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- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Agriculture
- Greek-Demeter Roman-Ceres (F) Saturn (M)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of dawn
- Greek-Eros Roman-Aurora (F)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Dreams/Sleep
- Greek-Morpheus,Hypnos Roman-Somnus (M)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Earth
- Greek-Gaea (F) Roman- Tellus (F) Terra(F)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Entrance/Exits
- Greek- None Roman- Janus (M)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of fertility/motherhood
- Greek- Semele(F) Roman- none
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Greek and Roman name for Fire
- Greek- Hephaestus (M) Roman-Vulcan (M)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Forest/Fields
- Greek- none Roman- Sylvanus (M)
- Greek and Roman name for the God/Goddess of Healing
- Greek- Asclepius (M) Roman- Aesculapius (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Hearth/Home/Household
- Greek- Hestia (F) Roman- Vesta (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Hunt/moon
- Greek-Artemis (f) Roman- Diana (f)
- The Greek and Roman name for the king of the gods
- greek- Zeus (M) Romnan- Jupiter (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of love
- Greek- Eros (M) Roman- Cupid (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of love and beauty
- Greek- Aohrodite (F) Roman- Venus (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of marriage
- Greek- Hera (f) roman- Juno (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of messanger/science/invention
- greek- Hermes (M) Roman- Mercury (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Moon
- Greek- Selene (F) Roman- Luna (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Music/Poetry
- Greek- Apollo (M) Roman- Apollo (M)
- The Greek and Roman Queen of the gods
- Greek- Hera (F) Roman- Juno (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of the rainbow
- Greek- Iris (F) Roman- none
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Sea
- Greek- Poseidon (M) Roman- Neptune (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Shepherds
- Greek- Pan (M) Roman- Faunus (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Silence
- Greek- Harpocrates (M) Roman- Harpocrates (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Spring
- Greek- Persephone (F) Roman- Proserpina (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Sun
- Greek- Helios (M) Roman- Apollo (M) Sol (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of thunder
- Greek- Zues Roman- Jupiter
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of underworld/death
- Greek- Hades Persephone Roman- Dis (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Vengeance
- Greek- Nemesis (F) Roman- Nemesis (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of War
- Greek- Ares (M) Roman- Mars (M) Quirinus (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Wine
- Greek- Dionysus (M) Roman- Bacchus (M)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Wisdom/handicrafts
- Greek- Athena (F) Roman- Minerva (F)
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of Witchcraft
- Greek- Hecate (F) Roman- none
- The Greek and Roman God/Goddess of youth
- Greek- Hebe (F) Roman- Juventas (F)
- Achilles
- greek warrior, could only be killed in his weak spot (heel).
- Aeneas
- Warrios on the Trojan side of the Trojan War. A symbol of devotion to father because he carried his father out of Troy on his back.
- Adonis
- An extradinarily handsome greek boy
- Agamemnon
- Greek king who led his men to the Trojan War. Murdered by his wife
- Amazon
- female warrios in Greek mythology, they were extra strong and large and ferocious fighters.
- Androcles
- Took the thorn out of the lions foot when he was thrown into the lions the lion didn't kill him.
- Antigone
- Daughter of Oedipus, disobeyed the kings order and was put to death
- Arachne
- had a weaving contest with Athena, and belittled the gods. Athena turned her into a spider so she would have to weave her entire life.
- Argonauts
- Jason's Comrades in his search for the golden fleece
- Argus
- a creature with 100 eyes who was supposed to watch over Io. He closed all his eyes and was put to sleep when music played and they were put into a tail of a peacock
- Atalanta
- Swift running maiden who outran all her suitors.
- Atlas
- a giant who had to hold the earth and sky on his shoulders foreverbecause he rebelled against the gods.
- Cassandra
- prophet in troy during the war whom nobody believed.
- Cerberus
- A dog with 3 heads who stood at the gates of the underworld
- Charon
- Boatman who led the souls of dead people across the river Styx into the underworld
- Chimera
- a monster who had a lion head, goat body, and dragon tail.
