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vocab need to know


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civil disobediance
the refusal to obey unjust laws
destruction of forests
type of culture, resulting from Alexander the Great's conquests, that blended eastern and western influences
developed nation
nation with established agriculture and industry, advanced technology, and a strong educational system
a type of trade assosiation of merchants or artisians that was active in the Middle Ages
Columbian exchange
global exchange of people, animals, ideas, and technology that began in the late 1400's
cloak worn by some Muslim women
political system in which autocratic rulers have complete control over the government and the lives of people in their nations.
acid rain
toxic mixture that is produced when rain falls through polluted air.
Congress of Vienna
conference held in 1815 among European diplomats that had the purpose of restoring order and stability to Europe
Glorious Revolution
in Britain, nonviolent overthrow of the government of James II that resulted in the reign of William and Mary
cultural diffusion
the exchange of ideas, customs, goods, and technologies among cultures
Great Leap Forward
program begun by Moa Zedong in China in 1958 to increase agriculture and industrial output
germ theory
medical theory stating that many diseases are caused by microorganisms
massive bombing
developing nation
nation with limited resources that faces obstacles in achieving modern industrial economies
cash crop economy
economy based on the raising and selling of one crop or a small number of crops
Great Depression
global economic downturn that began in 1929
dirty war
period beginning in the late 1970's in Argentina during which the military arrested, tortured, and killed thousands of people
Council of Clermont
council of the Christian Church, held in 095, that sparked the Crusades
European currency intorduced in 1999
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
formed in 1967, group of nine Southeast Asian countries that coordinate policies among members in areas such as trade and agriculture.
period of openness called for in the middle 1980's by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union
Hanseatic League
trade association of nothern German towns in the mid-1300's
dry, barren land
drug that attacks or weakens disease the bacteria that cause many diseases.
an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects a large number of people
successor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the Muslims
bridgelike stone structure that brings water from hills to cities, first used by ancient Romans
Central Powers
World War I alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire (later joined by Bulgaria)
in Honduism,the moral religious duties that are expected of an individual
policy of giving in to an aggressor's demands in order to keep the peace.
young person who is learning a trade from a master
South African government policy calling for seperation of the races.
enlightened despot
absolute ruler who used royal power to reform society
large farms owned and operated by workers as a group
group of states or territories governed by one ruler
a government ruled by an upper class
name, meaning "conquerer," for certain explorers of the 1500's and 1600's
Computer Revolution
great increase in the use of computers
counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua that opposed the Sandinistas
Green Revolution
development of new varieties of plants and improved agriculture techniques that resulted in greatly increased crop yields
Bataan Death March
forced march of Allied prisoners of Japanese during World War II
a scattering of people, as when the Jewish people were forced to leave their homeland in Palestine
the period in the 1700's in which people rejected traditional ideas an supported belief in human reason
agreement to end fighting
bubonic plague
a contagious disease that devastated the world in the 1300's
genetic engineering
process of changing the chemical codes carried by living things to produce cures for disease, better drugs, and so on
Agrarian Revolution
change in farming methods in the 1600's that improved the quality and quantity of farm products.
Boxer Rebellion
event in 1900 in which a group known as Boxers assaulted foreign communities across China
prejudice against Jews
fossil fuels
fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas
Arabic Numeral
type of numeral first developed in India and used by many western countries today (1,2,3, etc.)
system of government in which local lords control their own lands but owe military service and other support to a greater lord
Declaration of Independence
documented by Thomas Jefferson that declared American independence from Britian
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
greenhouse effect
process in which excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat and causes rising global temperatures
coup d'etat
a revolt by a small group intended to overthrow a government
intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than religious ones
mechanism that generates electricity; generator
to exclude from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey Church laws
five-year plan
one of a series of plans instituted by Joseph Stalin to build industry and increase output in the Soviet Union
command economy
economy in which government officials make all basic economic decisions
ruling family
balance of trade
difference between how much a country imports and how much a country exports.
place in which workers and machines are brought together to produce large quantities of goods
large commercial farm owned by multinational corporation
code of conduct for samurai during feudal period in Japan
economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit
fine handwriting
period in the 1970's during which there was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
protection from arrest or from being returned to a dangerous place from which one fled
single unifying spirit of Hindu belief
community characterized by elements such as a system of writing, development of social classes, and cities
member of 1917 Russian revolutionary group
sacred scriptures of Christianity
the rule of people by a dictatorial government that is nationalistic and imperialistic
Muhammmad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622: also spelled hegira
style of European church architecture characterized by pointed arches and flying buttresses
act of genocide by the Nazis during World War II in which more than 6 million Jews died
Holy Land
Palestine, a land holy to Jews, Christains, and Muslims
series of religous wars fought between Christians and Muslims from the late 1000's to the mid-1200's.
form of Japanese poetry that expresses a feeling, thought, or idea in three lines
the code of conduct followed by knights during the Middle Ages
African National Congress
group formed by opponents to apartheid in South Africa that encouraged political activism by blacks.
European Union
expansion of the European Community in the 1980's and 1990's; sometimes abbreviated EU
exact genetic replica
set of beliefs held by those who want to preserve traditional ways
European Commmunity
group of nations established in 1957 to expand free trade in Europe; also called Common Market
domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region
decimal system
number sysytem based on ten
system created by Spanish government in the Americas allowing colonist to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans
instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars.
system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials
Cold War
continuing state of tension and hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union after 1945 because of differences in political and economic philosophies
concentration camp
detention centers institued by Adolf Hitler where Jews and others were starved, shot, or gassed to death
common law
uniform system of justice, developed in England, based on court decisions that became accepted legal principles
Estaes General
a French legislative body made up of clergy, nobles, and common people, such as businesspeople and peasants
the belief that every living and nonliving thing in nature has a spirit.
Allied powers
world war I alliance of Britian, France, and Russia, and later joined by Italy, the United States, and others.
term for autocratic ruler of Russia, Russian word for "Caesar"
community of people who live and work together and hold property in common
attempt to destroy an entire ethnic or religious group
Cold War policy that involved limiting communism to areas already under Soviet control
map maker
wedge-shaped writing formed by pressing a penlike instrument into clay
weathy landowning class
direct democracy
system of government in which citizens participate directly rather than through elected representatives
ethnic cleansing
policy of forcibly removing or killing people of a certain ethnic group
Chinese nationalist party formed by Sun Yixian
holy image of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, or a saint of the Orthodox Christian Church
process of taking over and fencing off land once shared by peasant farmers
commercial revolution
the business revolution that occurred in Europe after the Middle Ages
military dictator in Latin America
the changeover of arable land into desert
English bill of Rights
a set of acts passed by parliment to ensure its superiority over the monarchy and guarantee certain rights to citizens
divine right
belilef that a ruler's authority comes directly from God
word meaning "the dissapeared ones," used to describe the thousands of people in Argentina who dissapeared during the dirty war
Boer War
war occurring from 1989 to 1902 between the British and the Boers, Dutch farmers; it began after the British tried to annex the Boer republics.
Cultural Revolution
program launched in 1966by Moa Zedong to renew loyalty to communismand purge China of nonrevolutionary tendencies.
Common Market
see european community
in feudal Japan, warrior lords who held a place below the shogun
balance of power
distribution of political and economic power that prevents and one nation from becoming to strong.
a single ruler with complete authority
an association of business people; used to refer to the criminal gangs that produce and smuggle drugs internationaly.

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