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Chapter 5-Greece Civilization


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Where were festivals dedicated to Zeus held?
Established the science of physics
king of gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, thunder, and justice
figured out the earth is round
worked on solid geometry and figured out the value of pi
Where does the word "philosophy" come from?
from the Greek word "love of wisdom"
the earliest Greek stories; long poems that told about heroic deeds
An important philosopher in the Greek world during the Hellenistic Era.
written by Sophocles
messenger of the gods; god of commerce, speed, thieves, and trade
He described his vision of the ideal government in his work the Republic
taught the idea of the "golden mean"
goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility
Considered to be the "father of history"
one of the three best- known writers of Greek tradegies
blacksmith to the gods; god of fire and the forges
They developed the art of public speaking and debate.
temple that had a walled roomin their center. Statutes of gods and goddesses and the gifts offered to them were kept in these rooms
goddess of the hearth and home
What big questions did Greek stories ask?
1. What is the nature of good and evil? 2. What rights whould people have? 3. What role do gods play in our lives?
First to establish the principles of geometry.
goddess of wisdom, crafts, and strategic battle
He saw war and politics as the activities of human beings and stressed the importance of having accurate facts.
He rejected the idea of democracy as a form of government.
What a person leaves behind when he or she dies.
A poet who wrote short poems about the beauty of nature.
He divided all governments into three basic types-1.Government by one person (king/queen or tyrant) 2. Government by a few people. 3. Government by many people(democracy)
Socratic Method
A way of teaching by asking pointed questions to force his pupils to use their reson and to see things for themselves.
a set of actions carried out in a fixed way
Happiness cam from following reason, not emotions, and doing your duty.
Greek philosopher that taught his pupils that the universe followed the same laws that governed music and numbers. As a result he developed many new ideas about mathematics-Phthagorean theorem
thought that people should use knowledge to improve themselves.
Wrote a book that organized information about geometry
study stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies
concluded the Earth is round
Avoided worrying by avoiding politics and public service.
A philosophy that happiness was the goal of life. The way to be happy was to seek out pleasure.
god of war, frenzy, hatred, and bloodshed
What was Alexander's legacy?
He helped extend Greek and Macedonian rule over a vast area and spread Greek art, ideas, language, and architecture .
north of Greece. Greeks looked down on these people. Warrior people who fought on horseback.
He believed that philosopher-kings should rule society.
study of the nature and meaning of life; comes from the Greek word for "love of wisdom"
Solid geometry
the study of ball like shapes called spheres and tubelike shapes called cylinders.
What is the Odyssey about?
Tells the story of Odysseus (a Greek hero) and it describes his journey home from the Trojan war. He faces storms, withches and giants before returning to his wife.
What were the Greeks two kinds of dramas?
comedies and tragedies
Did the Greeks believe were more than just stories?
Yes-they looked on the epics as real history.
the most famous Greek mathematician.
The greatest historian of the ancient world.
The Academy
the name of Plato's school where he taught Aristotle.
When and where were Greek plays performed?
In outdoor theaters as part of their religious festivals.
Phillip II
King of Macedonia. built an army to fight and win Greece.
a poet that wrote Iliad and Odyssesy
Expanded knowledge of mathematics and astronomy
What are the three different styles of columns in greek architecture?
Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
A doctor and pioneer of medical science, began to seperate medicine from religion.
Did Greek sculptors copy their subjects exactly?
No-they tried to show their ideal version of perfection and beauty.
one of the three best-known writers of tradegies
mount olympus
thr highest mountain in Greece; 12 most important gods/esses lived on the mountain
He believed observation and comparison were necessary to gain knowledge.
a person struggles to overcome difficulties but fails; result is a unhappy ending
What values did the Greks try to express through their art and architecture?
They wanted people to see reason, moderation , balance, and harmony. They hoped their art and architecture would inspire people to bas their lives on these same ideas.
someone who is not affected by joy or grief
developed by Zeno
a story about a prince of Troy who kidnapped a Sparta wife of the king of Sparta
found pleasure spending time with friends and learning not to worry.
What is the Iliad about?
A prince of Troy kidnaps the wife of the king of Sparta. The Greeks are mad so they attack Troy. The battle last for 10ys. Then they build the big wooden horse and the warriors hide inside. The Trojans think it is a gift from the Greeks and roll it inside. At night the Greeks climb out and capture the city of Troy.
