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Volcanoes and Earth Beginning


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Who thought of the idea of Plate Tectonics and in what year?
Alfred Wagener 1915
Where were matching rock types found?
South America and Africa
What was the name of the "supercontinent" that was originally all continents together?
What is the name of the longest mountain range on the planet and how long is it?
Mid-Ocean Ridge; 46,000 miles long
What is subduction?
the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, sinking into the Earth's mantle, as the plates converge
What are earthquakes?
Vibration of the earth's crust due to the sudden release of energy typically due to slippage along a fault
What is seismology?
Study of measuring earthquakes
Device used to measure earthquakes
About how many earthquakes a year can be felt?
30,000 a year, 75 major ones usually in remote locations
Where do most earthquakes occur?
Continent-Ocean Convergent
Ocean-Ocean Convergent
Continent-continent converg.

What is an example of continent-ocean convergent fault line where earthquakes occur?
West Coast and South America
What is an example of ocean-ocean convergent fault line where earthquakes occur?
Aceutian Islands and Japan
What is an example of continent-continent convergent fault line where earthquakes occur?
Turkey and Pakistan
What is an example of Transform fault line where earthquakes occur?
San Andreas fault
What is an example of Divergent fault line where earthquakes occur?
Any mid-ocean ridge
What is the "focus" of the earthquake?
Point on the fault where the rupture occurs
What is the epicenter of the earthquake?
The point on the Earth's surface ABOVE the focus
Small quakes as stress builds along the fault (comes before the quake)
What are the three waves of earthquakes?
Energy wave (Primary or compression wave)

Secondary wave (Shear wave)

Surface wave

Which wave of earthquakes is characterized by: small amplitude, travels fast through ground, through both solid and liquid, and ground motion is same direction as wave
Energy wave or primary wave
Which wave of earthquakes is characterized by: Slowest, knocks down buildings, and surface of waves cause damage
Surface wave
Which Earthquake wave is characterized by: Only travels through solids, waves are perpendicular to wave travel
S-wave (Secondary or shear)
Who developed the magnitude scale and in what year?
Meralli 1902
How does the Richter scale measure earthquakes?
Uses aptitude of the largest seismic wave and distance to the epicenter. MEASURES UP TO 8 NO HIGHER
How does the richter scale convert motion?
For every 1 whole number on the scale, ground motion increases times 10
What is the Moment Scale used for?
"Great" earthquakes greater than or equal to 8
What are two examples of "Great" earthquakes?
9.6 Chile earthquake in 1960
Good Friday earthquake 9.2
What does the destruction of earthquakes depend on?
1. Type of construction of the structure

2. Type of ground the structure is built on

3. Proximity to and intensity of the quake

What is liquification?
Loss of cohesion in unconsolidated sediments
What is a tsunami?
due to the vertical motion of the sea floor during an earthquake (or underwater landslide)
As tsunamis approach shore,
speeds slows down and height increases
underwater earthquakes NOT TIDES
Three predictors of earthquakes:
known history
known cyclicality

What is a volcano?
A mountain made from the eruption of volcanic material (lava, rock, dust, ash) that is forced up to the surface through a crack in the crust
How many volcanoes occur along plate boundaries or at Hot Spots?
about 800
What is the margin of the Pacific Ocean called?
Ring of Fire
Most volcanoes occur along:
Ocean-Continent convergent
Ocean-Ocean convergent

What is an example of an ocean-ocean convergent volcano area?
Andes Mountains
What is an example of an ocean-ocean convergent volcano
Caribbean islands, japan, Aleutian islands, Indonesia

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