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American History-Southgate High School


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Cpt. 10 1900
Factors that led to imperialism around the world
Economic -Europe's need for more natural resources
Nationalism- Competition for large empires
Military-technology produced superior armies and navies in Europe
Humanitarian-need to help others more needy with missionaries to spread the Western civilization of law, medicine, and Christian religion
Cpt. 10 1898
List the events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War
-Riots and revolutions in Cuba caused President to move U.S. ships there to protect U.S. interests
-De Lome letter-a letter from the Spanish Ambassador that said McKinley, U.S. President was weak
-Explosion that sunk the U.S.S. Maine battleship near Cuba
-Rebellion in the Philippines (owned by Spain)
-rejection of McKinley's attempt to settle things peacefully
Cpt. 10 1898
What was the importance of the Rough Riders?
-A group of U.S. soldiers who were regular men from different backgrounds that fought in the Philippines at the first battle San Juan Hill. This became the most famous battle of the war
Cpt. 10 1900
Evalute the Platt Amendment as an international document
Platt Amendment gave the U.S. permission to have military bases in Cuba and to intervene whenever necessary in Cuba.
This amendment involved two nations, so it was international.
It also used the idea that U.S. uses today with bases in other countries.
Cpt. 10 1899
Importance of maintaining an "open door policy"
Gave the United States access to sell things to other countries (China)
Cpt. 10 1903
President Roosevelt's policies regarding Panama Canal
U.S. wanted a canal through Panama to connect the two oceans for trade and military speed.
Roosevelt told the Panama French leaders that he would not interfere with the revolution, if they won and sold the U.S. rights to build a canal.
Cpt. 10 1905
Roosevelt Corollary
This was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine that said the U.S. has a responsibility to help other nations, but the Corollary said that U.S. would only intervene if nexessary to keep other countries stable, orderly and prosperous
Cpt. 10 1908
Compare Roosevelt and Taft's foreign policy
Roosevelt was agressive in working with other nations to strengthen U.S.power in the world and the U.S. economy
Taft kept much of what Roosevelt's Open Door Policy, but rather than sending military over to help other countries, Taft believed in building U.S. business in other countries to make the U.S. economy stronger.
Cpt. 10 1907
Purpose for the Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet of U.S. navy shops sailing around the world was to show the U.S. navy's power and strength to the world.
Cpt. 10 Define these words:
compulsory service
dollar diplomacy
jingoism-using patriotism (believing in your country) to get people to believe in need for war
arbitration-a middle man helps solve a problem between two countries
compulsory service- or a draft is a requirement to serve in the military
dollar diplomacy-using diplomacy (agreements between two countries) to protect U.S. interests in other countries (a type of foreign policy)
Cpt. 11 1906
Origins and goals of progressivism
Progressives came from the {Populists who believed changing things and keeping tight rules for people).
Their goals were that the government should:
-be accountable to citizens
-stop the power of the
rich on the government
-have more power to
improve lives of citizens
-become more efficient and
honest to handle these
new responsibilities.
Cpt. 11 1912
Explain the unique nature of the 1912 Presidential election
There were 4 people running for President and with the Republicans dividing their vote between Taft and Roosevelt, the Democrats got the most votes and Woodrow Wilson was elected
Cpt. 11 1848-1920
Two different schools (ways of thinking) about women's suffrage (women's right to vote)
1) The people against it thought women would become to masculine, be controlled by politicians, and not take care of their homes and that women did not really want to vote
2) Others believed that women had the right to vote, that they should be equal citizens with men and have the right to choose their leaders
Cpt. 11 1913
Wilson's legislative reform of the banking system
The Federal Reserve Act had central banks, the center for a group of banks. Every bank had to become part of the Federal Reserve bank and to put some money in it. Banks could then borrow from this bank. This was to keep the banks from crashing.
Cpt. 11 1900
What was the goal of NCL
Nsational Consumer's League wanted to make child labor illegal, and protect workers, especially women
Cpt. 11 1872
Evaluae civil disobedience as a way to change things
Civil disobedience is a non-violent protest to change rules or laws. For example, protesting working in dangerous conditions can make the owners change things for the workers
Cpt. 11
Define Muckraker, 18th Amendment, 19th Amendment, injunction, Upton Sinclair, Bull Moose Party, Susan B. Anthony
Muckraker-tells people about things that are wrong in the government and business
18th Amendment-Prohibition-alcohol became illegal
19th Amendment-women got right to vote
Upton Sinclair-wrote "The Jungle" that told about how things were wrong in the meat packing businesses
Bull Moose Party-political party of 1912 election that supporte women voting, reducing taxes, regulation of business, stoppping child labor.