Wrote the history of the Persian Wars.
He wrote over 200 books on philosophy and science.
What were the first Greek colums carved of?
Wood, then later on marble
an astronomer who was in charge of the library at Alexandria.
designed catapults-machines that hurled arrows, spears, and rocks
a greek slave that made up famous fables
He tried to seperate fact from legend his history does use gods and goddesses to explain some events.
goddess of the hunt, of maidens, and the moon
What was the most important type of building in ancient Greece?
was the temple- Example Parthenon
Established that Earth revolves around the sun
What contributions did Greek drama have on today?
It started out with only one actor giving speeches and a chorus that sung songs describing events. Then it lead to two actors with conflict. Costumes, props and stage decorations are contripbuted the Greek drama. Later 3 actors were used as well as a backdrop.
Hellenistic Era
It refers to a time when the Greek language and Greek ideas spread to the non-Greek people of southwest Asia.
What did Greek are and architecture express?
The Greeks ideas of beauty and harmony.
What was the purpose of the Parthenon?
It was a temple to Athena-Treasure room held the city's gold. Festval held by citizens to honor Athenea every 4 years.
Explained the lever and compound pulley
Which Greek drama has a happy ending?
He believed that there WAS an absolute right and wrong.
City built by Alexander the Great as the center for business and trade. It became one of the most important cities in the ancient world.
What was the favorite subject of Greek artist?
the human body
queen of gods and of the heavens; goddess of women, marriage, and motherhood
a story told by actors who pretend to be the characters in a story
ends happy
a short tale that teaches a lesson
perdictions about the future
Who was the twin sister of Apollo?
Were Greek actors men and women?
No-only men were actors in Greek theater. They even played the womens parts. They wore costumes and held up large mask to tell the audience what character they were(aking, soldier, or god)
He created the Socratic Method of teaching
Why did the Greeks have rituals and festivals for their gods and goddesses?
Because Greeks sought their gods' favor. They would pray to them and bring them gifts in hopes they would grant them good fortune.
Before Herodotus, how did Greeks explain the past?
Legends and myths explained their pasts.
Alexander the Great
His conquest helped to spread Greek culture.
Be able to identify the 3 types of greek columns
see pictures
Did the greeks believe in an afterlife?
Yes-you would go to a gloomy world beneath the earth ruled by Hades.
used his knowledge of geometry and astronomy to measure Earth's circumference-the distance around the Earth.
What are the characteristics of a fable?
A short tale that teaches a lesson. Animals talk and act like people. Funny stories the point out human flaws as well as strengths. Each fable ends with a message, or moral.
and astronomer from Samos, claimed that the sun was at the center of the universe and that Earth circled around the sun
goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons
They believe there is NO absolute right or wrong.
An important philosopher in the Greek world during the Hellenistic Era
How were illnesses and injuries treated before Hippocrates?
In temples priests treated patients with herbs, prayer and made sacrfices to the gods as part of the healing process.
He stressed the importance to look at a persons body and symptoms to find out what was wrong. Also taught healthy diet important. Made his students promis never to harm and always to care for their patients.
Greek thinkers who believed the human mind could understand everything.
Created a system to explain how planets and stars move
What were the first great epics of early Greece?
The Iliad and the Odyssey
What epic included the story of the Trojan horse?
Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
The poet Homer-he based them on stories of war between Greece and the city of Troy.
lord of the sea; god of the seas, earthquakes, created horses
The Lyceum
the name of Aristotle's school when he returned to Athens after Plato's death.
What did Homers stories teach?
courage,honor, loyalty to family and friends, value husband and wife relationship, Homers heros became role models for Greek boys.
traditional stories about gods and heroes;expressed the greeks religious beliefs
How did Aristotle's view on governments affect the US?
The founders of the United States Constitution tried to create a mixed government that balanced the different types Aristotle identified.
professional teachers in ancient Greece who traveled from city to city teaching others.
the first great epics; tells the story of Odysseus
Which Greek drama has an unhappy ending?
the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era
How did Philip II of Macedonia feel about the Greeks?
He admired everything about them-their art, their ideas and their armies.
where the Temple of Apollo was located
the sun god; god of light, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, archery and truth
a sacred shrien where a priest/ess spoke for a god or goddess
Plane geometry
a branch of mathematics that shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to one another.
Who were the best known Greek tragedies writers?
Sophocles and Euripides

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