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Black former slaves who moved westward
Push-Pull factors
Events and conditions that force ppl to move elsewhere or strongly attract them to do so.
Poll Tax
special fee that must be paid before voting
open area beneath a ships deck
Morrill Land Grant Act
Gave land to colleges who specialize in agriculture and mechanical arts. E.x. MSU
William Jennings Bryan Speech
Cross of Gold
infectious music started in New Orleans
drop in prices on goods b/c of the money supply
Gilded Age
term coined by MARK TWAIN to describe Reconstruction era
National Association for the Advancement of Colored Ppl
partial refunds to favored customers
political Machine
unofficial city org. designed to keep a group in power
Battle of Little Big Horn
Souix chief, Red Cloud, singed treaty after Col. Fetterman died
Rural Free Delivery
(Boss Tweed) uses one's job to gain profit
Study of how ppl interact in society
Bland - Allison Act
Act to increase the use of silver. Pres. Hayes voted the bill
Civil Service
Gov. non-elected workers a person must take a civil service test to get certain Gov. jobs
Booker T. Washington
Tuskee Institute for Blacks
1st magazines
McClures, Cosmopolitan, and Mansey's
"The Golden Door" Ellis Island
inexpensive variety show of comedy, song, dance, magic, etc.
The Grange
(Patrons of Husbandry)
bonanza farm
Farm controlled by large businesses, managed by pro's
temperance Movement
organized campaign to eliminate alcohol consumption
bimetallic standard
currency based on gold and silver
ban on alcohol
immoral or corrupt behavior
High tariffs and laissez faire
Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Clevland, Harrison and McKinley
Ghost Dance
where ppl join hands and whirl in a circle and called spirits of the dead
Non-treaty Souix
Killed Custer at Little Big Horn, Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse were leaders
murders by mobs
ability to read and write
Massacre at Wounded Knee
7th Cavalry killed Sitting Bull and 200 others
ppl that move from place to place following food
Yellow Journalism
sensational news coverage that's not always true
Great Plains
Vast grassland locates between Miss. River and the Rocky Mtn's
violent massacre of Jews in Russia
Homestead Act
Signed by Lincoln, gave away 160 acres, had to be 21, a citizen, or applying for citizenship. Had to build a house on the land and live in it for 6 months, and after 5 months it was theirs
Pres. McKinley
Assasinated by an anarchist Leon Czolgosz
one society becomes a part of another more dominated society by adopting its culture
whites who stake claims on 2 mill. acres of indian res. land on April 22, 1889, in Oklahoma
Jim Crow
laws that discriminated against Blacks
Laissez Faire
hands off economic matters by the Gov.
George Catlin
famous artist of the Native American culture. Buffalo Chase & Single Death
Fed. land set aside for Indians
Spoils system
elected officials appointing friends and supporters to gov. jobs
resident communities surrounding cities
rural political party also called the PPL's party
Chinese Exclusion Act
prevented China laborers from entering very racist and not repeated until 1943
Dry Farming
planting crops that don't need a lot of water
Settlement Houses
community center that offered social services to the poor
ppl who give donations to a good cause
Pacific Railway Act
Gov. gave away 175 mill. acres of land to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific R.R's
Dawe Act
divided Res. land into individual plots
Long Drive
herding thousands of cattle to railway centers scattered across the great plains. Abeline, Texas, & Dodge City and Witchita Kansas
Frederic Remington
famous western painter known for painting COWBOY life
exaggerated or oversimpliffied description of realtiy

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