Brazee Midterm
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- Crusades were due to
- Constantinople being attacked by the Seljuks
- Homer's legacy to the Greeks
- Iliad & Odyssey/ courage and honor
- According to Islamic belief
- Allah sent his final message though Muhammad
- Spartan society based on
- military
- True statement about manors
- foundation of feudalism
- Earliest Aegean civilization located on
- Crete
- Greek cavalry replaced by
- Hoplites
- Roman government
- started out as monarchy then to republic
- Factor contributing to the role of the family in Chinese life
- labor/take care of the elders
- Basic message of Jesus
- love God and one another
- During the old Stone Age, people supported themselves through
- hunting and gathering
- Earliest Hominoids came from
- Africa
- Koran came from
- revelations given to Muhammad
- Not a characteristic of gothic churches
- thick wall, few windows, etc.
- Justinian's Code of Law became the basis for
- Civil law
- Accomplished by monasteries
- served as centers of teaching
- Eastern roman empire became known as
- Byzantium
- Conversation between Confucius and his disciples
- Analects
- Roman literature reached its highpoint during
- Augustus
- Chinese Civilization began on
- Yangtze, Huang He (Chang Jiang, Yellow)
- Defenders of the plebs
- tribunes
- Not true of medieval cities or towns
- self-sufficient
- Theoretical purpose of Jihad
- strive for the way of god
- Primary source of food for China
- Rice
- Set up by Octavian to protect himself
- praetorian guards
- Chief officer for leading the army and running the government
- counsel
- Great Schism
- split in the church and 3 popes
- Religion characterized by
- rituals
- As empire prospered
- gap between the rich and the poor increased
- Alexander accomplished all except for
- restoring freedom
- Land that provided the vassals' economic support
- fiefs
- Purpose of mummification
- prepare the dead for the after life
- The Black death was spread by
- Rats and fleas
- Belief that the universe is divided into 2 forces
- Yin (moon, woman, dark) and Yang (sun, male, light)
- Julius Cesar
- assassinated by the senate
- True of Shang government
- King is the intermediate between heaven and earth
- Double diadem
- unification of upper and lower Egypt
- Priest cast was called
- Brahman
- Greatest epic poet
- Virgil
- Roman catholic church based primacy upon
- Jesus giving Peter the keys to the church
- Not true of scholasticism
- [true-Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas]
- Dharma applied to who
- everyone
- Leading cultural center
- Alexandria
- Third Punic war resulted in
- destruction of cartage
- Principle of Filial Piety
- family members subordinate needs to male
- Cast System applied to who
- everyone
- Gender relations
- male dominated
- Olympic games honored
- Zeus
- Athenian who gave funeral orations
- Pericles
- Goal of Hindus
- union with Brahma
- People who has the greatest influence on republican Rome
- Greeks
- Refers to the impact of one's actions on a later life
- Karma
- General who started new military system; soldiers loyal to the general
- Gaius Marius
- Primary contribution of Arab scholarship
- preserve science and philosophy
- Second Punic war, Rome won
- Spain
- Gladiator games purpose
- prevent revolts, keep citizens occupied
- Describes Harrapan civilization
- economy based on trade
- Traditional Roman religion based on
- proper rituals
- Modern idea of Confucius
- Democracy
- Agriculture included all except
- slave labor
- Army of Occupation driven out of India
- Greeks
- First Mesopotamian civilization
- Sumer
- Earliest Vedas
- Rig Vedas
- Motives of the Crusades
- Gold, Glory, God
- Flooding of the Nile produced
- fertile land
- From republic to empire, paterfamilias power
- decreased
- Early legends and tales use for
- teaching, morals, values, and virtues
- Mesopotamian religion, influenced by
- surroundings/environment/river
- Characteristics of Egyptian Civilization
- had a sense of stability/security/changelessness/repetition
- Key figure in the spread of Christianity
- Paul/Saul
- Revolutionized warfare
- stirrups
- Vassal were supported by
- fiefs
- Muhammad's teachings
- not just a religion, it's a way of life
- The Jihad grew out of
- the practice of tribal raids
- Idea of Mandate of Heaven
- Zhou's reason for conquering Shang
- First Punic war fought over
- Sicily
- Longest Dynasty
- Zhou
- Dao
- "the way"
- Aristocratic governing class
- patricians
- Large joint families/kin groups of India
- Jati
- Roman slaves, revolt led by
- Spartacus
- To figure out the will of the gods, Greeks used
- oracles
- Euripides plays
- created more realistic characters w/complex plots, questions morals, religion
- Belief that you have to force people to behave through law
- Legalism
- Aeschylus known for
- Tragedies