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Fall Exam- Science Vocab

Some terms to help understand the key points on the Fall Science Exam, according to the study guide handed out in class.


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Radioactive Dating
used to determine age of rocks by comparing parent and daughter material of an isotope
rare and beautiful minerals, some with industrial applications (ex: rabies-laser, diamonds-cutting, quartz- watches)
mineral grains line up in parallel layers (ex: slate, gneiss)
amount of matter in an object
Fossil Clues
evidence of continental drift that is supported by fossils found on different continents and suggests that they could not have crossed the ocean to the other continent
Transform Boundary
two plates slide past each other (ex: San Andres Fault)
opening through which magma reaches Earth's surface and flows out
Internal Structure of an Atom
made of protons, neutrons, and electrons--- protons and neutrons-nucleus, electrons-electron cloud
the amount of gravitational pull on an object
Igneous Rock
formed when magma and lava cool (ex: Granite, Basalt, Pumice, Obsidian, Gabbro)
Extrusive Rocks
rocks form from lava as it cools on Earth's surface (ex: Basalt, Scoria, Pumice, Obsidian); smaller grains
result from the buildup of energy in rocks by passing the elastic limit and moving along faults
Basaltic Rocks
dense-dark colored rocks; form from magma rich in iron and magnesium and poor in silica; Basaltic lava flows freely from volcanoes
how its measured- meters
Inner Core
hottest, innermost layer of Earth that is made of solid iron and nickel
Intrusive Rocks
rocks form from magma below the surface (ex:Gabbro, Granite); large grained
gaps in rock record; can be angular, non, or dis
classification of sedimentary rocks that are made from broken fragments of other rocks (ex: conglomerate, breccia, sandstone)
Outer Core
secondmost layer of Earth, made of liquid iron and nickel
Index Fossils
fossil of a now extinct animal that ws abundunt and geographically widespread during its short period of life; can be used to tell age by comparing how old the fossil is in a rock layer
Sedimentary Rocks
forms when sediments are pressed and cemented together, or when minerals form from solutions
Earth Science
one area of specific study of Earth and space
how its measured- liters
Dependent Variable
the variable being measured (ex: how clean the clothes are)
Tension Forces
make rocks move along faults by causing rocks to be pulled apart, causing a normal fault
atoms are fixed in position relative to each other
Boiling Points
212 F, 100 C, 373 K
formed when sediments wash into a mold (ex: sea shells)
variable that does not change (ex: type of washer)
Idea of Continental Drift
theory proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912 stating that the continents have moved slowly to their current positions
Shear Forces
make rocks move along faults by pushing on rock in opposite horizontal directions; the forces can split rock and create strike-slip faults
electrons can escape and move outside of the atom's electron cloud; most common state of matter
mixture of minerals, volcanic glass, or other material
follows five characteristics that all minerals share
Divergent Boundary
two plates moving apart (ex: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Great Rift Valley)
magma is pushed up and is formed in a mushroom- dome shape
Granitic Rocks
light-colored rocks of lower density; contain lots of silica but less iron and magnesium
Conditions for Fossils to Form
1. buried quickly by sediments, 2. has many hard parts, 3. protected from scavengers
Absolute Zero
-459 F, -273 C, 0 K
Lower Mantle
third layer of Earth, made of molten rock
Puzzle-Like Fit
clue to continental drift that is supported by the continents having a puzzle-like fit with each other
Reverse Faults
rock above the surface is forced up and over the rock below the fault surface
atoms have almost attractive force on each other, so atoms move freely and will fill the entire container they are placed in
Carbon Film
carbon residue forms a silhouette of the original organism (ex: fern leaf in coal)
Trace Fossil
evidence of organism of activities (ex: footprint, dinosaur tracks, coprolites)
horizontal layer of magma
Four States of Matter
solid, liquid, gas, plasma
Formation of Pangaea
continents put together in one large landmass
Homogeneous Mixture
compounds evenly mixed; can't see individual components; also called solution
Igneous Intrusions
sill, dike, laccolith, batholith
how its measured- Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
Rock Clues