- Circe
- Sorceress who turned men into swine if they looked at her
- Cyclops
- Any of the giants with one eye in the middle of their foreheads
- Daedalus
- greek who invented a maze called labyrinth
- Damon
- Greek lagendary figure extrodinarly devoted to his friend
- Dido
- queen of Carthage, Africa she loved Aeneas
- Electra
- Helped kill her mother and her lover
- Eurydice
- wife of orpheus
- The Fates
- three women who had the power to decide how long people lived and what happened to them.
- Gorgons
- female monster having tusks, claws, and hair of snakes.
- Graces
- three greek goddesses of fertility
- Harpies
- Ferocious winged creatures with womens faces
- Hactor
- Trojan warrior and prince of Troy
- Helen of Troy
- A beutiful Greek woman daughter of Zeus was kidnapped by Paris of Troy The war began when the gods tried to get her back
- Hercules
- Son of Zeus showed his stregnth by doing impossible feates
- Icarus
- son of daedalus he wore wax wings he flew to close to the sun and the wings melted and he drowned
- Io
- one of Zues's Lovers
- Jason
- Greek mythological hero who sailed in his ship to Argo, in search of the golden fleece
- Laocoon
- Priest in troy who warned of greeks coming bringing gifts (Trojan Horse)
- Medea
- Sorceress who fell in love with Jason
- Medusa
- a female monster with snakes for hair when people looked at her they turned to stone.
- Midas
- Greedy king he wanted everything he touched to turn to gold
- Minotaur
- a monster (man with bulls head)who killed anyone who entered the Labyrinth
- Muses
- nine daughters of Zeus each represented a different art
- Narcissus
- Handsome man who fell inlove with his reflection while staring at himself in a pool. the gods turned him into a flower
- Nereids
- sea nymphs who came to the assistance of sailors in greek tales
- Nymph
- Beautiful female spirits
- Odysseus
- fought in the Trojan War, ten years of adventure are told in the odyssey
- Oedipus
- Killed his fauther and married his mother, blinded himself for punishment
- Orpheus
- Musician who got the ruler of the underworld to let his wife out but he broke his promise not to look at her on the way out
- Orestes
- Son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon
- Pandora
- Curious gifted woman who opened a box she was told to leave shut and let out all the evels of mankind except Hope
- Paris
- Prince of troy who kidnapped helen and begun the trojan war
- Pegasus
- Winged horse that flew above the Earth
- Penelope
- Wife of Odysseus symbol of wifely fidelity
- Perseus
- Killed Medusa and turned his rival to stone
- Phoenix
- long-lived, immortal bird thta could set itself on fire burn and rise from it's ashes reborn
- Priam
- King of Troy killed at the end of the Trojan war
- Procrustes
- mean giant who stretched people or cut off their legs
- Prometheus
- Giant who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans
- Psyche
- Married Cupid
- Pythias
- Greek man who was very loyal to his frien Damon
- Romulus and Remus
- twin boys who were raised by a mother wolf Romulus found Rome
- Saturn
- Fauther of Jupiter in Roman Mythology
- Satyr
- Creature that was part man, part goat
- Scylla
- monster with six heads who killed sailors that were caught in the whirlpool (Charybdis)
- Sirens
- Evil singing creatures who tempted sailors to their deaths
- Sisyphus
- King who had to roll a big boulder up hill forever as punishment for cheating death
- Sphinx
- Female monster (lion body and female head)asked a famour riddle and was destroyed when Oedipus solved it
- Tiresias
- greek prophet who was struck blind
- Theseus
- Athenian hero who married the queen of the amazons
- Titan
- any group of giants who ruled to universe at one time
- Atlantis
- legandary island said to be located in the atlantic ocean
- Elysian Fields
- where the souls of good people went after their death
- Mount Olympus
- Home of the greek gods
- Parnassus
- An actual greek mountain, where the muses are said to have lived, the home of music and poetry