Susan B. Anthony-leader for women suffrage or right to vote
Cpt. 12 1914
Main causes of WWI
-Imperialism-wanting more colonies
-Militarism-having large powerful armies
-Nationalism-Countries do what is best for their country
-Alliances-Countries in Europe got into groups to work together, but against other groups
Cpt. 12 1914-1917
Differences in war technology changed the way war was fought
War used to be fought man to man but inventions changed the war
firepower-could shoot from a distance at more than one man
posion gas-could throw it and kill many soldiers
bombs-blew up many.
The war wasn't personal anymore, you just "killed" people
Cpt. 12 1914-1917
Allied and Central Powers
ALlied Powers were: Russia, France, Britain, Japan, China, Italy, U.S. and many other little countries
The Central Powers were:
AUstria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
Cpt. 12 1916
Reasons for unrestricted submarine warfare
Unrestricted meant the submarines could shoot at any ship, the purpose for this (Germany said) was to keep the U.S. out of the war.
Cpt. 12 1916
Three events that led U.S closer to war
Zimmermann Note-said that Germany told Mexico that if they attacked America, Germany would give U.S. land to Mexico.
Russian Revolution-When the czar (leader) was overthrown, then Russia joined the Allies in the war
Germany sank 3 U.S. ships and President Wilson lost patience with Germany
Cpt. 12 1917 Constitutionality of the Selective Service Act
Some believed it took away their freedom of religion because they didn't believe in fighting, but the Supreme Court voted it was constitutional.
Cpt. 12 1917
Explain the convoy system
Sending unarmed ships in a group surrounded by armed navy ships to protect them from attacks. It worked very well.
Cpt. 12 1919
America's view toward the League of Nations
Wilson developed the idea of the League of Nations where all countries worked together to keep world peace. Congress said no because it didn't want the U.S. to be involved in foreign wars.
Cpt. 12 Define: Archduke Ferdinand, stalemate, autocrat, armistice, genocide, reparation, Versailles Treaty
Archduke Ferdinand-his assasination in Hungary was one of the causes of WWI
stalemate-when neither side in a battle will give in a little
autocrat-leader with ALL the power over a country
armistice-temporary peace agreement
genocide-killing of a racial, political, or cultural group
reparation0-payment given for damage done (Germany had to pay this after starting WWI)
Versaille Treaty-the Treaty following WWI that made Germany pay money or reparation for the war.
Cpt. 13 1920
Characteristics of Flappers and what they represented
Flappers stood for revolution or change in women
Flappers were rebellious, full of energy, fun-loving and bold. They dressed in tight skirts, smoked, drank, went out and partied, and didn't follow the rules for women
Cpt. 13 1920
Reason for demographic shift in America
People moved from country to the city for work and opportunity
Cpt. 13 1920s
Why were heroes of the day so important
Heroes represented the idea of adventure and daring of the early pioneers and made America remember who they were and what they had been
Cpt. 13 1920s
Reason for a national culture emergence in America
Mass media (newspapers, radio, movies) changed the way America lived. People could learn about others across the country through mass media.
Cpt. 13 1920s
Origins of jazz
African Americans had moved to the northern cities and jazz came from the music of the south, espeically ragtime and blues
Cpt. 13 1920s
Explain the philosophy of the Lost Generation
Group of writers who didn't want to "own things", but wanted to live without material possessions...nature lovers, artists, poets.
Cpt. 13 1925
Identify and explain two opposing sides in the Scopes Trial
Scopes Trial was when a teacher taught about evolution.
Some believed that the Bible was right in saying that man was created by God, in his image.
Other group believed that man came originally from monekys and only changes in the make-up made us humans. They also believed that Blacks were less developed than the whites and weren't as smart.
Cpt. 13 1920s
Philosophy of Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey believed that the only way African Americans could get better was to have a new homeland (in Africa). He bough a ship and wanted all African Americans to go back to Africa with him and create a new home. He believed this was the only way they could get self-respect and economic power.