similar rock structures are found on different continents, suggesting they were once connected (ex:mountains similar to Appalachians found in Greenland)
Climate Clues
cluse to continental drift suggesting that the continents once had similar climates (suggested by glaciers in South America, Africa)
Seafloor Spreading
theory proposed by Harry Hess in the 1960's that stated hot, less dense material below Earth's crust rises towards the surface at mid-ocean ridges, then flows sideways carrying the seafloor away from the ridge in both directions; magma is then forced upward and cools to form new seafloor
classification of sedimentary rocks that are formed when dissolved minerals come out of a solution (ex: limestone, rock salt)
Metamorphic Rocks
rocks that have changed because of changes in temperature and pressure or the presince of hot, watery fluids; classified as foliated or nonfoliated
Compression Forces
make rocks move along faults by squeezing rocks, and the forces can break the rocks pushing from opposite directions causing a reverse fault
Strike-Slip Faults
rocks on either side of the fault are moving past each other without much upward or downward movement
Non Foliated
mineral grains grow and rearrange but do not line up in parallel layers
vertical layer of magma
atoms are attracted to each other, but can change positions with each other; least common state of matter
Freezing Points
32 F, 0 C, 273 K
Crystal Shapes
cubic (isometric), hexagonal, tetragonal, monoclinic, triclinic, orthorombic
made of bottom part of upper mantle-plates move on this layer, plates move on convection currents
Independent Variables
the variable that you change (ex: amount of detergent)
minerals containing a substance that can be mined at a profit
how its measured- grams
magma is pushed up and is formed in a large, wide shape
formed when two plates slide past each other and one suddenly slips past one another at a transform boundary
when atoms of more than one element are chemically combined (ex: H2O, NaCl)
Permineralized Remains
type of fossil formation where the spaces inside minerals are filled with minerals from groundwater (ex: petrified wood, dinosaur bones)
anything that has mass and takes up space
Plates of the Lithosphere
move along the asthenosphere
Physical Properties to Identify Minerals
color, luster, fracture/cleavage, hardness, specific gravity, double image/magnetic/other properties
steep-walled depression around a vent
made of crust and rigid upper mantle
a process of observing, , studying, and thinking about things to gain knowledge and better understand the world
Alpha Decay
two protons and two neutrons leave an atom, causing it to decay or break down into daughter material
Absolute Dating
dating a rock's age in years of a rock or other object; determined by properties of atoms
formed when plates collide at a convergent boundary
Scientific Method
identify a problem, gather information, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, draw conclusions
Heterogeneous Mixture
components not evenly mixed; each component retains own properties
Relative Dating
dating by comparing how old something is with something else
atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
standard to which results can be compared (ex: normal load)
two or more substances are not chemically combined
Original Remains
reserved in amber, ice, or tar (ex: insect in amber)
thin layer above upper mantle, where life on Earth happens (part of lithosphere)
Upper Mantle
fourth layer of Earth, (RUM part of lithosphere, other asthenosphere)
classification of sedimentary rocks that are formed from the remains of once-living things (ex: limestone)
Five Characteristics all Minerals Share
solids, inorganic, naturally occurring, crystalline solids, have an orderly arrangement of atoms
Age Clues
supports seafloor spreading by stating that younger rocks are near mid-ocean ridges and rocks get older towards the continents
Normal Faults
rock above the fault surface moves downward in relation to rock below the fault surface
Beta Decay
one electron leaves the atom
Two Ways Minerals Form
when magma cools or from solutions (if water evaporates or too much of one substance is dissolved in water)
Mohs Scale of Hardness
1. Talc, 2. Gypsum, 3. Calcite, 4. Fluorite, 5. Apatite, 6. Feldspar, 7. Quartz, 8. Topaz, 9. Corundum, 10. Diamond
Magnetic Clues
supports seafloor spreading by recorded magnetic reversals in rocks forming along mid-ocean ridges
Convergent Boundary
two plates moving together (ex: subduction zones, volcanoes, deep-sea trench)
Dating Rock Layers
principle of superposition, comparing age of fossils in layers to other layers

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