealth to make purchase for pleasure -fuels economic development

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