Cpt. 13 Define Barrio, Charles Lindberg, improvisation, bootlegger, Al Capone
Barrio-a neighborhood where people of the same culture or race lived
Charles LindbCpt. 13 erg-flew his plane across the Atlantic Ocean
improvisation-movement in dance that is created spontaneously (without planning)
bootlegger-bought and sold alcohol illegally during Prohibtion
Al Capone-famous mob boss during Prohibition that commited crimes
Cpt. 14
Events that caused the Red Scare
Revolution in Russia-led to a Communist government in Russia
Strikes in U.S.-people thought Communists were leading them
Bomb scares-bombs sent to famous people and politicians
Cpt. 14 1919
Significance of Schenck v U.S., Gitlow v. New York and Socco and Venzetti
Schenck v US- and GItlow V NY, etc were to decide if free speech was violated when the government said talking against the US going to war. Court said NO
Cpt. 14 1918-1921
Constitutionality of Palmer Raids
Palmer Raids-thousands of people in the U.S. were arrested because government thought they were Communists. This was a violation of their rights because there was no proof.
Cpt. 14 1921
Teapot Dome Scandal and President Harding's involvement
President Harding's men in his cabinet cheated and had millions of dollars through illegal acts.
The Teapot Dome was when the Secretary of State, Fall, talked the Navy secretary into giving him control of the navy oil reserves. Fall then gave them to private people who made money and gave a large part of it to Fall. He was convicted and went to jail
Cpt. 14 1927
Explain the Kellog-Briand Pact and an international enforced law
The Kellog-Briand Pact said that it was against the law for the U.S. and France to go to war against each other. It didn't stop the war, but became the start of the international understanding that war against another country was illegal.
Cpt. 14
What is a consumer economy
An economy that is based on consumers buying and business making what the consumer wants or needs
Cpt. 14
What is the link between a consumer and buying on credit
Consumers need or want something and to get it they buy it now and pay for it later. This concept happened after WWI.
ECpt. 14 1913
valuate Ford as an inventor of goods
Henry Ford did not invent cars, but developed the assembly line that allowed cars to become available for many people. He invented things for the common people.
Cpt. 14
Define: foreign policy, disarmament, quota, Laissez-Faire, GNP, assembly line, buying on margin
foreign policy-how one country interacts with another country
disarmament-getting rid of war weapons
quota-a limit set on something such as the number of immigrants allowed in a country
Laissez-Faire-the belief thata government should not have control over a nation's economy
GNP-gross national product which is the total amount of goods and services a country produces in one year
assembly line- arramgement where the final product is made in stages with people doing one part then passing it on to the next person to do the next part
buying on margin-buying tock with borrowed money
Cpt. 15 1929
Business cycle and its relationship to the Great Depression
Business cycle is when a business has good times and bad times based on the economy. The business cycles of many business were at a bad point that helped lead to the Great Depression
Cpt. 15 1930
Who were the hardest hit by the Great Depression?
The American poor were the hardest hit, then the American workers
Cpt. 15 1933-1945
Goal of the Dorthea Lange
Dorthea Lange wanted to photograph the poverty and suffering of American people during the Great Depression and WWII
Cpt. 15 1929-1933
How did America pull together during the Great Depression
Americans reached out and helped each other during the Great Depression. Groups and individuals provided food and shelter and shared what they had with strangers to help them
Cpt. 15 1933
Goal of 21st Amendment
21st Amendment made it legal to make and drink alcohol. The purpose of this was to improve the economy and to give people more freedom and encouragement
Cpt. 15 1930
What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
This tariff increased the tariff to the highest level. It was supposed to help farmers sell products, but it ended up harming the farmers and making people angry in 1930 when it was passed
Cpt. 15 1932
Effect of the Bonus Army March
WWI veterans marched on Washington demanding their promised bonuses from the government. Many were hurt and killed, but eventually they got their bonuses.
Cpt. 15 1930-31
Define Hooverville and Dust Bowl
Hooverville-small shacks built near each other where families lived during the Depression
Dust Bowl-area in the midwest where there wasn't any rain and the dust flew around. This meant there was no food planted by farmers and it was during the Great Depression

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